Class SwerveChassis

  • public class SwerveChassis
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a complete swerve chassis, with high level operations for controlling it.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SwerveChassis

        public SwerveChassis​(Configuration config)
        Constructs the SwerveChassis from the config.
        config - The config info for this swerve.
    • Method Detail

      • setTargetState

        public void setTargetState​(VelocityState target)
        Sets the target velocity state.
        target - The velocity state to set.
      • getTargetState

        public VelocityState getTargetState()
        Gets the target velocity state.
        The target velocity state.
      • getConstrainedCommandState

        public VelocityState getConstrainedCommandState()
        Gets the velocity state commanded after all constraints.
        The constrained velocity state.
      • holdAzimuths

        public void holdAzimuths​(boolean hold)
        Sets a hold on the current module azimuth targets.
        hold - True if there should be a hold, false otherwise.
      • inHoldAzimuthMode

        public boolean inHoldAzimuthMode()
        Gets if the chassis is in hold azimuth mode.
        True if the chassis is in hold azimuth mode, false otherwise.
      • update

        public void update()
        Updates all periodic processes in the swerve chassis, such as setting module controls.
      • getOdomState

        public OdomState getOdomState()
        Gets the chassis odometry state.
        The odometry state
      • setOdomState

        public void setOdomState​(OdomState state)
        Sets the chassis odometry state. (for setting chassis initial conditions)
        state - state to set the chassis to
      • setOdomState

        public void setOdomState​(double x,
                                 double y)
        Sets the chassis odometry state. (for setting chassis initial conditions)
        x - The x position of the chassis, in feet.
        y - The y position of the chassis, in feet.
      • setOdomState

        public void setOdomState​(double x,
                                 double y,
                                 double theta)
        Sets the chassis odometry state. (for setting chassis initial conditions)
        x - The x position of the chassis, in feet.
        y - The y position of the chassis, in feet.
        theta - The heading of the chasis, in degrees.
      • setCoast

        public void setCoast()
        Sets all motors to coast mode.
      • setBrake

        public void setBrake()
        Sets all motors to brake mode.
      • getMaxTranslationSpeed

        public double getMaxTranslationSpeed()
        Gets the maximum translation speed if the drive is doing nothing else.
        The maximum translation speed, in feet per second.
      • getMaxRotationSpeed

        public double getMaxRotationSpeed()
        Gets the maximum rotation speed if the drive is doing nothing else.
        The maximum rotation speed, in feet per second.