Class LogicalZipFile

    • Field Detail

      • isJREJar

        public boolean isJREJar
        If true, this is a JRE jar.
      • isMultiReleaseJar

        public boolean isMultiReleaseJar
        If true, this is a multi-release jar.
      • additionalClassPathEntriesToScan

        public List<String> additionalClassPathEntriesToScan
        "Class-Path" entries encountered in the manifest file. Also includes any "BOOT-INF/classes" or "WEB-INF/classes" package roots. Will also include classpath entries for any jars found in one of the lib directories of the jar ("lib/", "BOOT-INF/lib", "WEB-INF/lib", or "WEB-INF/lib-provided"), if ClassGraph#addNestedLibJarsToClasspath(true) is called before scanning.