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AbstractEntity - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity
An entity is an element of one game, such as a hero, a dragon, a wall, etc.
AbstractEntity() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.AbstractEntity
Creates a new instance of entity.
AbstractEntity(String) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.AbstractEntity
Create own entity.
AbstractHeartBeat - Class in com.tenio.engine.heartbeat
The game loop is the overall flow control for the entire game program.
AbstractHeartBeat() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Create a new instance with default FPS value, see 60.
AbstractHeartBeat(int, int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Create a new instance.
AbstractSystem<T extends Entity> - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement
The basis system.
AbstractSystem(Context<T>) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.AbstractSystem
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
add(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
add(System) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Adds the system instance to the systems list.
add(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
add(X, X) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Smoother
addEntity(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Used to add the entities to the data structure adds entities to the class by allocating them to the appropriate cell.
addSystem(System) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
ANTI_CLOCK_WISE - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2


BACKGROUND_RED - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
BaseGameEntity - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common
The base game entity class, it aims for creating movable objects.
BaseGameEntity() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
BaseGameEntity(int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
BaseGameEntity(int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity


calculateNeighbors(Vector2, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
This must be called to create the vector of neighbors.This method examines each cell within range of the target, If the cells contain entities then they are tested to see if they are situated within the target's neighborhood region.
call() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
CellSpacePartition<T extends BaseGameEntity> - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
This class is used to divide a 2D space into a grid of cells each of which may contain a number of entities.
CellSpacePartition(float, float, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Create a new instance.
changeState(State<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Change to the another state.
cleanup() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.ComponentPool
cleanup() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.EntityPool
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.MessageDispatcher
clear() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
Destroy all heart-beats and clear all references.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
clearCells() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Clears the cells of all entities.
clearSystems() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Remove all systems.
clearSystems() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
CLOCK_WISE - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
clone() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
com.tenio.engine.constant - package com.tenio.engine.constant
com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis - package com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis
com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement - package com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement
com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool - package com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool
com.tenio.engine.ecs.system - package com.tenio.engine.ecs.system
com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement - package com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement
com.tenio.engine.exception - package com.tenio.engine.exception
com.tenio.engine.fsm - package com.tenio.engine.fsm
com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity - package com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity
com.tenio.engine.heartbeat - package com.tenio.engine.heartbeat
com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs - package com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs
com.tenio.engine.message - package com.tenio.engine.message
com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common - package com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common
com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic - package com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic
com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window - package com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window
com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math - package com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math
com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility - package com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
Component<T> - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm
An Entity represents a single object in your world.
Component - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis
A component can be likened to a C struct.
Component(T) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.Component
ComponentIsNotExistedException - Exception in com.tenio.engine.exception
When you try to remove non-existing component from an entity.
ComponentIsNotExistedException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.engine.exception.ComponentIsNotExistedException
ComponentPool - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool
The object pool mechanism for Component.
ComponentPool(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.ComponentPool
contain(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
contains(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
Check if a heart-beat is existed or not.
contains(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
Context<T extends Entity> - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis
A context is used to manage all relative entities and components.
ContextImpl<T extends EntityImpl> - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement
A context manages the life-cycle of entities and groups.
ContextImpl(ContextInfo, Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
ContextInfo - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement
The context information.
ContextInfo(String, String[], Class<?>[], int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextInfo
count() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
create(String, AbstractHeartBeat) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
Create a new heart-beat.
create(String, AbstractHeartBeat) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
createEntity() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Create new entity.
createEntity() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
createRandomPath(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
Create a new random path.
createWhiskers(int, float, float, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Given an origin, a facing direction, a 'field of view' describing the limit of the outer whiskers, a whisker length and the number of whiskers this method returns a vector containing the end positions of a series of whiskers radiating away from the origin and with equal distance between them.


