
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


AbstractColorFactor<SELF extends AbstractColorFactor<SELF>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
The implementation of ColorSegment for a factor in the range from 0 to 1 such as Saturation, Lightness, or Brightness.
AbstractColorFactor(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
The constructor.
AbstractColorFactor(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
The constructor.
AbstractColorFactor(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
The constructor.
AbstractUiCustomWidget<W extends UiWidget> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
This is the abstract base implementation of UiCustomWidget.
AbstractUiCustomWidget(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
The constructor.
AbstractUiWidget - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
Abstract base implementation of UiWidget.
AbstractUiWidget() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiWidget
The constructor.
AbstractUiWidgetFactory<F extends UiSingleWidgetFactory<?>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Abstract base implementation for widget factor based on UiSingleWidgetFactory.
AbstractUiWidgetFactory(Class<F>) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.AbstractUiWidgetFactory
The constructor.
ACCESS_KEY_NONE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiActiveWidget
The access key value if no access key is defined.
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionApply
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionApprove
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionCancel
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionClose
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionConfirm
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionDelete
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionDiscard
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionEdit
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionNext
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionNo
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionOk
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionOpen
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionPrevious
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionRemove
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionReset
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionSave
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionSearch
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionSubmit
ACTION_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionYes
add(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
addChild(C) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomMutableComposite
addChild(C) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiMutableComposite
Adds the given child to the end of the child-list.
addChild(C, int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomMutableComposite
addChild(C, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiMutableComposite
Inserts the given child at the given index.
addChild(UiInput<?>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiMutablePanel
addChild(UiRegularWidget, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridRow
addChild(UiRegularWidget, int, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridRow
Inserts the given child at the given index.
addChild(UiRegularWidget, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridRow
Inserts the given child at the given index.
addListener(UiEventListener, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
addRow() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomGridPanel
addRow() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridPanel
addRow(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomGridPanel
addRow(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridPanel
addRow(int, UiRegularWidget...) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomGridPanel
addRow(int, UiRegularWidget...) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridPanel
addRow(UiRegularWidget...) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomGridPanel
addRow(UiRegularWidget...) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridPanel
addSelection(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelections
addSelections(Collection<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelections
ALL - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for to test if all flags/bits are set.
ALL - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
InverseBitFlag for to test if all flags/bits are set.
ALL - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiEnabledFlags
ALL - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiVisibleFlags
Alpha - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the alpha value of a color what is its opacity.
Alpha(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Alpha
The constructor.
Alpha(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Alpha
The constructor.
Alpha(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Alpha
The constructor.
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Type of ColorSegment for Alpha.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScrollBarVisibility
The scrollbar is always visible.
ANY - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag to test if any flag is set.
ANY - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
InverseBitFlag to test if any flag is set.
ANY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiEnabledFlags
ANY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiVisibleFlags
AttributeFeatureClick - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
UiWidget that can be clicked.
AttributeFeatureMedia - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write attributes of a media player.
AttributeFeaturePlayback - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to handle all features related to playback (of audio or video).
AttributeFeatureVolume - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write attributes of a media player.
AttributeReadAttached - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the attached state.
AttributeReadEnabled - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the enabled flag of an object.
AttributeReadId - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the ID.
AttributeReadLanguage - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the language.
AttributeReadMimetype - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the mimetype.
AttributeReadMultiSelection - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the multi-selection flag.
AttributeReadPosition - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the position as X and Y coordinates.
AttributeReadProgrammatic - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the programmatic flag.
AttributeReadSelection<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the single-selection.
