Module io.github.mmm.marshall.mrpc

module io.github.mmm.marshall.mrpc
Provides an implementation of mmm-marshall for mRPC. mRPC is an analogy to gRPC but is a proprietary format of the m-m-m project. So why should I use it? Generic formats like XML, JSON or YAML are well established but slow to parse. However, gPRC/protobuf that addresses the parser performance well made design decisions that do not fit a generic marshalling. E.g. the length has to be encoded at the beginning of every object or array causing design and performance issues when writing the data into streams as you have to buffer the entire object or need computations to determine the size. Even worse in ProtoBuf you cannot distinguish between string, object, or array when reading the data. For static mappings this may be suitable but for dynamic structures this is causing severe problems. These problems are addressed by mRPC to bring the flexible structure of JSON with the lightning fast processing of gRPC.