D2Point() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows.D2Point
debug(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Display a window for debugging.
DEFAULT_ENTITY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
destroyAllEntities() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Remove all context's entities.
destroyAllEntities() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
destroyEntity(T) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Remove this entity from the current context.
destroyEntity(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
dispatchMessage(double, String, String, int, ExtraMessage) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.MessageDispatcher
Given a message, a receiver, a sender and any time delay , this function routes the message to the correct agent (if no delay) or stores in the message queue to be dispatched at the correct time.
dispose(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
Dispose a heart-beat.
dispose(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
div(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
div(X, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Smoother
drawCircle(float, float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a circle.
drawCircle(int, int, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawCircle(Vector2, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawClosedShape(List<Vector2>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a closed shape.
drawCross(Vector2, int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a cross.
drawDot(int, int, Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawDot(Vector2, Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawLine(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawLine(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawLineWithArrow(Vector2, Vector2, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a line with an arrow on its head.
drawPolyLine(List<Vector2>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a polygon line.
drawRect(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a rectangle.
drawTextAtPosition(float, float, String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
drawTextAtPosition(int, int, String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Draw a text at a position.
drawTextAtPosition(Vector2, String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
DuplicatedComponentException - Exception in com.tenio.engine.exception
When you try to add a component twice into an entity.
DuplicatedComponentException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.engine.exception.DuplicatedComponentException
DuplicatedEntityException - Exception in com.tenio.engine.exception
When you try to re-register an entity to the entity manager.
DuplicatedEntityException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.engine.exception.DuplicatedEntityException


EcsHeartBeat - Class in com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs
The ECS system base on heart-beat.
EcsHeartBeat(int, int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
enableLoop(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
enableOpaqueText(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
enableTag(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
enforceNonPenetrationConstraint(T, CT) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
Given a pointer to an entity and a list container of pointers to nearby entities, this function checks to see if there is an overlap between entities.
EngineConstant - Class in com.tenio.engine.constant
All base constants' values for the server are defined here.
enter(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.State
This will execute when the state is entered.
EntitiesRelationship - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
Some useful entities functions.
EntitiesRelationship() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
entity - Variable in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.Component
A pointer to the agent that owns this instance.
Entity - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis
An entity is something that exists in your game world.
EntityImpl - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement
An entity is something that exists in your game world.
EntityImpl() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
EntityManager - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm
This class for managing entities.
EntityManager() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
EntityPool - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool
The object pool mechanism for Entity.
EntityPool(Class<? extends EntityImpl>, ContextInfo) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.EntityPool
equals(Object) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
execute(float) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.ExecuteSystem
execute(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Calls execute() on all ExecuteSystem and other nested systems instances in the order you added them.
execute(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.State
This is the state's normal update function.
ExecuteSystem - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system
Execute systems run once per frame.
exit(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.State
This will execute when the state is exited.
ExtraMessage - Interface in com.tenio.engine.message
The extra message.


fillRect(Color, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Fill the rectangle with color.
FOREGROUND_BLUE - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
FOREGROUND_GREEN - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
FOREGROUND_INTENSITY - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
FOREGROUND_RED - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
FsmComponent<T> - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity
Check out the FSM for more details.
FsmComponent(MessageDispatcher, T) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent


Geometry - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
Some useful 2D geometry functions.
Geometry() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Geometry.SpanType - Enum Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
Span Type.
get() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.ComponentPool
get() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.EntityPool
get(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
getAvailableSlot() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.ComponentPool
getAvailableSlot() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.EntityPool
getBottom() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
getBoundingRadius() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getCircleArea(float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
getClosestEntityLineSegmentIntersection(CT, String, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
getClosestEntityLineSegmentIntersection(CT, String, Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
Retrieves the closest entity line segment intersections.
getComponent(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Retrieves the component by index.
getComponent(int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
getComponentNames() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextInfo
getComponentPools() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Retrieves the list of component pools.
getComponentPools() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
getComponents() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Retrieves a list of the current entity.
getComponents() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
getComponentTypes() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextInfo
getContent() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.message.ExtraMessage
getContentByKey(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.message.ExtraMessage
getContext() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.AbstractSystem
Retrieves the current context.
getContextInfo() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Retrieves the context information.
getContextInfo() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Retrieves the context information.
getContextInfo() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
getContextInfo() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
getCurrentState() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
getCurrentWayPoint() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
getDelayTime() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
getDispatcher() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
getDistancePointSegment(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given a point vectorP and a circle of radius R centered at C This function determines the two points on the circle that intersect with the tangents from vectorP to the circle.
getDistancePointSegmentSqr(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given a line segment AB and a point P This function calculates the perpendicular distance between them.
getDistanceRayCircleIntersect(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Retrieves the distance ray circle intersection.
getDistanceRayPlaneIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given a plane and a ray.
getDistanceSqrValue(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Squared version of distance: Calculates the Euclidean distance squared between two vectors
getDistanceTwoSegmentIntersect(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given 2 lines segment in 2D space AB, CD this returns true if an intersection occurs and sets dist as parameter to the distance the intersection occurs along AB.
getDistanceValue(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Calculates the Euclidean distance between two vectors
getDotProductValue(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Calculates the dot product
Since the only way a negative number can be introduced to this equation is the cosine function, the result of the dot product is negative if and only if the vectors point in a direction greater than pi/2 radians (90 degrees) apart from one another.
getEntities() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Retrieves all entities of the current context.
getEntities() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
getEntitiesCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Retrieves the number of entities.
getEntitiesCount() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
getEntity(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Retrieves an entity by entity id.
getEntity(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
getEntityLineSegmentIntersections(CT, String, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
getFontHeight() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Retrieves the height of font.
getFps() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Retrieves the FPS.
getFrontOfNeighbor() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Retrieves a reference to the entity at the front of the neighbor vector.
getGetEntityLineSegmentIntersections(CT, String, Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
Retrieves the entity line segment intersections.
getGlobalState() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
getHeading() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getHeadingX() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getHeadingY() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getId() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Retrieves the entity's id.
getId() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
getId() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.AbstractEntity
Retrieves the entity id.
getInfo() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
getInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
getLeft() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
getLength() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
getLengthSqr() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
getMass() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getMaxForce() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getMaxSpeed() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getMaxTurnRate() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextInfo
getNameOfCurrentState() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Only be used during debugging to grab the name of the current state.
getNextOfNeighbor() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Retrieves the next entity in the neighbor vector.
getNumberComponents() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextInfo
getPointTwoSegmentIntersect(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given 2 lines segment in 2D space AB, CD this returns true if an intersection occurs and sets dist as parameter to the distance the intersection occurs along AB.
getPoolSize() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.ComponentPool
getPoolSize() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.EntityPool
getPosition() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getPositionX() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getPositionY() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getPreviousState() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
getReceiver() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
getRight() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
getRotation() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
gets() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
Retrieves the list of entities.
getScale() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getScaleX() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getScaleY() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getSender() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
getSide() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getSideX() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getSideY() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getSignValue(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Get sign value between 2 vectors
How to compute sign value
getSpeed() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getSpeedSqr() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getTangentPoints(Vector2, float, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Check if the vector is within the circle.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.message.ExtraMessage
getTop() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
getTwoCirclesIntersectionArea(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Tests to see if two circles overlap and if so calculates the area defined by the union.
getTwoCirclesIntersectionPoints(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given two circles, this function calculates the intersection points of any overlap.
getType() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
getType() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
getVelocity() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getVelocityX() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getVelocityY() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
getWayPoints() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
getWhereIsPoint(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Retrieves the span type.


handleMessage(Telegram) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.AbstractEntity
All entities can communicate using messages.
handleMessage(Telegram) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Handling messages.
hasAnyComponent(int...) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Check if one of components in list are existed or not.
hasAnyComponent(int...) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
hasComponent(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Check if the component is existed or not.
hasComponent(int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
hasComponents(int...) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Check if all the components in list are existed or not.
hasComponents(int...) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
hasEntity(T) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Check if the entity is existed by entity id.
hasEntity(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
It is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever equals method is overridden, to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.
HeartBeatManager - Interface in com.tenio.engine.heartbeat
The Java ExecutorService is a construct that allows you to pass a task to be executed by a thread asynchronously.
HeartBeatManagerImpl - Class in com.tenio.engine.heartbeat
The Java ExecutorService is a construct that allows you to pass a task to be executed by a thread asynchronously.
HeartBeatManagerImpl() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
HeartbeatNotFoundException - Exception in com.tenio.engine.exception
When you try to dispose a non-existing heartbeat.
HeartbeatNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.engine.exception.HeartbeatNotFoundException