AttributeReadSelections<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the multi-selection.
AttributeReadSize - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the size as width and height.
AttributeReadText - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the text.
AttributeReadTitle - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the title.
AttributeReadUrl - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the URL.
AttributeReadValid - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the valid flag.
AttributeReadValue<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the value.
AttributeReadVisible - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read the visibility.
AttributeWriteAltText - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the alternative text.
AttributeWriteAutocomplete - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the autocompletion setting.
AttributeWriteClosable - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the closable flag.
AttributeWriteCollapsed - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the collapsed flag.
AttributeWriteCollapsible - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the collapsible flag.
AttributeWriteEnabled - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the enabled flag.
AttributeWriteId - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write an ID.
AttributeWriteImage - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write an image or icon.
AttributeWriteMaximized - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the maximized state.
AttributeWriteMinimized - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the minimized state.
AttributeWriteMoveable - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the movable flag.
AttributeWriteMultiSelection - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the multi-selection flag.
AttributeWritePlaceholder - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the placeholder.
AttributeWritePosition - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write a position with X and Y coordinates.
AttributeWritePositionRange - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the minimum and maximum values for the position.
AttributeWritePrefix - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the prefix.
AttributeWriteReadOnly - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the read-only flag.
AttributeWriteResizable - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the resizable flag.
AttributeWriteSelected - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the selected flag.
AttributeWriteSelection<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the (single-)selection.
AttributeWriteSelections<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the (multi-)selections.
AttributeWriteShowRowNumbers - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the show row numbers flag.
AttributeWriteSize - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the size composed of width and height.
AttributeWriteSizeInPixel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the size in pixel composed of width and height.
AttributeWriteSizeRange - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the minimum and maximum values for the size.
AttributeWriteSuffix - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the suffix.
AttributeWriteText - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the text.
AttributeWriteTitle - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the title.
AttributeWriteToggleGroup - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the UiToggleGroup.
AttributeWriteTooltip - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the tooltip.
AttributeWriteUrl - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write a URL.
AttributeWriteValidationFailure - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the validation failure.
AttributeWriteValue<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the value.
AttributeWriteValueForUser<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the value with ability to provide a flag if the value shall be set on behalf of the user.
AttributeWriteVisible - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Interface to read and write the visibility.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiEnabledFlags
InverseBitMask reserved for authorization.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiVisibleFlags
InverseBitMask reserved for authorization.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScrollBarVisibility
The scrollbar is displayed only if the content is too large for the containing panel.
AUTO - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
The auto UiSize (default).
AUTOCOMPLETE_BIRTHDAY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_CC_CSC - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_CC_EXPIRY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_CC_NUMBER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_CC_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_COUNTRY_CODE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_COUNTRY_NAME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_CURRENT_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the current password (during login).
AUTOCOMPLETE_EMAIL - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_FAMILY_NAME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the family name (last name) of a person.
AUTOCOMPLETE_GIVEN_NAME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the given name (first name) of a person.
AUTOCOMPLETE_HONORIFIC_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the honorific prefix (prefix or title) of a person.
AUTOCOMPLETE_IMPP - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_JOB_TITLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the organization title (job title) of a person.
AUTOCOMPLETE_LANGUAGE_CODE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for a language code (locale).
AUTOCOMPLETE_NEW_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for a new password (during account registration).
AUTOCOMPLETE_NICKNAME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the nickname (e.g.
AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete turned off.
AUTOCOMPLETE_ORGANIZATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for an organization (company name).
AUTOCOMPLETE_POSTAL_CODE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_SEX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the sex (gender).
AUTOCOMPLETE_STREET - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_TELEPHONE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_TX_AMOUNT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_TX_CURRENCY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_URL - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
AUTOCOMPLETE_USERNAME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Autocomplete for the username (login).


