Class SSLFactoryUtils

  • public final class SSLFactoryUtils
    extends Object
    Hakan Altindag
    • Method Detail

      • reload

        public static void reload​(SSLFactory baseSslFactory,
                                  SSLFactory updatedSslFactory)
        Reloads the ssl material for the KeyManager and / or TrustManager within the base SSLFactory if present and if it is swappable. Other properties such as ciphers, protocols, secure-random, HostnameVerifier and SSLParameters will not be reloaded.
      • reload

        public static void reload​(SSLFactory baseSslFactory,
                                  SSLFactory updatedSslFactory,
                                  boolean shouldInvalidateCaches)
        Reloads the ssl material for the KeyManager and / or TrustManager within the base SSLFactory if present and if it is swappable. Other properties such as ciphers, protocols, secure-random, HostnameVerifier and SSLParameters will not be reloaded.