initialize() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Calls initialize() on all InitializeSystem and other nested systems instances in the order you added them.
initialize() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.InitializeSystem
initialize() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Create an identity matrix.
initialize(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
The number of maximum heart-beats that the server can handle.
initialize(int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
InitializeSystem - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system
Initialize systems run once at the start of your program.
insideRegion(Vector2, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
insideRegion(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
InvertedAabbBox2D - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common
AABB stands for Axis-aligned Bounding Box.
isEndOfNeighbors() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Check if the end of vector is found.
isEndOfWayPoints() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
isEqual(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
isInState(State<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Check if it is in a particular state or not.
isOverlapped(T, CT) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
isOverlapped(T, CT, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
Check if there is overlap between entities.
isOverlappedWith(InvertedAabbBox2D) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
Check if two Box is overlapped.
isPointInCircle(Vector2, float, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Check if the point p is within the radius of the given circle.
isRayCircleIntersect(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Check if the ray intersect with the circle.
isRotatedHeadingToFacePosition(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
Given a target position, this method rotates the entity's heading and side vectors by an amount not greater than m_dMaxTurnRate until it directly faces the target.
isRunning() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Retrieves the systems status.
isSecondInFovoFirst(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
isSegmentCircleClosestIntersectPoint(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, float, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Given a line segment AB and a circle position and radius, This function determines if there is an intersection and stores the position of the closest intersection in the reference IntersectionPoint returns false if no intersection point is found.
isSegmentCircleIntersectAtPoint(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Determines if the line segment AB intersects with a circle at position vectorC with radius.
isSegmentObjectIntersect(Vector2, Vector2, List<Vector2>) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Tests a line segment against a polygon for intersection Does not check for enclosure.
isSpeedMaxedOut() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
isTagged() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
isTwoCirclesEnclosed(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Determines if one circle encloses the other.
isTwoCirclesOverlapped(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Returns true if the two circles overlap {center (x,y) round r} Include enclosed case.
isTwoCirclesOverlapped(Vector2, float, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Returns true if the two circles overlap {center (x,y) round r} Include enclosed case.
isTwoObjectsIntersect(List<Vector2>, List<Vector2>) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Tests two polygons for intersection.
isTwoSegmentIntersect(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry
Determine if two segments are intersected.
isZero() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2


listen(MessageListener) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.MessageDispatcher
loadIcon(String) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
Load the windows icon.


Matrix3 - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math
A 3x3 row major matrix.
MessageDispatcher - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm
This class is used for sending messages between entities.
MessageDispatcher(EntityManager) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.MessageDispatcher
MessageListener - Interface in com.tenio.engine.fsm
This interface provides a method for listening all messages of entities.
MF_CHECKED - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
MF_UNCHECKED - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
MFS_CHECKED - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
MFS_UNCHECKED - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
MoveableEntity - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common
A base class defining an entity that moves.
MoveableEntity(Vector2, float, Vector2, float, Vector2, float, Vector2, float, float) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
mul(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2


newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
normalize() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Normalize a 2D Vector
Detail normalize.
notInsideRegion(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry


ON_PLANE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry.SpanType
onAction1() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Customize the button 1 action.
onAction1() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onAction2() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Customize the button 2 action.
onAction2() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onAction3() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Customize the button 3 action.
onAction3() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onCreate() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called when start a game loop.
onCreate() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onDispose() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called when the game loop is stopped or destroyed.
onDispose() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onListen(Telegram, boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.fsm.MessageListener
To listen message communication.
onMessage(ExtraMessage) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called when the heart-beat receives a message from outside.
onMessage(ExtraMessage) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onMessage(T, Telegram) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.State
This executes if the agent receives a message from the message dispatcher, see MessageDispatcher.
onPause() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called when you call AbstractHeartBeat.pause(boolean) with true parameter.
onPause() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onRender(Paint) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called every frame after AbstractHeartBeat.onUpdate(float).
onRender(Paint) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onResume() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called when you call AbstractHeartBeat.pause(boolean) with false parameter.
onResume() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat
onUpdate(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
It is called every frame in a game loop.
onUpdate(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.ecs.EcsHeartBeat


