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accept(AnnotationInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList.AnnotationInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an AnnotationInfo list item through the filter.
accept(ClassInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList.ClassInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow a ClassInfo list item through the filter.
accept(FieldInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList.FieldInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an FieldInfo list item through the filter.
accept(MethodInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList.MethodInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an MethodInfo list item through the filter.
accept(ModuleInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfoList.ModuleInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an ModuleInfo list item through the filter.
accept(PackageInfo) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.PackageInfoList.PackageInfoFilter
Whether or not to allow an PackageInfo list item through the filter.
accept(Resource) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ResourceFilter
Whether or not to allow a Resource list item through the filter.
accept(Resource, byte[]) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer
Consume the complete content of a Resource as a byte array.
accept(Resource, InputStream) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer
Consume a Resource as an InputStream.
accept(Resource, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer
Consume a Resource as a ByteBuffer.
acquire() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler
Acquire a Recyclable wrapper around an object instance.
addClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a ClassLoader to the list of ClassLoaders to scan.
addClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Add a ClassLoader to the list of ClassLoaders to scan.
addClasspathElement(String, ClassLoader, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrder
Add a classpath element relative to a base file.
addClasspathElementObject(Object, ClassLoader, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrder
Add classpath elements from an object obtained from reflection.
addClasspathElements(ClasspathOrder) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrder
Add all classpath elements in another ClasspathElementOrder after the elements in this order.
addClasspathElements(String, ClassLoader[], LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrder
Add classpath elements, separated by the system path separator character.
addClasspathElements(String, ClassLoader, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrder
Add classpath elements, separated by the system path separator character.
addedClassLoaders - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If non-null, specifies manually-added classloaders that should be searched after the context classloader(s).
addedModuleLayers - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If non-null, specifies manually-added ModuleLayers that should be searched after the visible ModuleLayers.
addElapsedTime() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Call this once the work corresponding with a given log entry has completed if you want to show the time taken after the log entry.
addModuleLayer(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a ModuleLayer to the list of ModuleLayers to scan.
addModuleLayer(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Add a ModuleLayer to the list of ModuleLayers to scan.
addToBlacklist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
addToBlacklist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
Add to the blacklist.
addToBlacklist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
Add to the blacklist.
addToBlacklist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
Add to the blacklist.
addToWhitelist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
addToWhitelist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
Add to the whitelist.
addToWhitelist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
Add to the whitelist.
addToWhitelist(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
Add to the whitelist.
addWorkUnits(Collection<T>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WorkQueue
Add multiple units of work.
advance(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Advance numChars character positions.
AnnotationClassRef - Class in io.github.classgraph
Stores the type descriptor of a Class<?>, as found in an annotation parameter value.
AnnotationEnumValue - Class in io.github.classgraph
Class for wrapping an enum constant value (split into class name and constant name), as used as an annotation parameter value.
AnnotationInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a specific annotation instance on a class, method, method parameter or field.
AnnotationInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of AnnotationInfo objects.
AnnotationInfoList.AnnotationInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an AnnotationInfoList using a predicate mapping an AnnotationInfo object to a boolean, producing another AnnotationInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
AnnotationParameterValue - Class in io.github.classgraph
A wrapper used to pair annotation parameter names with annotation parameter values.
AnnotationParameterValueList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of AnnotationParameterValue objects.
AntClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Extract classpath entries from the Ant ClassLoader.
AntClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.AntClassLoaderHandler
ANY - io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
The '?' wildcard
appendToToken(char) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Append the given character to the token buffer.
appendToToken(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Append the given string to the token buffer.
ArrayTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
An array type signature.
asMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
asMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
asMap() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
AutoCloseableExecutorService - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A ThreadPoolExecutor that can be used in a try-with-resources block.
AutoCloseableExecutorService(int) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.AutoCloseableExecutorService
A ThreadPoolExecutor that can be used in a try-with-resources block.
available() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser


BaseTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type signature for a base type (byte, char, double, float, int, long, short, boolean, or void).
blacklist - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Blacklisted items (whole-string match)
blacklistClasses(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Specifically blacklist one or more specific classes, preventing them from being scanned even if they are in a whitelisted package.
blacklistGlobs - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Blacklist glob strings.
blacklistJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Blacklist one or more jars, preventing them from being scanned.
blacklistLibOrExtJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Blacklist one or more jars in a JRE/JDK "lib/" or "ext/" directory, preventing them from being scanned.
blacklistModules(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Blacklist one or more modules, preventing them from being scanned.
blacklistPackages(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Prevent the scanning of one or more specific packages and their sub-packages.
blacklistPaths(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Prevent the scanning of one or more specific paths and their sub-directories / nested paths.
blacklistPatterns - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Blacklist regexp patterns.
blacklistPrefixes - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Blacklisted items (prefix match)
blacklistSystemJarsOrModules - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
True if JRE system jarfiles (rt.jar etc.) should not be scanned.
buf - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Bytes read from the beginning of the classfile.
byteBuffer - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
byteBufferToByteArray() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
byteBufferToInputStream() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
byteBufferToInputStream(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
Produce an InputStream that is able to read from a ByteBuffer.


