All Classes and Interfaces

The class ClassToJsonSchemaExtensions converts java class objects to json schema object
Used to store references between nodes and JsonLocations.
The factory class CustomParserFactory for creating JsonParser object with a reference on the parser.
The factory class JavaTypeFactory for creating JavaType objects for serializing java collection beans to xml string and deserialize xml string to java collection beans
The class JsonFileToObjectExtensions converts json strings to java object and java collections.
The class JSONObjectToObjectExtensions converts json strings to java object and java collections.
The class JsonStringToObjectExtensions converts json strings to java object and java collections.
The class JsonToXmlExtensions helps to transform a given json string to an xml string.
The class JsonToYamlExtensions helps to transform a given json string to a yaml string
The factory class ObjectMapperFactory for creating ObjectMapper objects
The class ObjectToJsonExtensions converts java objects to json string objects.
The class ObjectToJsonFileExtensions converts java objects to json file objects.
The class ObjectToYamlExtensions converts java objects to yaml string objects
The class ObjectToYamlFileExtensions converts java objects to yaml file objects.
The class XmlToJsonExtensions provides methods for convert xml string objects to json string
The class XmlToYamlExtensions provides methods for convert xml string objects to yaml string
The class YamlFileToObjectExtensions converts yaml strings to java object and java collections.
The factory class YAMLMapperFactory for creating YAMLMapper objects
The class YamlStringToObjectExtensions converts yaml strings to java object and java collections.
The class YamlToJsonExtensions helps to transform a given yaml string to a json string
The class YamlToXmlExtensions helps to transform a given yaml string to an xml string.