



package pool

This library provides classes for dealing with object pooling that allow:


In order create a new io.github.andrebeat.pool.Pool the constructor method should be used like so

scala> val pool = Pool(4, () => new Object)
pool: io.github.andrebeat.pool.SimplePool[Object] = _
scala> val lease = pool.acquire()
lease: io.github.andrebeat.pool.Lease[Object] = _
scala> lease.release()

Additionally, in order to avoid manually releasing the lease after its used, you can use the use method on the lease:

scala> val pool = Pool(4, () => new Object)
pool: io.github.andrebeat.pool.SimplePool[Object] = _
scala> val lease = pool.acquire()
lease: io.github.andrebeat.pool.Lease[Object] = _
scala> lease(println) // the lease is released automatically after its used
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. pool
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class ArrayBlockingQueuePool[A <: AnyRef] extends Pool[A]


    A generic object pooling implementation based on java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.

    A generic object pooling implementation based on java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue. This implementation relies on the thread-safety and blocking/non-blocking mechanisms of the underlying data structure to implement the pool interface. Furthermore, for synchronization and tracking of live instances an java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger is used. No locks are used in this implementation.

    The type of items inserted in the queue must implement the Item interface. This class defines methods for consuming the item (e.g. disposing of any resources associated with it) and a method that's called whenever an item is successfully inserted into the queue (useful for triggering a side-effect). This class is also responsible for dealing with the reference type that's wrapping the value (i.e. ensure calling its destructor if the value is defined).

  2. class ExpiringPool[A <: AnyRef] extends ArrayBlockingQueuePool[A]


    An object pool that creates the objects as needed until a maximum number of objects has been created and automatically evicts objects after they have been idle for a given amount of time.

  3. trait Lease[A <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef


    A lease on an object requested from a io.github.andrebeat.pool.Pool allowing the object to be accessed and then released back to the pool when no longer needed.

    A lease on an object requested from a io.github.andrebeat.pool.Pool allowing the object to be accessed and then released back to the pool when no longer needed.


    the type of object stored in this lease

  4. trait Pool[A <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef


    A pool of objects that may be leased.

    A pool of objects that may be leased. It is expected that all implementations of this trait are thread-safe.


    the type of object to pool

  5. sealed trait ReferenceType extends AnyRef


    An enum-type for Java reference types.

  6. class SimplePool[A <: AnyRef] extends ArrayBlockingQueuePool[A]


    A simple object pool that creates the objects as needed until a maximum number of objects has been created.

Value Members

  1. object ExpiringPool


    Object containing factory methods for io.github.andrebeat.pool.ExpiringPool.

  2. object Pool


    Object containing factory methods for io.github.andrebeat.pool.Pool.

  3. object ReferenceType

  4. object SimplePool


    Object containing factory methods for io.github.andrebeat.pool.SimplePool.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