canRead(File) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
check() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InterruptionChecker
Check if this thread or any other thread that shares this InterruptionChecker instance has been interrupted or has thrown an exception, and if so, throw InterruptedException.
checkAndReturn() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InterruptionChecker
classfilePathToClassName(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Convert a classfile path to the corresponding class name.
classfilePathWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Classfile white/blacklist (path to classfiles, with separator '/', ending in ".class").
classFilesOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
classForNameOrNull(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Call Class.forName(className), but return null if any exception is thrown.
ClassGraph - Class in io.github.classgraph
Uber-fast, ultra-lightweight Java classpath and module path scanner.
ClassGraph() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Construct a ClassGraph instance.
ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Add a classpath element filter.
ClassGraph.FailureHandler - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A callback used to handle failure during an asynchronous scan.
ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A callback used to process the result of a successful asynchronous scan.
ClassInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a class encountered during a scan.
ClassInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of ClassInfo objects, which stores both reachable classes (obtained through a given class relationship, either by direct relationship or through an indirect path), and directly related classes (classes reachable through a direct relationship only).
ClassInfoList.ClassInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter a ClassInfoList using a predicate mapping a ClassInfo object to a boolean, producing another ClassInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
ClassLoaderAndModuleFinder - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A class to find the unique ordered classpath elements.
ClassLoaderAndModuleFinder(ScanSpec, LogNode) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClassLoaderAndModuleFinder
A class to find the unique ordered classpath elements.
ClassLoaderHandler - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A ClassLoader handler.
ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder - Enum in io.github.classgraph
The delegation order configuration for a given ClassLoader instance (this is usually PARENT_FIRST for most ClassLoaders, but this can be overridden by some ClassLoaders, e.g.
classLoaderHandlerClass - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistryEntry
The ClassLoader class..
ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
The registry for ClassLoaderHandler classes.
ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry
ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistryEntry - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
A list of fully-qualified ClassLoader class names paired with the ClassLoaderHandler that can handle them.
ClassLoaderHandlerRegistryEntry(Class<? extends ClassLoaderHandler>) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistryEntry
classLoaders - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
The ClassLoader(s) used to load classes for this classpath element
classNameToClassfilePath(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Convert a class name to the corresponding classfile path.
classNameToClassfilePath(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Convert a class name to a classfile path.
classPackagePathWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Path to white/blacklisted classes (with separator '/').
classPackageWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Package containing white/blacklisted classes (with separator '.').
classpathContentsLastModifiedTime() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Find the maximum last-modified timestamp of any whitelisted file/directory/jarfile encountered during the scan.
classpathContentsModifiedSinceScan() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Determine whether the classpath contents have been modified since the last scan.
classpathElementFilters - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If non-null, a list of filter operations to apply to classpath elements.
classPathEntriesToScan - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarfileMetadataReader
"Class-Path" entries encountered in the manifest file.
ClasspathFinder - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A class to find the unique ordered classpath elements.
ClasspathFinder(ScanSpec, NestedJarHandler, LogNode) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathFinder
A class to find the unique ordered classpath elements.
ClasspathOrder - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A class to find the unique ordered classpath elements.
ClasspathOrModulePathEntry - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
An entry in the classpath or module path.
ClasspathOrModulePathEntry(ModuleRef, NestedJarHandler, LogNode) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
A relative path for a module (in JDK9+).
ClasspathOrModulePathEntry(String, String, ClassLoader[], NestedJarHandler, ScanSpec, LogNode) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
A relative path.
ClassRefOrTypeVariableSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A class type or type variable.
ClassRefOrTypeVariableSignature() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefOrTypeVariableSignature
ClassRefTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A class reference type signature (called "ClassTypeSignature" in the classfile documentation).
ClassTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A class type signature (called "ClassSignature" in the classfile documentation).
classWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Class white/blacklist (fully-qualified class names, with separator '.').
clear() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
Clear the map.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Calls ModuleReader#close().
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Close the underlying InputStream, or release/unmap the underlying ByteBuffer.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Close all the Resource objects in this ResourceList.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Free any temporary files created by extracting jars or files from within jars.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.AutoCloseableExecutorService
Shut down thread pool on close().
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler
Calls close() on all the unused instances.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler.Recyclable
Release/recycle an instance.
close() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WorkQueue
Ensure that there are no work units still uncompleted.
close(LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Close zipfiles and modules, and delete temporary files.
closeRecyclers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Close zipfiles and modules.
compareTo(AnnotationEnumValue) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
compareTo(AnnotationInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
compareTo(AnnotationParameterValue) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
compareTo(ClassInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Compare based on class name.
compareTo(FieldInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Sort in order of class name then field name
compareTo(MethodInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Sort in order of class name, method name, then type descriptor.
compareTo(ModuleInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
compareTo(ModuleRef) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
compareTo(PackageInfo) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
compareTo(Resource) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
compareTo(VersionedZipEntry) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionedZipEntry
Sort in decreasing order of version number, then in increasing lexicographic order of path
containsName(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
containsName(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
countBytesBeforePKMarker(File) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Count the number of bytes before the characters "PK" in a zipfile.
create(InputStream) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Create a new InputStream adapter.
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Create a new ByteBuffer adapter.
createSingleton(K, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
Initialize a value object for this key and return true, if this is the first time this key has been seen, otherwise return false.
createURLClassLoaderFromPathString(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Create a custom URLClassLoader from a classpath path string.
curr - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
The current position in the buffer.
CURR_DIR_PATH - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
The current directory path (only reads the current directory once, the first time this field is accessed, so will not reflect subsequent changes to the current directory).
currToken() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Get the current token, and reset the token to empty.


DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER_HANDLERS - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry
Default ClassLoaderHandlers.
deserializeObject(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONDeserializer
Deserialize JSON to a new object graph, with the root object of the specified expected type.
deserializeToField(Object, String, String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONDeserializer
Deserialize JSON to a new object graph, with the root object of the specified expected type, and store the root object in the named field of the given containing object.
deserializeToField(Object, String, String, ClassFieldCache) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONDeserializer
Deserialize JSON to a new object graph, with the root object of the specified expected type, and store the root object in the named field of the given containing object.
directOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Get the list of classes that were directly related, as opposed to reachable through multiple steps.
disableDirScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of directories.
disableJarScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of jarfiles.
disableModuleScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of modules.
disableNestedJarScanning() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Disables the scanning of nested jarfiles (jarfiles within jarfiles).
disableRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, don't scan runtime-invisible annotations (only scan annotations with RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME).
disableRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes only runtime visible annotations to be scanned (causes runtime invisible annotations to be ignored).


enableAllInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the scanning of all classes, fields, methods, annotations, and static final field constant initializer values, and ignores all visibility modifiers, so that both public and non-public classes, fields and methods are all scanned.
enableAnnotationInfo - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, enables the saving of annotation info (for class, field, method or method parameter annotations) during the scan.
enableAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of annotation info (for class, field, method and method parameter annotations) during the scan.
enableClassInfo - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, scan classfile bytecodes, producing ClassInfo objects.
enableClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the scanning of classfiles, producing ClassInfo objects in the ScanResult.
enableExternalClasses - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, allow external classes (classes outside of whitelisted packages) to be returned in the ScanResult, if they are directly referred to by a whitelisted class, as a superclass, implemented interface or annotation.
enableExternalClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes ClassGraph to return classes that are not in the whitelisted packages, but that are directly referred to by classes within whitelisted packages as a superclass, implemented interface or annotation.
enableFieldInfo - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, enables the saving of field info during the scan.
enableFieldInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of field info during the scan.
enableMethodInfo - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, enables the saving of method info during the scan.
enableMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of method info during the scan.
enableStaticFinalFieldConstantInitializerValues - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Enable the storing of constant initializer values for static final fields in ClassInfo objects.
enableStaticFinalFieldConstantInitializerValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the saving of static final field constant initializer values.
enableSystemPackages() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Enables the scanning of system packages ("java.*", "javax.*", "javafx.*", "jdk.*", "oracle.*", "sun.*") -- these are not scanned by default for speed.
encodePath(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.URLPathEncoder
Encode a URL path using percent-encoding.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Use class name for equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Use class name and field name for equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Test class name, method name and type descriptor for equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
Return true based on equality of resolved paths.
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeSignature
Compare base types, ignoring generic type parameters.
equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
EquinoxClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Extract classpath entries from the Eclipse Equinox ClassLoader.
EquinoxClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxClassLoaderHandler
EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Extract classpath entries from the Eclipse Equinox ContextFinder ClassLoader.
EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler
escapeJSONString(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONUtils
Escape a string to be surrounded in double quotes in JSON.
exclude(ClassInfoList) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the set difference between this ClassInfoList and another ClassInfoList, i.e.
executionException(Exception) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InterruptionChecker
Stop all threads that share this InterruptionChecker due to an exception being thrown in one of them.
expect(char) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Expect the next character.
EXTENDS - io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
extendScanningUpwardsToExternalClasses - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, when classes have superclasses, implemented interfaces or annotations that are external classes, those classes are also scanned.
extendsSuperclass(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
extraClassLoaderHandlers - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Manually-registered ClassLoaderHandlers.


