Class JarUtils

  • public class JarUtils
    extends Object
    Jarfile utilities.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String[] SYSTEM_PACKAGE_PREFIXES
        Prefixes of system (JRE) packages.

        public static final String[] SYSTEM_PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIXES
        Prefixes of system (JRE) packages, turned into path form (with slashes instead of dots).
    • Constructor Detail

      • JarUtils

        public JarUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • smartPathSplit

        public static String[] smartPathSplit​(String pathStr)
        Split a path on File.pathSeparator (':' on Linux, ';' on Windows), but also allow for the use of URLs with protocol specifiers, e.g. "http://domain/jar1.jar:http://domain/jar2.jar". This is really not even handled by the JRE, in all likelihood, but it's better to be robust.
        pathStr - The path to split.
        The path element substrings.
      • createURLClassLoaderFromPathString

        public static ClassLoader createURLClassLoaderFromPathString​(String classpathStr)
        Create a custom URLClassLoader from a classpath path string.
        classpathStr - The classpath string.
        A custom URLClassLoader that can load from the path string.
      • pathElementsToPathStr

        public static String pathElementsToPathStr​(Object... pathElts)
        Get a set of path elements as a string, from an array of objects (e.g. of String, File or URL type, whose toString() method will be called to get the path component), and return the path as a single string delineated with the standard path separator character.
        pathElts - The path elements.
        The delimited path formed out of the path elements.
      • pathElementsToPathStr

        public static String pathElementsToPathStr​(Iterable<?> pathElts)
        Get a set of path elements as a string, from an array of objects (e.g. of String, File or URL type, whose toString() method will be called to get the path component), and return the path as a single string delineated with the standard path separator character.
        pathElts - The path elements.
        The delimited path formed out of the path elements, after calling each of their toString() methods.
      • leafName

        public static String leafName​(String path)
        Returns the leafname of a path, after first stripping off everything after the first '!', if present.
        path - A file path.
        The leafname of the path.
      • getJreJarPaths

        public static List<String> getJreJarPaths()
        The paths of jars in all JRE/JDK system directories, with any rt.jar listed first.
      • getJreLibOrExtJars

        public static Set<String> getJreLibOrExtJars()
        The paths for any JRE/JDK "lib/" or "ext/" jars.
      • isJREJar

        public static boolean isJREJar​(String filePath,
                                       ScanSpec scanSpec,
                                       LogNode log)
        filePath - A file path.
        scanSpec - The ScanSpec.
        log - The log.
        Whether a given jarfile is in a JRE system directory (jre, jre/lib, jre/lib/ext, etc.).
      • isInSystemPackageOrModule

        public static boolean isInSystemPackageOrModule​(String packageOrModuleName)
        Return true if the given class name, package name or module name has a system package or module prefix
        packageOrModuleName - The class, package or module name.
        Whether this is a system class, package or module.
      • classfilePathToClassName

        public static String classfilePathToClassName​(String classfilePath)
        Convert a classfile path to the corresponding class name.
      • classNameToClassfilePath

        public static String classNameToClassfilePath​(String className)
        Convert a class name to the corresponding classfile path.
      • countBytesBeforePKMarker

        public static long countBytesBeforePKMarker​(File zipfile)
                                             throws IOException
        Count the number of bytes before the characters "PK" in a zipfile.
        zipfile - The zipfile.
        The number of bytes before the characters "PK" in a zipfile. Returns -1 if PK is not found anywhere in the file.
        IOException - If the file could not be read.
      • stripSFXHeader

        public static void stripSFXHeader​(File srcZipfile,
                                          long sfxHeaderBytes,
                                          File destZipfile)
                                   throws IOException
        Strip the self-extracting archive header from the beginning of a zipfile.
        srcZipfile - The source zipfile.
        sfxHeaderBytes - The number of bytes of the header to strip.
        destZipfile - The destination to save to.
        IOException - If the operation could not be completed.
      • logJavaInfo

        public static void logJavaInfo​(LogNode log)
        Log the Java version and the JRE paths that were found.
        log - The log.