Interface EventBus

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EventBus
This is the interface for an event bus. An event bus is a central place for sending, listening to and receiving events. The EventBus allows to communicate between loosely coupled components in a smart and efficient way:
  • A component sending events only needs to know the EventBus but not the receivers of the events.
  • A component receiving events only needs to know the EventBus but not the sender of the events.
This way components can communicate via events without compile time dependency between them. All they need to see is the EventBus and the event itself.
This interface is designed as a stable API and standard for an event bus. However, there can be various implementations of this interface with different aspects regarding concurrency, polymorphism, performance, etc. While this interface will remain stable, we might change internals of the EventBus implementation. Further, you may want to choose a different implementation of EventBus when you are inside a front-end application (UI) or a back-end application (server). Therefore, it is possible to provide your own implementation of EventBus as a Java module via ServiceLoader.
The loose coupling makes flows less easy to see, understand and debug. You should only consider this approach for components that should be decoupled by design. Do not get confused by the beauty of the event-bus pattern and avoid using it where straight method calls should be preferred.
E.g. if you have a user-interface with a navigation sub-dialog and various other dialogs they should communicate via EventBus to update their views accordingly. However, a business component responsible to read and write addresses may get the requirement that in case of a change of an address some logic from the domain of another component should be invoked and that might even reject the change. In the latter case EventBus is the wrong choice.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • sendEvent

      void sendEvent(Object event)
      This method sends an event to all suitable registered listeners.
      event - is the event to send. Technically such event may be any Object such as a String. However, it is strongly recommended to create explicit value classes named with the suffix "Event". The easiest way to create your own event type is to use a Java Record. Please note that it may seem more easy to use data-objects directly as event, e.g. for the selection of a user, you may send the user object itself as event. However, later you may notice that you also need to send an event if a user is deleted or created and your design and semantic of events will be flawed. Therefore it is strongly to create a UserSelectionEvent Class or Record containing the selected user or its unique identifier in that example from the beginning to ensure a design for extension and flexibility.
    • addListener

      <E> void addListener(Class<E> eventType, EventListener<E> listener)
      This method registers a listener that is interested in events.
      Type Parameters:
      E - is the type of the events to listen to.
      eventType - is the Class reflecting the events to listen to. Typically this should be the exact type of some event sent via sendEvent(Object). However, polymorphic implementations of EventBus will also support event inheritance and allow you to register an EventListener for a super-class of an event type.
      listener - is the EventListener that shall be notified if an event of the given Class is send.
    • removeListener

      <E> boolean removeListener(Class<E> eventType, EventListener<E> listener)
      This method removes a listener. If the listener was not registered before this method will have no effect.
      Type Parameters:
      E - is the type of the events to listen to.
      eventType - is the Class reflecting the events to listen to.
      listener - is the EventListener to remove.
      true if the given listener has successfully been removed, false if the listener was NOT registered.
    • removeListener

      default boolean removeListener(EventListener<?> listener)
      This method removes a listener. If the listener was not registered before this method will have no effect.
      listener - is the EventListener to remove.
      true if the given listener has successfully been removed, false if the listener was NOT registered.