FALLBACK_CLASS_LOADER_HANDLER - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry
The fallback ClassLoaderHandler.
FallbackClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Fallback ClassLoaderHandler.
FallbackClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FallbackClassLoaderHandler
FastPathResolver - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Resolve relative paths and URLs/URIs against a base path in a way that is faster than Java's URL/URI parser (and much faster than Path), while aiming for cross-platform compatibility, and hopefully in particular being robust to the many forms of Windows path weirdness.
FastPathResolver() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.FastPathResolver
FelixClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Custom Class Loader Handler for OSGi Felix ClassLoader.
FelixClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FelixClassLoaderHandler
FieldInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about fields of a class encountered during a scan.
FieldInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of FieldInfo objects.
FieldInfoList.FieldInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an FieldInfoList using a predicate mapping an FieldInfo object to a boolean, producing another FieldInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
FILECHANNEL_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
The minimum filesize at which it becomes more efficient to read a file with a memory-mapped file channel rather than an InputStream.
FileUtils - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
File utilities.
FileUtils() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
filter(AnnotationInfoList.AnnotationInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfoList
Find the subset of the AnnotationInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(ClassInfoList.ClassInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the subset of this ClassInfoList for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(FieldInfoList.FieldInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfoList
Find the subset of the FieldInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(MethodInfoList.MethodInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Find the subset of the MethodInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(ModuleInfoList.ModuleInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfoList
Find the subset of the ModuleInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(PackageInfoList.PackageInfoFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfoList
Find the subset of the PackageInfo objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filter(ResourceList.ResourceFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Find the subset of the Resource objects in this list for which the given filter predicate is true.
filterClasspathElements(ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Add a classpath element filter.
filterClasspathElements(ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Add a classpath element filter.
findDuplicatePaths() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
flush() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Flush out the log to stderr, and clear the log contents.
forEachByteArray(ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch the content of each Resource in this ResourceList as a byte array, pass the byte array to the given ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer, then close the underlying InputStream or release the underlying ByteBuffer by calling Resource.close().
forEachByteArray(ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch the content of each Resource in this ResourceList as a byte array, pass the byte array to the given ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer, then close the underlying InputStream or release the underlying ByteBuffer by calling Resource.close().
forEachByteBuffer(ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Read each Resource in this ResourceList as a ByteBuffer, pass the ByteBuffer to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then release the ByteBuffer after the ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close().
forEachByteBuffer(ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Read each Resource in this ResourceList as a ByteBuffer, pass the ByteBuffer to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then release the ByteBuffer after the ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close().
forEachInputStream(ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch an InputStream for each Resource in this ResourceList, pass the InputStream to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then close the InputStream after the ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close().
forEachInputStream(ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
Fetch an InputStream for each Resource in this ResourceList, pass the InputStream to the given ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer, then close the InputStream after the ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer returns, by calling Resource.close().
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Deserialize a ScanResult from previously-serialized JSON.


generateGraphVizDotFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile(float, float) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile(float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a .dot file which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
generateGraphVizDotFile(File) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Generate a and save a .dot file, which can be fed into GraphViz for layout and visualization of the class graph.
get() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler.Recyclable
get(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
get(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Returns a list of all methods matching a given name.
get(K) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
Get the singleton for a given key.
getAllAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all annotation classes found during the scan.
getAllClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all classes, interfaces and annotations found during the scan.
getAllInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all interface classes found during the scan (not including annotations, which are also technically interfaces).
getAllInterfacesAndAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all interface or annotation classes found during the scan.
getAllResources() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getAllStandardClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all standard (non-interface/non-annotation) classes found during the scan.
getAnnotationDefaultParameterValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get a list of the annotations on this class, or the empty list if none.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get a list of annotations on this field, along with any annotation parameter values, wrapped in AnnotationInfo objects.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get a list of annotations on this method, along with any annotation parameter values.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter annotation info (or null if no annotations).
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get any annotations on the package-info.class file.
getAnnotationInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get any annotations on the package-info.class file.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get a the named annotation on this class, or null if the class does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get a the named annotation on this field, or null if the field does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get a the named annotation on this method, or null if the method does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Get a the named annotation on this method parameter, or null if the method parameter does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get a the named annotation on this module, or null if the module does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotationInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get a the named annotation on this package, or null if the package does not have the named annotation.
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the annotations and meta-annotations on this class.
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only annotations.
getAnnotationsOnClass(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get annotations on the named class.
getAsStrings() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
getBaseClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get the name of the base class.
getc() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Get the next character.
getCanonicalPath(LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getChildren() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
The child packages of this package, or the empty list if none.
getClassBound() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
Get the type parameter class bound.
getClassesImplementing() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClassesImplementing(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all classes that implement (or have superclasses that implement) the named interface (or one of its subinterfaces).
getClassesWithAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClassesWithAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes with the named class annotation or meta-annotation.
getClassesWithFieldAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClassesWithFieldAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes that have a field with an annotation of the named type.
getClassesWithMethodAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClassesWithMethodAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get classes that have a method with an annotation of the named type.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the ClassInfo objects for all classes that are members of this package.
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
getClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
getClassInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the ClassInfo object for the named class in this module, or null if the class was not found in this module.
getClassInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the ClassInfo object for the named class, or null if no class of the requested name was found in a whitelisted/non-blacklisted package during the scan.
getClassLoader() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getClassLoaderAndModuleFinder() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathFinder
getClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClassLoaderAndModuleFinder
getClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Return the name of the annotation class, for AnnotationInfo.getClassInfo().
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get the fully qualified class name (used by ClassRefTypeSignature.getClassInfo() and ClassRefTypeSignature.loadClass().
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the name of the declaring class, so that super.getClassInfo() returns the ClassInfo object for the declaring class.
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the declaring class name, so that super.getClassInfo() returns the ClassInfo object for the declaring class.
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
getClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Return definingClassName, so that getClassInfo() returns the ClassInfo object for the containing class.
getClassNamesFromTypeDescriptors(Set<String>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
getClassNamesFromTypeDescriptors(Set<String>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the names of any classes referenced in this class' type descriptor, or the type descriptors of fields, methods or annotations.
getClassNamesFromTypeDescriptors(Set<String>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get the names of any classes in the type descriptor or type signature.
getClassNamesFromTypeDescriptors(Set<String>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the names of any classes in the type descriptor or type signature.
getClasspath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the list of all unique File objects representing directories or zip/jarfiles on the classpath, in classloader resolution order, in the form of a classpath path string.
getClasspath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns all unique directories or zip/jarfiles on the classpath, in classloader resolution order, as a classpath string, delineated with the standard path separator character.
getClasspathElementFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClasspathElementFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getClasspathElementURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getClasspathElementURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getClasspathFiles() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the list of all unique File objects representing directories or zip/jarfiles on the classpath, in classloader resolution order.
getClasspathFiles() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns the list of File objects for unique classpath elements (directories or jarfiles), in classloader resolution order.
getClasspathURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns the list of all unique URL objects representing directories, zip/jarfiles or modules on the classpath, in classloader resolution order.
getClasspathURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Returns the list of unique classpath element paths as URLs, in classloader resolution order.
getConstantInitializerValue() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the constant initializer value of a constant final field.
getConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible constructors declared by this class, or by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDeclaredConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible constructors declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDeclaredFieldInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on all visible fields declared by this class, but not by its superclasses.
getDeclaredFieldInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the named field declared by the class, but not by its superclasses.
getDeclaredMethodAndConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible methods and constructors declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDeclaredMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible methods declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses, that are not constructors.
getDeclaredMethodInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the method(s) or constructor(s) of the given name declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getDefaultParameterValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.AntClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FallbackClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FelixClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler
The delegation order configuration for a given ClassLoader instance (this is usually PARENT_FIRST for most ClassLoaders, since you don't generally want to be able to override system classes with user classes, but this can be overridden by some ClassLoaders, e.g.
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JBossClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JPMSClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.URLClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WeblogicClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler
getDelegationOrder(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler
getDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getElementTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.AntClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FallbackClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FelixClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler
If this ClassLoader delegates directly to an embedded classloader instance, return it here, otherwise return null.
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JBossClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JPMSClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.URLClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WeblogicClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler
getEmbeddedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler
getEnums() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only Enum classes.
getFieldAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getFieldInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on all visible fields declared by this class, or by its superclasses.
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the named filed declared by this class, or by its superclasses.
getFieldVal(Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Get the value of the named field in the class of the given object or any of its superclasses.
getFile(LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getFullyQualifiedClassName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get the name of the class, formed from the base name and any suffixes (suffixes are for inner class nesting, and are separated by '$'), but without any type arguments.
getFullyQualifiedDefiningMethodName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getIdentifierToken(Parser) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.TypeUtils
Parse a Java identifier part (between separators and other non-alphanumeric characters).
getIdentifierToken(Parser, char, char) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.TypeUtils
Parse a Java identifier with the given separator ('.' or '/').
getImplementedInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only implemented interfaces, i.e.
getInnerClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getInnermostNestedJar(String, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Get a File for a given (possibly nested) jarfile path, unzipping the first N-1 segments of an N-segment '!'-delimited path to temporary files, then returning the File reference for the N-th temporary file.
getInterfaceBounds() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
Get the type parameter interface bound(s).
getInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getInterfaces() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only interfaces that are not annotations.
getInterfaces(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all interfaces implemented by the named class or by one of its superclasses, if this is a standard class, or the superinterfaces extended by this interface, if this is an interface.
getInterfacesAndAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only interfaces and annotations (annotations are interfaces, and can be implemented).
getJarfileMetadataReader(File, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Get a JarfileMetadataReader singleton for a given jarfile (so that the manifest and ZipEntries will only be read once).
getJarfilePackageRoot() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getJreJarPaths() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
getJreLibOrExtJars() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
getLayer() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getLength() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getLocation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
The module location.
getLocation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getLocationFile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getLocationStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getMemberClassInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get the ClassInfo objects for all classes that are members of this package.
getMemberClassInfoRecursive() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
Get the ClassInfo objects for all classes that are members of this package or a sub-package.
getMethodAndConstructorInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible constructors declared by this class, or by its interfaces or superclasses.
getMethodAnnotations() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on visible methods declared by this class, or by its interfaces or superclasses, that are not constructors.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
getMethodInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Returns information on the method(s) or constructor(s) of the given name declared by this class, but not by its interfaces or superclasses.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the modifier bits for the field.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the modifier bits for the method.
getModifiers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter modifiers.
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the method modifiers as a String, e.g.
getModifiersStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Get the method parameter modifiers as a String, e.g.
getModifierStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Get the field modifiers as a string, e.g.
getModuleInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all modules found during the scan.
getModuleInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the ModuleInfo object for the named module, or null if no module of the requested name was found during the scan.
getModuleReaderProxyRecycler(ModuleRef, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Get a ModuleReaderProxy recycler given a ModuleRef.
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
The ModuleRef for this module.
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getModuleRef() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getModules() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Returns ModuleRef references for all the visible modules.
getModules() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the name of the method.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
The module name ("<unnamed>" for the unnamed module).
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
The package name ("" for the root package).
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
Get the type parameter identifier.
getName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Get the name of the type variable.
getNames() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValueList
getNonSystemModuleRefs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClassLoaderAndModuleFinder
getNumDimensions() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
getOrCreateSingleton(K, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
Check if the given key is in the map, and if so, return it.
getOuterClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getOutermostJar(File) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Given a File reference for an inner nested jarfile, find the outermost jarfile it was extracted from.
getPackageInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the PackageInfo objects for all packages that are members of this module.
getPackageInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all packages found during the scan.
getPackageInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
Get the PackageInfo object for the named packagein this module, or null if the package was not found in this module.
getPackageInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get the PackageInfo object for the named package, or null if no package of the requested name was found during the scan.
getPackageName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getPackages() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getParameterInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get the available information on method parameters.
getParameterValues() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
getParent() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
The parent package of this package, or null if this is the root package.
getPath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getPathRelativeToClasspathElement() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getPaths() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
getPathsRelativeToClasspathElement() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
getPosition() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
getPositionInfo() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
getRawClasspathElements() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathFinder
getRawPath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getRawVersion() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Get the raw version string of the module, or null if the module did not provide one.
getReference() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
getResolvedPath() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
getResource() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getResourcesMatchingPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getResourcesWithExtension(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getResourcesWithLeafName(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getResourcesWithPath(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
getResultType() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
Get the result type for the method.
getSimpleName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getSingleMethod(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfoList
Returns a single method with the given name, or null if not found.
getStandardClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Filter this ClassInfoList to include only standard classes (classes that are not interfaces or annotations).
getState() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Get the "state object" from the parser (can be used to parse state between parser functions).
getStaticFieldVal(Class<?>, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Get the value of the named static field in the given class or any of its superclasses.
getSubclasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the subclasses of this class, sorted in order of name.
getSubclasses(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get all subclasses of the named superclass.
getSubsequence(int, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Return a subsequence of the input string.
getSubstring(int, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Return a substring of the input string.
getSuffixes() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get any suffixes of the class (typically nested inner class names).
getSuffixTypeArguments() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get any type arguments for any suffixes of the class, one list per suffix.
getSuperclass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get the single direct superclass of this class, or null if none.
getSuperclasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Get all superclasses of this class, in ascending order in the class hierarchy.
getSuperclasses(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Get superclasses of the named subclass.
getSuperclassSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
Get the type signature for the superclass (possibly null in the case of Object, since it doesn't have a superclass).
getSuperinterfaceSignatures() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
Get the type signatures of any superinterfaces
getSystemModuleRefs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClassLoaderAndModuleFinder
getThrowsSignatures() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
Get the throws type(s) for the method.
getType() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Get any type arguments of the base class.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the parsed type descriptor for the field, if available.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the parsed type descriptor for the method, which will not include type parameters.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter type descriptor.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the parsed type signature for the field, if available.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the parsed type signature for the method, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter type signature, possibly including generic type information (or null if no type signature information available for this parameter).
getTypeSignature() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
Get the type signature associated with the wildcard (or null, if the wildcard is ANY).
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns the type signature for the field, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns the parsed type signature for the method, possibly including type parameters.
getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
Method parameter type signature, or if not available, method type descriptor.
getTypeStr() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
getURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
getURLs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
getValue() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
getValueName() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
getVersion() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Get the version number of ClassGraph.
getVersion() - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder
getWildcard() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
Get the type wildcard, which is one of {NONE, ANY, EXTENDS, SUPER}.
getZipFileRecycler(File, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
Get a ZipFile recycler given the (non-nested) canonical path of a jarfile.
globToPattern(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Convert a spec with a '*' glob character into a regular expression.


handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.AntClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FallbackClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FelixClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler
Determine if a given ClassLoader can be handled (meaning that its classpath elements can be extracted from it), and if it can, extract the classpath elements from the ClassLoader and register them with the ClasspathFinder using classpathFinder.addClasspathElement(pathElement) or classpathFinder.addClasspathElements(path).
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JBossClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JPMSClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.URLClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WeblogicClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler
handle(ScanSpec, ClassLoader, ClasspathOrder, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaderNames - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistryEntry
The names of handled ClassLoaders.
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.AntClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.EquinoxContextFinderClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FallbackClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.FelixClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler
The fully-qualified names of handled classloader classes.
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JBossClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JPMSClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.URLClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WeblogicClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler
handledClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
hasBody() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method has a body (i.e.
hasDeclaredField(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasDeclaredFieldAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasDeclaredMethod(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasDeclaredMethodAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasDeclaredMethodParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasField(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasFieldAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Use hash code of class name.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Use hash code of class name and field name.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Use hash code of class name, method name and type descriptor.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
Hash based on canonical path.
hasMethod(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasMethodAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasMethodParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
hasMore() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
hasParameterAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
HierarchicalTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A Java type signature.
HierarchicalTypeSignature() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.HierarchicalTypeSignature


Id - Annotation Type in io.github.classgraph.json
Annotate a class field with this annotation to use that field's value instead of the automatically-generated id for object references in JSON output.
ignoreClassVisibility - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, ignore class visibility.
ignoreClassVisibility() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes class visibility to be ignored, enabling private, package-private and protected classes to be scanned.
ignoreFieldVisibility - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, ignore field visibility.
ignoreFieldVisibility() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes field visibility to be ignored, enabling private, package-private and protected fields to be scanned.
ignoreMethodVisibility - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, ignore method visibility.
ignoreMethodVisibility() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes method visibility to be ignored, enabling private, package-private and protected methods to be scanned.
ignoreParentClassLoaders - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, do not fetch paths from parent classloaders.
ignoreParentClassLoaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Ignore parent classloaders (i.e.
ignoreParentModuleLayers - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, do not scan module layers that are the parent of other module layers.
ignoreParentModuleLayers() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Ignore parent module layers (i.e.
implementsInterface(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
includeClasspathElement(String) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter
initializeLoadedClasses - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, classes loaded with Class.forName() are initialized before passing class references to MatchProcessors.
initializeLoadedClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Causes classes loaded using ClassInfo.loadClass() to be are initialized after class loading (the default is to not initialize classes).
inputStream - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Buffer class that can wrap either an InputStream or a ByteBuffer, depending on which is available.
InputStreamResourceCloser(Resource, InputStream) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
inputStreamToByteArray() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
inputStreamToByteBuffer() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
instantiate(LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistry.ClassLoaderHandlerRegistryEntry
Instantiate a ClassLoaderHandler, or return null if the class could not be instantiated.
interrupt() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InterruptionChecker
Interrupt all threads that share this InterruptionChecker.
InterruptionChecker - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Check if this thread or any other thread that shares this InterruptionChecker instance has been interrupted or has thrown an exception.
InterruptionChecker() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.InterruptionChecker
intersect(ClassInfoList...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the intersection of this ClassInfoList with one or more others.
invokeDefaultMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Invoke the named default interface method.
invokeMethod(Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Invoke the named method in the given object or its superclasses.
invokeMethod(Object, String, Class<?>, Object, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Invoke the named method in the given object or its superclasses.
invokeStaticMethod(Class<?>, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Invoke the named static method.
invokeStaticMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, Object, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
Invoke the named static method.
io.github.classgraph - package io.github.classgraph
io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler - package io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
io.github.classgraph.json - package io.github.classgraph.json
io.github.classgraph.utils - package io.github.classgraph.utils
isAbstract() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isAnonymousInnerClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
isBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
Check if the requested string is blacklisted.
isBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
Check if the requested string has a blacklisted prefix.
isBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
Check if the requested string is blacklisted.
isBridge() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a bridge method.
isClassfile() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
isClassfile(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
isConstructor() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a constructor.
isDefault() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this is a default method (i.e.
isDirectory(LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
isEnum() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isExternalClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isFile(LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is final.
isFinal() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is final.
isHttpURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
isImplementedInterface() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Return whether this class is an implemented interface (meaning a standard, non-annotation interface, or an annotation that has also been implemented as an interface by some class).
isInherited() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
isInnerClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isInSystemPackageOrModule(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Return true if the given class name, package name or module name has a system package or module prefix
isInterface() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isInterfaceOrAnnotation() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isJREJar(String, ScanSpec, LogNode) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
isJrtURL() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
isNative() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a native method.
isOuterClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is public.
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is public.
isSpecificallyWhitelisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
isSpecificallyWhitelistedAndNotBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
isStandardClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isStatic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isStatic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is static.
isStatic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is static.
isSynchronized() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is synchronized.
isSynthetic() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
isSystemJar - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarfileMetadataReader
If true, this is a JRE jar.
isSystemModule() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
isTransient() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Returns true if this field is a transient field.
isValidClasspathElement(ScanSpec, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
True if this relative path is a valid classpath element: that its path can be canonicalized, that it exists, that it is a jarfile or directory, that it is not a blacklisted jar, that it should be scanned, etc.
isVarArgs() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Returns true if this method is a varargs method.
isWhitelisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
isWhitelisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
Check if the requested string is whitelisted.
isWhitelisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
Check if the requested string has a whitelisted prefix.
isWhitelisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
Check if the requested string is whitelisted.
isWhitelistedAndNotBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
isWhitelistedAndNotBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
Check if the requested string is whitelisted and not blacklisted.
isWhitelistedAndNotBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
Check if the requested string has a whitelisted/non-blacklisted prefix.
isWhitelistedAndNotBlacklisted(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
Check if the requested string is whitelisted and not blacklisted.


