Class DistributionList


public class DistributionList
extends MessageObject
The DistributionList class represents a PST contact distribution list message object. The values set in the constructor are those which come from the folder Contents Table; retrieval of other fields require that the client provide the message property context from which the fields may be extracted. An example of the expected use case is:
	// given the contents table object contentsTable and the PST object pst:

	DistributionList distributionList = new DistributionList(contentsTable, 0, pst.blockBTree, pst.nodeBTree, pst);

	PropertyContext distributionListPC = distributionList.getMessageObject(pst.blockBTree, pst);
See Also:
Appointment, Contact, Message, "[MS-OXPROPS] Exchange Server Protocols Master Property List v20101026", {MX-OXPROPS]: Exchange Server Protocols Master Property List (MSDN), "[MS-OXCXMSG] Message and Attacment Object Protocol Specifications v20101027", [MS-OXCMSG]: Message and Attachment Object Protocol Specification (MSDN), "[MS-PST] Outlook Personal Folders (.pst) File Format v20110608, section 2.4.5", Message Objects (MSDN)
  • Method Details

    • members

      public Iterator<DistributionList.Entry> members​(PropertyContext pc, io.github.jmcleodfoss.pst.BlockMap bbt, NodeMap nbt, PSTFile pstFile) throws IOException
      Extract the list of members from the message object property context.
      pc - The message object property context, as retrieved by getMessage.
      bbt - The PST file's block B-tree.
      nbt - The PST file's node B-tree
      pstFile - The PST file's data stream, header, etc.
      The list of members, as an array of strings.
      IOException - The distribution list contents could not be read.