p11(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p12(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p13(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p21(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p22(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p23(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
P2Point() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows.P2Point
P2Point(int, int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows.P2Point
P2Point(Point) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows.P2Point
p31(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p32(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
p33(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Paint - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic
This class provides some methods for painting objects to a screen.
Path - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common
This class is used to define, manage, and traverse a path (defined by a series of 2D vectors).
Path() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
Path(int, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
This constructor for creating a path with initial random way-points.
pause(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Pause game loop.
paused(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Pause the systems running.
perpendicular() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
PLANE_BACKSIDE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry.SpanType
PLANE_FRONT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry.SpanType
pointsToWorldSpace(List<Vector2>, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Given a list of 2D vectors (points), a position, orientation, this function transforms the 2D vectors into the object's world space.
pointsToWorldSpace(List<Vector2>, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Given a list of 2D vectors (points), a position, orientation and scale, this function transforms the 2D vectors into the object's world space.
pointToLocalSpace(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Transforms a point from the world space into agent local space.
pointToWorldSpace(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Transforms a point from the agent's local space into world space.
putContent(String, Object) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.message.ExtraMessage


register(AbstractEntity) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
Register an entity to this management.
remove(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
removeAllComponents() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Remove all components.
removeAllComponents() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
removeComponent(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Remove component by index.
removeComponent(int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
render(Paint) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Calls render() on all RenderSystem and other nested systems instances in the order you added them.
render(Paint) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.RenderSystem
render(Paint) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
render(Paint) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
render(Paint) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Renderable
To render objects to screen.
render(Paint) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Renderable - Interface in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic
This interface provides a method for rending objects to a screen.
RenderSystem - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system
Display simple shapes for debugging.
repay(Component) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.ComponentPool
repay(Entity) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.pool.EntityPool
replaceComponent(int, Component) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Replace old component by new component by index.
replaceComponent(int, Component) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
reset() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Context
Reset the current context.
reset() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Reset entity.
reset() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextImpl
reset() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
reverse() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
revertToPreviousState() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Change state back to the previous state.
rotate(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Create a rotation matrix.
rotate(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Create a rotation matrix from a 2D vector.


scale(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Create a scale matrix.
SEND_MSG_IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.constant.EngineConstant
It is used in the FSM pattern in which all entities can communicate with others by message in some delay time.
sendMessage(String, ExtraMessage) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
Send a message to a particular heart-beat with no delay time.
sendMessage(String, ExtraMessage) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
sendMessage(String, ExtraMessage, double) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManager
Send a message to a particular heart-beat with a delay time.
sendMessage(String, ExtraMessage, double) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.HeartBeatManagerImpl
set(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
set(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
setBottom(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
setBoundingRadius(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
setCcu(int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Updates the CCU information.
setComponent(int, Component) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Set new component.
setComponent(int, Component) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
setComponentPools(ElementPool<Component>[]) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Set list of component pools, each component pool manages specific component type.
setComponentPools(ElementPool<Component>[]) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
setContextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Set context information.
setContextInfo(ContextInfo) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
setCurrentState(State<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Use these methods to initialize the FSM.
setDelayTime(double) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
setGlobalState(State<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
The global state is called in every processing.
setHeading(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
First checks that the given heading is not a vector of zero length.
setHeading(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
setId(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.Entity
Set new id.
setId(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.EntityImpl
setId(String) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.AbstractEntity
Create own entity.
setLeft(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
setLocation(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows.D2Point
setMaxForce(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
setMaxSpeed(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
setMaxTurnRate(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
setMessageListener(TreeSet<HeartbeatMessage>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
Set the listener for the heart-beat.
setPath(Path) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
setPenColor(Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
setPosition(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
setPosition(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
setPreviousState(State<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
Set the previous state.
setRight(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
setScale(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
Set the new scale value.
setScale(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
Set the new scale value.
setScale(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
setTextAction1(String, Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
setTextAction2(String, Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
setTextAction3(String, Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.heartbeat.AbstractHeartBeat
setTextColor(int, int, int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
setToNextWayPoint() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
Moves the iterator on to the next way-point in the list.
setTop(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
setType(int) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.BaseGameEntity
setVelocity(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
setVelocity(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.MoveableEntity
setWayPoints(List<Vector2>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.Path
Adds a way-point to the end of the path methods for setting the path with either another path or a list of vectors.
SMALLEST_DELAY - Static variable in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
These telegrams will be stored in a priority queue.
Smoother<T extends Number> - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
Template class to help calculate the average value of a history of values.
Smoother(int, T) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Smoother
To instantiate a Smoother, pass it the number of samples you want to use in the smoothing, and an example of a 'zero' type.
SmootherVector<T extends Vector2> - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
Template class to help calculate the average value of a history of values.
SmootherVector(int, T) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.SmootherVector
To instantiate a Smoother, pass it the number of samples you want to use in the smoothing, and an example of a 'zero' type.
startDrawing(Graphics) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.Paint
Call this before drawing.
State<T> - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity
Check out the State for more details.
State() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.State
sub(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
sub(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
System - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system
The basis system.
Systems - Class in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement
Systems provide a convenient way to group systems.
Systems() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Creates a new systems instance.


