Class FastPathResolver

  • public class FastPathResolver
    extends Object
    Resolve relative paths and URLs/URIs against a base path in a way that is faster than Java's URL/URI parser (and much faster than Path), while aiming for cross-platform compatibility, and hopefully in particular being robust to the many forms of Windows path weirdness.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FastPathResolver

        public FastPathResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • normalizePath

        public static String normalizePath​(String path,
                                           boolean isHttpURL)
        Parse percent encoding, e.g. "%20" -> " "; convert '/' or '\\' to SEP; remove trailing separator char if present.
        path - The path to normalize.
        isHttpURL - True if this is a URL.
        The normalized path.
      • resolve

        public static String resolve​(String resolveBasePath,
                                     String relativePathStr)
        Strip away any "jar:" prefix from a filename URI, and convert it to a file path, handling possibly-broken mixes of filesystem and URI conventions; resolve relative paths relative to resolveBasePath.
        resolveBasePath - The base path.
        relativePathStr - The path to resolve relative to the base path.
        The resolved path.
      • resolve

        public static String resolve​(String pathStr)
        Strip away any "jar:" prefix from a filename URI, and convert it to a file path, handling possibly-broken mixes of filesystem and URI conventions. Returns null if relativePathStr is an "http(s):" path.
        pathStr - The path to resolve.
        The resolved path.