

package fintrospect

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ContentType(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  2. class FintrospectModule extends AnyRef

    Self-describing module builder (uses the immutable builder pattern).

  3. trait IncompletePath extends AnyRef

  4. class IncompletePath0 extends IncompletePath

  5. class IncompletePath1[A] extends IncompletePath

  6. class IncompletePath2[A, B] extends IncompletePath

  7. class IncompletePath3[A, B, C] extends IncompletePath

  8. class IncompletePath4[A, B, C, D] extends IncompletePath

  9. class IncompletePath5[A, B, C, D, E] extends IncompletePath

  10. class IncompletePath6[A, B, C, D, E, F] extends IncompletePath

  11. class IncompletePath7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] extends IncompletePath

  12. class ResponseSpec extends AnyRef

    Defines a potential response from a route, with a possible example

  13. class RouteClient extends AnyRef

    Representation of a pre-configured client HTTP call

  14. case class RouteSpec extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates the specification of an HTTP endpoint, for use by either a Finagle server or client.

  15. class Routing extends Service[Request, Response]

  16. abstract class ServerRoute extends AnyRef

  17. trait ServerRoutes extends Iterable[ServerRoute]

    Implement this trait if there is a requirement to have more than one route in a single class.

Value Members

  1. object ContentTypes

  2. object FintrospectModule

  3. object Headers

  4. object IncompletePath

  5. object ResponseSpec

  6. object RouteClient

  7. object RouteSpec extends Serializable

  8. object Routing

  9. package formats

  10. package parameters

  11. package renderers

  12. package testing

  13. package util