B00 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 0.
B00 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B01 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 1.
B01 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B02 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 2.
B02 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B03 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 3.
B03 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B04 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 4.
B04 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B05 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 5.
B05 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B06 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 6.
B06 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B07 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 7.
B07 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B08 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 8.
B08 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B09 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 9.
B09 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B10 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 10.
B10 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B11 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 11.
B11 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B12 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 12.
B12 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B13 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 13.
B13 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B14 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 14.
B14 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B15 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 15.
B15 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B16 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 16.
B16 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B17 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 17.
B17 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B18 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 18.
B18 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B19 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 19.
B19 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B20 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 20.
B20 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B21 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 21.
B21 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B22 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 22.
B22 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B23 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 23.
B23 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B24 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 24.
B24 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B25 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 25.
B25 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B26 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 26.
B26 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B27 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 27.
B27 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B28 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 28.
B28 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B29 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 29.
B29 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B30 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 30.
B30 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
B31 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
BitFlag for LSB 31.
B31 - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
bind(UiAction, UiAbstractButton) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding.UiActionBinding
BitFlag - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
RegularBitMask for a flag (a single bit as value).
BitMask - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
An value and flag that can be encoded into a primitive int value.
BitMask(int, int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
The constructor.
BitValue - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
RegularBitMask for a value of multiple bit of information.
BitValueBoolean - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
BitValue that encodes a a Boolean that unlike boolean may also be null.
BLACK - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color black.
Blue - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the blue part of a color.
Blue(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Blue
The constructor.
Blue(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Blue
The constructor.
Blue(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Blue
The constructor.
BLUE - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Type of ColorSegment for Blue.
BLUE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color blue.
BLUE_VIOLET - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color BlueViolet.
Brightness - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the brightness of a Color.
Brightness(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Brightness
The constructor.
Brightness(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Brightness
The constructor.
BRIGHTNESS - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
BROWN - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color Brown.
BYTE_MAX - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor


cast() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
CENTER - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiTextAlignment
Center text to the middle of the available space.
Chroma - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the chroma of a Color.
Chroma(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Chroma
The constructor.
Chroma(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Chroma
The constructor.
Chroma(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Chroma
The constructor.
clearMask - Variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
click() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureClick
This method sends a programmatic UiClickEvent to all registered UiEventListeners.
Color - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
Color based on values for red, green, Color.getBlue(), and alpha.
Color(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The constructor.
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The constructor.
Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The constructor.
ColorFactor - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This class is a generic implementation of AbstractColorFactor used for color transformations such as GenericColor.lighten(ColorFactor) or GenericColor.darken(ColorFactor).
ColorFactor(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorFactor
The constructor.
ColorFactor(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorFactor
The constructor.
ColorModel - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This enum contains the available ColorModels supported by GenericColor.
ColorSegment<SELF extends ColorSegment<SELF>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
A ColorSegment is a part of a Color.
ColorSegment(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
The constructor.
ColorSegmentType - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This Enum contains the available types of the segments of a Color.
contains(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
create() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactory
This method creates a new UiWidget instance of the particular UiWidget-type managed by this factory.
create() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryDatatype
create() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryNative
create() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryProperty
create() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiToggleGroupFactory
create(ReadableTypedValue<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryProperty
create(ReadableTypedValue<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryProperty
create(ReadableTypedValue<V>, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryProperty
create(Class<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryDatatype
create(Class<V>, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryDatatype
create(Class<W>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryNative
create(Class<W>, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryNative
createConfirmationInput() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiPasswordInput
createForType(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.AbstractUiWidgetFactory
CSS_GREEN - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color CSS green (a darker green while real green is called lime in CSS).
CYAN - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color cyan.


darken(ColorFactor) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Darkens this color by the given factor.
decrease(ColorFactor) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiEnabledFlags
InverseBitMask used by default.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiVisibleFlags
InverseBitMask used by default.
delegate - Variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
dispose() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
dispose() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
This method disposes this widget.
doInitialize() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
This method is called from AbstractUiCustomWidget.initialize() but only if called for the first time.


EM - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
Unit for em meaning a factor relative to the current font-size.
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
Only enabled property is propagated.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
ERROR - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
UiSeverity indicating an error.
event(String, String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
EVENT - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
UiSeverity indicating an event.


format(O) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
This method is intended for internal reuse.
FULL - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
The full UiSize as "100%".