JarfileMetadataReader - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Fast parser for jar manifest files.
JarUtils - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Jarfile utilities.
JarUtils() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
jarWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Jar white/blacklist (leafname only, ending in ".jar").
JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder
Java major version -- 7 for "1.7", 8 for "1.8.0_244", 9 for "9", 11 for "11-ea", etc.
JAVA_VERSION - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder
Java version string
JBossClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Extract classpath entries from the JBoss ClassLoader.
JBossClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JBossClassLoaderHandler
join(String, Iterable<?>) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Join
A replacement for Java 8's String.join().
join(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Join
A replacement for Java 8's String.join().
Join - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A replacement for Java 8's String.join() that will allow compilation on Java 7.
Join() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.Join
JPMSClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
A placeloader ClassLoaderHandler that matches Java 9+ classloaders, but does not attempt to extract URLs from them (module scanning uses a different mechanism from classpath scanning).
JPMSClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.JPMSClassLoaderHandler
JSONDeserializer - Class in io.github.classgraph.json
Fast, lightweight Java object to JSON serializer, and JSON to Java object deserializer.
JSONDeserializer() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONDeserializer
JSONSerializer - Class in io.github.classgraph.json
Fast, lightweight Java object to JSON serializer, and JSON to Java object deserializer.
JSONSerializer() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONSerializer
JSONUtils - Class in io.github.classgraph.json
Utils for Java serialization and deserialization.
JSONUtils() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONUtils


leafName(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Returns the leafname of a path, after first stripping off everything after the first '!', if present.
length - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
libOrExtJarWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
lib/ext jar white/blacklist (leafname only, ending in ".jar").
Linux - io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder.OperatingSystem
list() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Get the list of resources accessible to a ModuleReader.
load() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Load a classpath resource and return its content as a byte array.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
Loads the referenced class, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object.
loadClass() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Load the referenced class, if not already loaded, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
Loads the referenced class, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object.
loadClass(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Load the referenced class, if not already loaded, returning a Class<?> reference for the referenced class.
loadClass(Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object, casting it to the requested interface or superclass type.
loadClass(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
Obtain a Class<?> reference for the class named by this ClassInfo object, casting it to the requested interface or superclass type.
loadClassAndGetField() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
Load the class this field is associated with, and get the Field reference for this field.
loadClassAndGetMethod() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Load the class this method is associated with, and get the Method reference for this method.
loadClassAndInstantiate() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
Load the Annotation class corresponding to this AnnotationInfo object, by calling getClassInfo().loadClass(), then create a new instance of the annotation, with the annotation parameter values obtained from this AnnotationInfo object.
loadClassAndReturnEnumValue() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Loads the enum class, instantiates the enum constants for the class, and returns the enum constant value represented by this AnnotationEnumValue.
loadClassAndReturnEnumValue(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
Loads the enum class, instantiates the enum constants for the class, and returns the enum constant value represented by this AnnotationEnumValue.
loadClasses() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects.
loadClasses(boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects.
loadClasses(Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects, casting each item in the list to the requested superclass or interface type.
loadClasses(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Convert this list of ClassInfo objects to a list of Class<?> objects, casting each item in the list to the requested superclass or interface type.
log(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry.
log(String, long) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry.
log(String, long, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry.
log(String, String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry with sort key for deterministic ordering.
log(String, String, long) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry with sort key for deterministic ordering.
log(String, String, long, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry with sort key for deterministic ordering.
log(String, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry with sort key for deterministic ordering.
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry.
log(Throwable) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a log entry.
log(List<String>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Add a series of log entries.
LOG_IN_REALTIME - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
If this is set to true, log entries are output in realtime, as well as added to the LogNode tree.
logJavaInfo(LogNode) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Log the Java version and the JRE paths that were found.
LogNode - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A tree-structured threadsafe log that allows you to add log entries in arbitrary order, and have the output retain a sane order.
LogNode() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Create a toplevel log node.


MacOSX - io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder.OperatingSystem
Mac OS X
mark(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
markSupported() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
MethodInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about methods of a class encountered during a scan.
MethodInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of MethodInfo objects.
MethodInfoList.MethodInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an MethodInfoList using a predicate mapping an MethodInfo object to a boolean, producing another MethodInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
MethodParameterInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Information on the parameters of a method.
MethodTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A method type signature (called "MethodSignature" in the classfile documentation).
ModuleInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a package encountered during a scan.
ModuleInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of ModuleInfo objects.
ModuleInfoList.ModuleInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an ModuleInfoList using a predicate mapping an ModuleInfo object to a boolean, producing another ModuleInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
ModuleReaderProxy - Class in io.github.classgraph
A ModuleReader proxy, written using reflection to preserve backwards compatibility with JDK 7 and 8.
ModuleRef - Class in io.github.classgraph
A ModuleReference proxy, written using reflection to preserve backwards compatibility with JDK 7 and 8.
ModuleRef(Object, Object) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
moduleWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Module white/blacklist (with separator '.').


NestedJarHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Unzip a jarfile within a jarfile to a temporary file on disk.
NestedJarHandler(ScanSpec, LogNode) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
A handler for nested jars.
newInstance() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler
Create a new instance.
newInstance(K, LogNode) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
Construct a new singleton instance.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SimpleThreadFactory
next() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Advance one character without returning the value of the character.
nonClassFilesOnly() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
NONE - io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
No wildcard.
normalizePackageOrClassName(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Remove initial and final '.' characters, if any.
normalizePath(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Remove initial and final '/' characters, if any.
normalizePath(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FastPathResolver
Parse percent encoding, e.g.


onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.FailureHandler
Called on scanning failure during an asynchronous scan.
open() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
Open the module, returning a ModuleReaderProxy.
open() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Open an InputStream for a classpath resource.
open(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Use the proxied ModuleReader to open the named resource as an InputStream.
OS - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder
The operating system type.
OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Handle the OSGi DefaultClassLoader.
OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.OSGiDefaultClassLoaderHandler
overrideClassLoaders - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If non-null, this list of ClassLoaders will be searched instead of the visible/context ClassLoader(s).
overrideClassLoaders(ClassLoader...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Completely override (and ignore) system ClassLoaders and the java.class.path system property.
overrideClassLoaders(ClassLoader...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Completely override the list of ClassLoaders to scan.
overrideClasspath - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If non-null, specifies a classpath to override the default one.
overrideClasspath(Iterable<?>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom path.
overrideClasspath(Object...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom path.
overrideClasspath(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom path, with path elements separated by File.pathSeparatorChar.
overrideClasspath(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Override the automatically-detected classpath with a custom search path.
overrideModuleLayers - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If non-null, this list of ModuleLayers will be searched instead of the visible ModuleLayers.
overrideModuleLayers(Object...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Completely override (and ignore) the visible ModuleLayers, and instead scan the requested ModuleLayers.
overrideModuleLayers(Object...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Completely override (and ignore) the visible ModuleLayers, and instead scan the requested ModuleLayers.


