Class ModuleReaderProxy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class ModuleReaderProxy
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    A ModuleReader proxy, written using reflection to preserve backwards compatibility with JDK 7 and 8.
    • Method Detail

      • list

        public List<String> list()
                          throws SecurityException
        Get the list of resources accessible to a ModuleReader. From the documentation for ModuleReader#list(): "Whether the stream of elements includes names corresponding to directories in the module is module reader specific. In lazy implementations then an IOException may be thrown when using the stream to list the module contents. If this occurs then the IOException will be wrapped in an and thrown from the method that caused the access to be attempted. SecurityException may also be thrown when using the stream to list the module contents and access is denied by the security manager."
        A list of the paths of resources in the module.
        SecurityException - If the module cannot be accessed.
      • open

        public InputStream open​(String path)
                         throws SecurityException
        Use the proxied ModuleReader to open the named resource as an InputStream.
        path - The path to the resource to open.
        An InputStream for the content of the resource.
        SecurityException - If the module cannot be accessed.
      • read

        public ByteBuffer read​(String path)
                        throws SecurityException,
        Use the proxied ModuleReader to open the named resource as a ByteBuffer. Call release(byteBuffer) when you have finished with the ByteBuffer.
        path - The path to the resource to open.
        A ByteBuffer for the content of the resource.
        SecurityException - If the module cannot be accessed.
        OutOfMemoryError - if the resource is larger than 2GB, the maximum capacity of a byte buffer.