Add missing points to the time series.
Add missing points to the time series. The output series will have all its own points and some new points if there are missing at every duration.
Expected distance between points
This function will approximate missing points.
Filter by index and value
Safe get.
Safe get. If element is out of the bounds then 0 is returned
Aggregate data points.
Aggregate data points.
This function transforms current data point time into new time. All points with the same time will be integrated into single point
This function defines how to aggregate points with the same transformed time
Check is series is empty
Inner join.
Inner join. Only include points which have the same data in both series
Left join.
Left join. If right series doesn't have a data point then put default value.
Outer join.
Outer join. If one of the series doesn't have a data point then put default(left or right) value.
Get last element of the series
Map by index and value.
Map by index and value. Create new values
Map over values.
Merges series A into B
Check is series is non empty
Resample given TimeSeries with indexes separated by delta.
Resample given TimeSeries with indexes separated by delta. This function will ensure that series is evenly spaced.
Distance between points
Function which approximates missing points
Resample series.
Resample series. If there are any missing points then they will be replaced by given default value
Most frequent duration in time series
Rolling window operation
Shift index by specific time duration
Get slice of series with left side inclusive and right side exclusive this operation is based on index.
Return new Time Series where index is always increasing
Get tuple of series with right side inclusive to the requested split instant.
Get tuple of series with right side inclusive to the requested split instant.
Instant to split the series
Return series with first n elements *
TimeSeries contains data indexed by DateTime. The type of stored data is parametric.