PackageInfo - Class in io.github.classgraph
Holds metadata about a package encountered during a scan.
PackageInfoList - Class in io.github.classgraph
A list of PackageInfo objects.
PackageInfoList.PackageInfoFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter an PackageInfoList using a predicate mapping an PackageInfo object to a boolean, producing another PackageInfoList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
packageNameToPath(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Convert a package name to a path.
packagePrefixWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Package prefix white/blacklist, for recursive scanning (with separator '.', ending in '.').
packageWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Package white/blacklist (with separator '.').
PARENT_FIRST - io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder
Delegate to parent before handling in child.
PARENT_LAST - io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder
Handle classloading in child before delegating to parent.
ParseException(Parser, String) - Constructor for exception io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser.ParseException
A parsing exception.
Parser - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A generic PEG parser.
Parser(String) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Construct a parser.
Parser.ParseException - Exception in io.github.classgraph.utils
A parsing exception.
pathElementsToPathStr(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Get a set of path elements as a string, from an array of objects (e.g.
pathElementsToPathStr(Object...) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Get a set of path elements as a string, from an array of objects (e.g.
pathPrefixWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Path prefix white/blacklist, for recursive scanning (with separator '/', ending in '/').
pathToPackageName(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Convert a path to a package name.
pathWhiteBlackList - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Path white/blacklist (with separator '/').
peek() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
peekExpect(char) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Get the next character, throwing a Parser.ParseException if the next character is not the expected character.
peekMatches(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Peek operator that can look ahead several characters.
performScan - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, performing a scan.
processScanResult(ScanResult) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor
Process the result of an asynchronous scan after scanning has completed.
processWorkUnit(T, WorkQueue<T>) - Method in interface io.github.classgraph.utils.WorkQueue.WorkUnitProcessor


read() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
read() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Open a ByteBuffer for a classpath resource.
read(byte[]) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Copy up to len bytes into the byte array, starting at the given offset.
read(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Use the proxied ModuleReader to open the named resource as a ByteBuffer.
readAllBytesAsArray(InputStream, long, LogNode) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
Read all the bytes in an InputStream as a byte array.
readAllBytesAsString(InputStream, long, LogNode) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FileUtils
Read all the bytes in an InputStream as a String.
readInitialChunk() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Read an initial chunk of the file into the buffer.
readInt() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
readInt(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Read an int from the buffer at a specific absolute offset before the current read point.
readLong() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
readLong(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Read a long from the buffer at a specific offset before the current read point.
readString(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Reads the "modified UTF8" format defined in the Java classfile spec, optionally replacing '/' with '.', and optionally removing the prefix "L" and the suffix ";".
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Read an unsigned byte from the buffer.
readUnsignedByte(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Read an unsigned byte from the buffer at a specific absolute offset before the current read point.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
readUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Read an unsigned short from the buffer at a specific absolute offset before the current read point.
Recyclable() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler.Recyclable
Acquire or allocate an instance.
Recycler<T extends Closeable,​E extends Exception> - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Recycle instances of type T.
Recycler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.Recycler
Recycler.Recyclable - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
An AutoCloseable wrapper for a recyclable object instance.
ReferenceTypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type signature for a reference type.
ReferenceTypeSignature() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.ReferenceTypeSignature
ReflectionUtils - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Reflection utility methods that can be used by ClassLoaderHandlers.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
registerClassLoaderHandler(Class<? extends ClassLoaderHandler>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Register an extra ClassLoaderHandler.
registerClassLoaderHandler(Class<? extends ClassLoaderHandler>) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
Register an extra ClassLoaderHandler.
release(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleReaderProxy
Release a ByteBuffer allocated by calling ModuleReaderProxy.read(String).
removeTemporaryFilesAfterScan - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, nested jarfiles (jarfiles within jarfiles) that are extracted during scanning are removed from their temporary directory (e.g.
removeTemporaryFilesAfterScan() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Remove temporary files, including nested jarfiles (jarfiles within jarfiles, which have to be extracted during scanning in order to be read) from their temporary directory as soon as the scan has completed.
reset() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
resolve() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Look up a type variable (e.g.
resolve(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FastPathResolver
Strip away any "jar:" prefix from a filename URI, and convert it to a file path, handling possibly-broken mixes of filesystem and URI conventions.
resolve(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.FastPathResolver
Strip away any "jar:" prefix from a filename URI, and convert it to a file path, handling possibly-broken mixes of filesystem and URI conventions; resolve relative paths relative to resolveBasePath.
Resource - Class in io.github.classgraph
A classpath or module path resource (i.e.
Resource() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser - Class in io.github.classgraph
Class for closing the parent Resource when an InputStream opened on the resource is closed.
ResourceList - Class in io.github.classgraph
An AutoCloseable list of AutoCloseable Resource objects.
ResourceList.ByteArrayConsumer - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as a byte array.
ResourceList.ByteBufferConsumer - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as a ByteBuffer.
ResourceList.InputStreamConsumer - Interface in io.github.classgraph
A FunctionalInterface for consuming the contents of a Resource as an InputStream.
ResourceList.ResourceFilter - Interface in io.github.classgraph
Filter a ResourceList using a predicate mapping a Resource object to a boolean, producing another ResourceList for all items in the list for which the predicate is true.
runWorkQueue(Collection<U>, ExecutorService, int, WorkQueue.WorkUnitProcessor<U>, InterruptionChecker, LogNode) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WorkQueue
Start a work queue on the elements in the provided collection, blocking until all work units have been completed.


scan() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scans the classpath, blocking until the scan is complete.
scan(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scans the classpath with the requested number of threads, blocking until the scan is complete.
scan(ExecutorService, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scans the classpath using the requested ExecutorService and the requested degree of parallelism, blocking until the scan is complete.
scanAsync(ExecutorService, int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Asynchronously scans the classpath for matching files, returning a Future<ScanResult>.
scanAsync(ExecutorService, int, ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor, ClassGraph.FailureHandler) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Asynchronously scans the classpath, calling a ClassGraph.ScanResultProcessor callback on success or a ClassGraph.FailureHandler callback on failure.
scanDirs - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, scan directories.
scanJars - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, scan jarfiles.
scanModules - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, scan modules.
scanNestedJars - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, scan nested jarfiles (jarfiles within jarfiles).
ScanResult - Class in io.github.classgraph
The result of a scan.
ScanSpec - Class in io.github.classgraph
Parses the scanning specification that was passed to the ClassGraph constructor, and finds all ClassLoaders.
serializeFromField(Object, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONSerializer
Recursively serialize the named field of an object, skipping transient and final fields.
serializeFromField(Object, String, int, boolean, ClassFieldCache) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONSerializer
Recursively serialize the named field of an object, skipping transient and final fields.
serializeObject(Object) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONSerializer
Recursively serialize an Object (or array, list, map or set of objects) to JSON, skipping transient and final fields.
serializeObject(Object, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONSerializer
Recursively serialize an Object (or array, list, map or set of objects) to JSON, skipping transient and final fields.
serializeObject(Object, int, boolean, ClassFieldCache) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.json.JSONSerializer
Recursively serialize an Object (or array, list, map or set of objects) to JSON, skipping transient and final fields.
setPosition(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Set the position of the parser within the string.
setScanResult(ScanResult) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
setState(Object) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Set the "state object" from the parser (can be used to parse state between parser functions).
SimpleThreadFactory - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Simple implementation of a thread factory.
SimpleThreadFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.SimpleThreadFactory
SingletonMap<K,​V> - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A map from keys to singleton instances.
SingletonMap() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
skip(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Skip the given number of bytes in the input stream.
skip(long) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource.InputStreamResourceCloser
skipWhitespace() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
Skip whitespace starting at the current position.
smartPathSplit(String) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Split a path on File.pathSeparator (':' on Linux, ';' on Windows), but also allow for the use of URLs with protocol specifiers, e.g.
sortPrefixes() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Need to sort prefixes to ensure correct whitelist/blacklist evaluation (see Issue #167).
strippedPathPrefixes - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarfileMetadataReader
A set of path prefixes that have been (or may have been) stripped from VersionedZipEntry.unversionedPath path strings.
stripSFXHeader - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.ScanSpec
If true, manually strip the self extracting executable header from zipfiles (i.e.
stripSFXHeader(File, long, File) - Static method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Strip the self-extracting archive header from the beginning of a zipfile.
stripZipSFXHeaders() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Manually strip the self extracting executable header from zipfiles (i.e.
SUPER - io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
SYSTEM_PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIXES - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Prefixes of system (JRE) packages, turned into path form (with slashes instead of dots).
SYSTEM_PACKAGE_PREFIXES - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarUtils
Prefixes of system (JRE) packages.