GenericColor - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
A Color based on factors.
GenericColor() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
The constructor.
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding.UiActionBinding
get() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
This method gets the style(s) (also called style-name(s)) of this object.
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryDatatype
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryNative
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiWidgetFactoryProperty
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiDispatcher
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiScreen
getAccessKey() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiActiveWidget
getActiveChild() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSwitchComposite
getActiveChildIndex() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSwitchComposite
getAlignment() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiText
getAlpha() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
getAlpha() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getAltText() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAltText
getAmount() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
This method gets the value (amount) of this size.
getArgb() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
getAutocomplete() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
getBlue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
getBlue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getBoolean(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValueBoolean
getBottom() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
getBrightness() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getCenter() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
getChild() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomMutableSingleComposite
getChild() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSingleComposite
This method gets the single child of this composite.
getChild() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInputContainer
getChild(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getChild(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomComposite
getChild(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSingleComposite
getChild(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
getChild(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getChild(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomComposite
getChild(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSingleComposite
getChildById(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
Searches the (first) child (non-recursive) with the given ID.
getChildCount() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getChildCount() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomComposite
getChildCount() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSingleComposite
getChildIndex(C) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getChildIndex(C) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomComposite
getChildIndex(C) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSingleComposite
getChildSibling(C, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getChildSibling(C, int, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getChroma() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getClearMask() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
getCode() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getConfirmationMessage() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiAction
getContainerWidget() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
getContainerWidget() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
getDelegate() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
getDelegate() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiCustomWidget
getDelegate(AbstractUiCustomWidget<T>) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
This method gets the delegate of the given widget.
getDescendant(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getDetails() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getDpi() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiScreen
getDuration() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureMedia
getFirst() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
getFlag(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
getFlag(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitMask
getFlag(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.RegularBitMask
getFormatter() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
getForType(Class<?>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.AbstractUiWidgetFactory
getGreen() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
getGreen() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getGroup() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiToggleGroup
getHeight() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadSize
getHeightInPixel() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadSize
getHistory() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
getHorizontalScrolling() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomScrollPanel
getHorizontalScrolling() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiScrollPanel
getHue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getIconId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiAction
getIconId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadId
This method gets the unique identifier of this object.
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiAction
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionApply
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionApprove
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionCancel
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionClose
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionConfirm
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionDelete
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionDiscard
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionEdit
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionNext
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionNo
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionOk
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionOpen
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionPrevious
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionRemove
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionReset
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionSave
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionSearch
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionSubmit
getId() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionYes
getId() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
getImage() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteImage
getInvalidCount() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
getKey() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
getLabel() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiAction
getLanguage() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadLanguage
getLeft() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
getLightness() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getLocale() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
getMax() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
getMax() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
getMax() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Hue
getMaxHeight() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
getMaxWidth() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
getMaxX() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
getMaxY() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
getMessage() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getMimetype() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMimetype
getMin() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
getMinHeight() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
getMinWidth() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
getMinX() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
getMinY() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
getModificationTimestamp() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getModificationTimestamp() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
getName() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
getName() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractInput
getName() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
getNameWidget() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
getNameWidget() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
getOptions() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
This method gets the options of this object.
getOriginalValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
getOriginalValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
getOriginalValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
getOriginalValue() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
getParent() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
getParent() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
getPlaceholder() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePlaceholder
getPosition() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureMedia
getPrefix() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePrefix
getPrefix() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
getPrimary() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
getPropagation() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
getReadOnlyFixed() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
getReadOnlyFixed() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
getRed() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
getRed() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getRight() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
getSafe(UiSize) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
getSaturationHsb() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getSaturationHsl() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getSecond() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
getSegment(ColorSegmentType) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
getSelection() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadSelection
getSelections() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadSelections
getSetMask() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
getSeverity() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getSize() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiScreen
getSize() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
getSource() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEvent
getStyles() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
getStyles() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
getSuccessRate() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
getSuffix() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSuffix
getSuffix() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
getText() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadText
getText() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiStringInput
getThird() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getTitle() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadTitle
getTitle() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
getTitle() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getToggleGroup() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteToggleGroup
getTooltip() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTooltip
getTooltip() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiAction
getTooltip() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
getTooltip() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
getTop() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
getTotalCount() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
getTraceId() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiClickEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDetachEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDisableEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnableEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusGainEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusLossEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiHideEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiSelectionEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiShowEvent
getType() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiValueChangeEvent
getType() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactory
getType() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryDatatype
getType() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryNative
getType() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryProperty
getType() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiScreen
getType(boolean) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachingEvent
getType(boolean) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiVisibilityEvent
getUnit() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
getUrl() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadUrl
getUuid() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
getValidationFailure() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValidationFailure
getValidationFailure() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
getValidationFailure() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
getValidationFailure() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
getValidator() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
getValidator() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
getValidator() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
getValidator() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
getValidCount() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
getValue() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadValue
getValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
getValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
getValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValuedWidget
getValue() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
getValue(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
getValue(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
getValue(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValue
getValue(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
getValueAsByte() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
getValueAsFactor() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
getValueAsFactor() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
getValueAsPercent() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
getValueOrThrow() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
getValueOrThrow() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
getValueOrThrow() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
getValueOrThrow() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
getVerticalScrolling() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomScrollPanel
getVerticalScrolling() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiScrollPanel
getVolume() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureVolume
This method gets the volume of this object.
getWidth() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadSize
getWidthInPixel() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadSize
getX() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadPosition
getX() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPoint
getY() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadPosition
getY() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPoint
Green - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the green part of a color.
Green(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Green
The constructor.
Green(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Green
The constructor.
Green(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Green
The constructor.
GREEN - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Type of ColorSegment for Green.
GREEN - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color green (lime).
GREY - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color grey.