tagNeighbors(T, CT, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.EntitiesRelationship
Tags any entities contained in a list container that are within the radius of the single entity parameter.
tearDown() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.implement.Systems
Calls tearDown() on all TearDownSystem and other nested Systems instances in the order you added them.
tearDown() - Method in interface com.tenio.engine.ecs.system.TearDownSystem
TearDownSystem - Interface in com.tenio.engine.ecs.system
Teardown systems run once at the end of your program.
Telegram - Class in com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity
This object is used for communication between entities.
Telegram() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
Telegram(double, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
Telegram(double, String, String, int, ExtraMessage) - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.ecs.basis.implement.ContextInfo
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.Telegram
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Transformation - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility
Some functions for converting 2D vectors between World and Local space.
Transformation() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
transformVector2D(Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Applies a 2D transformation matrix to a single Vector2D.
transformVector2Ds(List<Vector2>) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Applies a 2D transformation matrix to a list of Vector2Ds.
translate(float, float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Matrix3
Create a transformation matrix.
truncate(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
Adjusts x and y so that the length of the vector does not exceed max truncates a vector so that its length does not exceed max


update(double) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.Component
This method is called every frames.
update(double) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.FsmComponent
update(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.entity.AbstractEntity
All entities must implement an update function.
update(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.EntityManager
Need to call update every frame.
update(float) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.fsm.MessageDispatcher
This method is called each time through the main game loop.
update(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Smoother
Each time you want to get a new average, feed it the most recent value and this method will return an average over the last SampleSize updates.
update(T) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.SmootherVector
Each time you want to get a new average, feed it the most recent value and this method will return an average over the last SampleSize updates.
updateEntity(T, Vector2) - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.CellSpacePartition
Update an entity's cell by calling this from your entity's Update method Checks to see if an entity has moved cells.


valueOf(float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
valueOf(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.common.InvertedAabbBox2D
valueOf(Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry.SpanType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Geometry.SpanType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
vec2dRotateAroundOrigin(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Rotates a vector angle radians around the origin.
vec2dRotateAroundOrigin(Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Rotates a vector angle radians around the origin.
Vector2 - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math
A 2D Vector.
vectorToLocalSpace(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Transforms a point from the world space into agent local space.
vectorToWorldSpace(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Transforms a vector from the agent's local space into world space.


Windows - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window
Supported methods for windows.
Windows() - Constructor for class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window.Windows
Windows.D2Point - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window
Point in 2D.
Windows.P2Point - Class in com.tenio.engine.physic2d.graphic.window
Point in 2D.
wrapAround(Vector2, int, int) - Static method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.utility.Transformation
Wrap around a vector.


x - Variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2


y - Variable in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2


zero() - Method in class com.tenio.engine.physic2d.math.Vector2
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