Class MethodParameterInfo

  • public class MethodParameterInfo
    extends Object
    Information on the parameters of a method.
    • Method Detail

      • getMethodInfo

        public MethodInfo getMethodInfo()
        The MethodInfo for the defining method.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Method parameter name. May be null, for unnamed parameters (e.g. synthetic parameters), or if compiled for JDK version lower than 8, or if compiled for JDK version 8+ but without the commandline switch `-parameters`.
        The method parameter name.
      • getModifiers

        public int getModifiers()
        Method parameter modifiers. May be zero, if no modifier bits set, or if compiled for JDK version lower than 8, or if compiled for JDK version 8+ but without the commandline switch `-parameters`.
        The method parameter modifiers.
      • getModifiersStr

        public String getModifiersStr()
        Get the method parameter modifiers as a String, e.g. "final". For the modifier bits, call getModifiers().
        The modifiers for the method parameter, as a String.
      • getTypeSignature

        public TypeSignature getTypeSignature()
        Method parameter type signature, possibly including generic type information (or null if no type signature information available for this parameter).
        The method type signature, if available, else null.
      • getTypeDescriptor

        public TypeSignature getTypeDescriptor()
        Method parameter type descriptor.
        The method type descriptor.
      • getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor

        public TypeSignature getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor()
        Method parameter type signature, or if not available, method type descriptor.
        The method type signature, if present, otherwise the method type descriptor.
      • getAnnotationInfo

        public AnnotationInfoList getAnnotationInfo()
        Method parameter annotation info (or null if no annotations).
        AnnotationInfo for any annotations on this method parameter.
      • getAnnotationInfo

        public AnnotationInfo getAnnotationInfo​(String annotationName)
        Get a the named annotation on this method parameter, or null if the method parameter does not have the named annotation.
        annotationName - The annotation name.
        An AnnotationInfo object representing the named annotation on this method parameter, or null if the method parameter does not have the named annotation.
      • hasAnnotation

        public boolean hasAnnotation​(String annotationName)
        annotationName - The name of an annotation.
        true if this method parameter has the named annotation.
      • setScanResult

        protected void setScanResult​(ScanResult scanResult)