Interface ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter

Enclosing class:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public static interface ClassGraph.ClasspathElementFilter
Add a classpath element filter. The includeClasspathElement method should return true if the path string passed to it is a path you want to scan.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    includeClasspathElement(String classpathElementPathStr)
    Whether or not to include a given classpath element in the scan.
  • Method Details

    • includeClasspathElement

      boolean includeClasspathElement(String classpathElementPathStr)
      Whether or not to include a given classpath element in the scan.
      classpathElementPathStr - The path string of a classpath element, normalized so that the path separator is '/'. This will usually be a file path, but could be a URL, or it could be a path for a nested jar, where the paths are separated using '!', in Java convention. "jar:" and/or "file:" will have been stripped from the beginning, if they were present in the classpath.
      true if the path string passed is a path you want to scan.