TEMP_FILENAME_LEAF_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.NestedJarHandler
The separator between random temp filename part and leafname.
toJSON() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Serialize a ScanResult to minified (un-indented) JSON.
toJSON(int) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ScanResult
Serialize a ScanResult to JSON.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationClassRef
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationEnumValue
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.AnnotationParameterValue
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ArrayTypeSignature
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.BaseTypeSignature
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassRefTypeSignature
Return the class type as a string.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassTypeSignature
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.FieldInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodInfo
Get a string representation of the method.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodParameterInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.MethodTypeSignature
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ModuleRef
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.PackageInfo
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.Resource
Return a string representation of the resource's location (as a URL string).
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ResourceList
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeParameter
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.ClasspathOrModulePathEntry
Return the path.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.LogNode
Build the log output.
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.Parser
toString() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
toStringWithTypeBound() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.TypeVariableSignature
Returns the type variable along with its type bound, if available (e.g.
TypeArgument - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type argument.
TypeArgument.Wildcard - Enum in io.github.classgraph
A type wildcard.
TypeParameter - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type parameter.
TypeSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type signature for a reference type or base type.
TypeSignature() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.TypeSignature
TypeUtils - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Utilities for parsing Java type descriptors and type signatures.
TypeUtils() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.TypeUtils
TypeVariableSignature - Class in io.github.classgraph
A type variable signature.


union(ClassInfoList...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassInfoList
Find the union of this ClassInfoList with one or more others.
Unknown - io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder.OperatingSystem
unversionedPath - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionedZipEntry
The ZipEntry path with any "META-INF/versions/{version}" version prefix (and/or Spring-Boot "BOOT-INF/classes/" prefix) stripped.
URLClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
ClassLoaderHandler that is able to extract the URLs from a URLClassLoader.
URLClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.URLClassLoaderHandler
URLPathEncoder - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A simple URL path encoder.
URLPathEncoder() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.URLPathEncoder
used - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.InputStreamOrByteBufferAdapter
Bytes used in the buffer.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder.OperatingSystem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.TypeArgument.Wildcard
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.SingletonMap
Get all singletons in the map.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder.OperatingSystem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Switches on verbose logging to System.err.
version - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionedZipEntry
The version code (>= 9), or 8 for the base layer or a non-versioned jar (whether JDK 7 or 8 compatible).
versionedZipEntries - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.JarfileMetadataReader
The VersionedZipEntries for the zipfile, consisting of the ZipEntry, the version number (for multi-release jars), and the ZipEntry path with any version prefix path and/or Spring-Boot prefix path stripped.
VersionedZipEntry - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A ZipEntry with a multi-release jar version number, and the ZipEntry path with the version path prefix and/or any Spring-Boot path prefix stripped.
VersionedZipEntry(ZipEntry, int, String) - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionedZipEntry
A versioned ZipEntry.
VersionFinder - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Finds the version number of ClassGraph, and the version of the JDK.
VersionFinder() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder
VersionFinder.OperatingSystem - Enum in io.github.classgraph.utils
The operating system type.


WeblogicClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Extract classpath entries from the Weblogic ClassLoaders.
WeblogicClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WeblogicClassLoaderHandler
WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereLibertyClassLoaderHandler
WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler - Class in io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler
Handle the WebSphere traditonal ClassLoaders.
WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.classloaderhandler.WebsphereTraditionalClassLoaderHandler
WhiteBlackList - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A class storing whitelist or blacklist criteria.
WhiteBlackList() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Constructor for deserialization.
WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Whitelist/blacklist for prefix strings.
WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Whitelist/blacklist for prefix strings.
WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
Whitelist/blacklist for whole-strings matches.
WhiteBlackListLeafname() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
WhiteBlackListPrefix() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
WhiteBlackListWholeString() - Constructor for class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
whitelist - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Whitelisted items (whole-string match)
whitelistClasses(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific classes, without scanning other classes in the same package unless the package is itself whitelisted.
whitelistGlobs - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Whitelist glob strings.
whitelistHasPrefix(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListLeafname
Prefix tests are invalid for jar leafnames.
whitelistHasPrefix(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListPrefix
Prefix-of-prefix is invalid.
whitelistHasPrefix(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList.WhiteBlackListWholeString
Check if the requested string is a prefix of a whitelisted string.
whitelistHasPrefix(String) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
whitelistIsEmpty() - Method in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
whitelistJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Whitelist one or more jars.
whitelistLibOrExtJars(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Whitelist one or more jars in a JRE/JDK "lib/" or "ext/" directory (these directories are not scanned unless ClassGraph.enableSystemPackages() is called, by association with the JRE/JDK).
whitelistModules(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Whitelist one or more modules to scan.
whitelistPackages(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific packages and their sub-packages.
whitelistPackagesNonRecursive(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific packages, without recursively scanning sub-packages unless they are themselves whitelisted.
whitelistPaths(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific paths, and their sub-directories or nested paths.
whitelistPathsNonRecursive(String...) - Method in class io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
Scan one or more specific paths, without recursively scanning sub-directories or nested paths unless they are themselves whitelisted.
whitelistPatterns - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Whitelist regexp patterns.
whitelistPrefixes - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.WhiteBlackList
Whitelisted items (prefix match)
Windows - io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionFinder.OperatingSystem
WorkQueue<T> - Class in io.github.classgraph.utils
A parallel work queue.
WorkQueue.WorkUnitProcessor<T> - Interface in io.github.classgraph.utils
A work unit processor.


zipEntry - Variable in class io.github.classgraph.utils.VersionedZipEntry
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