hasContainerWidget() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
hasContainerWidget() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
hasNameWidget() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
hasNameWidget() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
HEX_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The prefix for the title.
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScrollBarVisibility
The scrollbar is always hidden.
HSB - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
The indicator for the HSB color model, where HSB stands for the components Hue, Saturation, and Brightness.
HSL - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
The indicator for the HSL color model, where HSL stands for the components Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.
HSV - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
The indicator for the HSV color model.
Hue - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the main characteristic of a a color by the degree of the angle around that axis in the color cube starting with red at 0°.
Hue(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Hue
The constructor.
Hue(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Hue
The constructor.
HUE - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Type of ColorSegment for Hue.


ID_COLLAPSE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for collapse icon.
ID_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for error icon.
ID_EXPAND - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for expand icon.
ID_INFORMATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for information icon.
ID_MUTE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for mute icon.
ID_NEXT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for next icon.
ID_PAUSE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for pause icon.
ID_PLAY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for play icon.
ID_PREVIOUS - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for previous icon.
ID_QUESTION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for question icon.
ID_UNMUTE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for unmute icon.
ID_WARNING - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
ID for warning icon.
increase(ColorFactor) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
INDEX_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
INDEX_CENTER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
INDEX_LEFT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
INDEX_RIGHT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
INDEX_TOP - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
INFORMATION - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
UiSeverity indicating an general purpose information.
initBinding(UiValueBinding<V>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
initBinding(UiValueBinding<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiBindableWidget
Initializes the value binding.
initialize() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
This method initializes this widget.
initName(UiAbstractInput<?>, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractInput
initName(UiAbstractInput<?>, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractInput
initText(W, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
initText(W, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
InverseBitFlag - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
InverseBitMask for a flag (a single bit as value).
InverseBitFlag(int, int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
The constructor.
InverseBitMask - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
BitMask with inverse flag-logic so for false a bit is set to 1 and for true
InverseBitMask(int, int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitMask
The constructor.
invert() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
invert(ColorModel) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
invokeAsynchron(Runnable) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiDispatcher
This method invokes the given task asynchronous in the dispatcher thread of the UI.
invokeTimer(Runnable, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiDispatcher
This method invokes the given task once asynchronous after the given dalay.
invokeTimer(Callable<Boolean>, int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiDispatcher
This method invokes the given task periodically.
invokeUiTask(Runnable) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiDispatcher
io.github.mmm.ui.api - package io.github.mmm.ui.api
Contains the API to build a toolkit-agnostic user-interface (UI).
io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute
Contains the interfaces to standardize and reuse attributes (properties).
io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding
Contains the API for bindings such as io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.binding.UiActionBinding or UiValueBinding.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.core - module io.github.mmm.ui.api.core
Provides the core API for the universal user-interface framework.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
Contains the (immutable) datatypes of this UI API.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
Contains datatypes to represent a bit-encoded flags.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
Contains datatypes to represent a color.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.event - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
Contains the API for UI eventing with UiEvent and UiEventListener.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
Contains UiAction and its sub-interfaces for UI actions.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Contains the API for factories to create widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify
Contains the API to notify the end-user via growl or popups.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
Contains the API for widgets what are the first-class citizens of a UI.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button
Contains the API for all kind of button widgets such as UiButton.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
Contains the API for UiComposite and all sub-interfaces of widgets that contain and compose other widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img
Contains the API for all kind of image widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
Contains the API for all kind of UiInput widgets. - package
Contains the API for all kind of link widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
Contains the API for common composite layouts called panels.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value - package io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
Contains the fundamental API for valued widgets.
isAttached() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadAttached
isAttached() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachEvent
isAttached() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDetachEvent
isAttached() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
isAuto() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
isBitFlag() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
isBitValue() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
isClosable() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteClosable
isCollapsed() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteCollapsed
isCollapsible() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteCollapsible
isDispatchThread() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiDispatcher
isDisposed() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
isDisposed() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiWidget
Null-safe variant of String.isEmpty() for convenience.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadEnabled
isEnabled() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
isEnabled() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDisableEvent
isEnabled() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnableEvent
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Recursively checks if this widget is enabled including all its parents.
isEnabled(BitMask) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
isEnabled(BitMask) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
isFocused() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
isInverse() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
isInverse() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitMask
isInverse() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.RegularBitMask
isMaximized() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMaximized
isMinimized() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMinimized
isModified() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
isModified() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
isMovable() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMoveable
isMultiSelection() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMultiSelection
isMuted() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureVolume
isPlaying() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeaturePlayback
isProgrammatic() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadProgrammatic
isProgrammatic() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEvent
isReadOnly() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteReadOnly
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
isReadOnly() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
isResizable() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteResizable
isResponsible(ReadableTypedValue<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.UiSingleWidgetFactoryProperty
Override this method for a special factory on a given property type.
isSelected() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelected
isSelected() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiWidgetWithSelection
isSetFocus() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
isShowRowNumbers() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteShowRowNumbers
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadValid
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValidationFailure
isValid() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiFailureComposite
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiValuedComposite
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
A UiComposite is only valid if all its children are valid (recursive check).
isValid() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
isVisible() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadVisible
isVisible() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
isVisible() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiHideEvent
isVisible() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiShowEvent
isVisible() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Recursively checks if this widget is visible including all its parents.
isVisible(BitMask) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
isVisible(BitMask) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget


JUSTIFY - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiTextAlignment
Justify text to be spaced to line up to the left and right border.


KEY_CONFIRM - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
The key or key-suffix for the confirmation.
KEY_DEFAULT_VALIDATION_FAILURE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
The default localization key for a validation failure.
KEY_ICON - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
The key or key-suffix for the icon ID.
KEY_TOOLTIP - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
The key or key-suffix for the tooltip.


LARGE - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScreenType
Type of a large display (e.g.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiTextAlignment
Align text to the left border.
lighten(ColorFactor) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Lightens this color by the given factor.
Lightness - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the lightness of a Color.
Lightness(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Lightness
The constructor.
Lightness(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Lightness
The constructor.
LIGHTNESS - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Type of ColorSegment for Lightness.
localize(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
Please read JavaDoc of UiLocalizer.localizeOrNull(String, Object, boolean) before using.
localize(String, Object) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
Please read JavaDoc of UiLocalizer.localizeOrNull(String, Object, boolean) before using.
localizeOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
Please read JavaDoc of UiLocalizer.localizeOrNull(String, Object, boolean) before using.
localizeOrNull(String, Object) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer
Please read JavaDoc of UiLocalizer.localizeOrNull(String, Object, boolean) before using.
localizeOrNull(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiLocalizer


MAGENTA - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color magenta.
MAROON - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color maroon.
MAX - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
The maximum UiSize.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Hue
The maximum value allowed.
MAXIMIZED - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiWindowSizing
Maximized state.
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScreenType
Type of a medium display (e.g.
merge(F, F) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.AbstractUiWidgetFactory
MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMimetype
Supported mimetype for audio: "audio/mpeg"
MIMETYPE_AUDIO_OGG - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMimetype
Supported mimetype for audio: "audio/ogg"
MIMETYPE_IMAGE_PNG - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMimetype
Supported mimetype for image: "image/png"
MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MP4 - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMimetype
Supported mimetype for video: "video/mp4"
MIMETYPE_VIDEO_OGG - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeReadMimetype
Supported mimetype for video: "video/ogg"
MINIMIZED - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiWindowSizing
Minimized state.
mute() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureVolume
Sets mute to true.


NAVY - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color navy.
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Alpha
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Blue
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Brightness
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Chroma
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorFactor
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
Creates a new instance with the given value.
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Green
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Hue
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Lightness
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Red
newInstance(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Saturation
newSize(double) - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
Creates a new UiSize with this UiSizeUnit as unit.
NONE - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
No property is propagated.
NONE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionOk
A UiActionOk that does nothing on event.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiWindowSizing
The normal state (default).
notify(boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
Notifies about the result of a single validation.
notNull(UiActionOk) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionOk


of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiToggleGroup
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiBorderPanel
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiButtonPanel
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCollapsiblePanel
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridPanel
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiHorizontalPanel
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiScrollPanel
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiVerticalPanel
of(int, int) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.RegularBitMask
of(Color) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Converts the given Color to a GenericColor.
of(Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Alpha) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Creates a GenericColor from the given ColorSegments of ColorModel.HSB.
of(Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Creates a GenericColor from the given ColorSegments of ColorModel.HSL.
of(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Creates a GenericColor from the given ColorSegments of ColorModel.RGB.
of(UiAction) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button.UiButton
of(UiAction) - Static method in interface
of(UiAbstractButton...) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiButtonPanel
of(UiInput<V>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInputContainer
ATTENTION: Instances of UiInputContainer shall only be created from UiInput for UiInput.getContainerWidget().
of(UiRegularWidget) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiScrollPanel
of(UiRegularWidget...) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCollapsiblePanel
of(UiRegularWidget...) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiHorizontalPanel
of(UiRegularWidget...) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiVerticalPanel
of(UiWidget) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionReset
of(UiWidget, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachingEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiClickEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDisableEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnableEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusGainEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusLossEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiHideEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiSelectionEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiShowEvent
of(UiWidget, UiEventType) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiValueChangeEvent
of(ReadableTypedValue<V>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
of(ReadableTypedValue<V>, boolean) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
of(Class<V>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
of(Class<V>, boolean) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
of(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
Parses the Color given as String representation.
of(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
Parses the GenericColor given as String representation.
of(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSlot
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiImage
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCheckbox
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiColorInput
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiComboBox
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiRadioButton
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiRadioChoice
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiTextArea
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiTextInput
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiLabel
of(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiText
of(String, UiClickEventListener) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button.UiButton
of(String, UiClickEventListener) - Static method in interface
of(String, UiSeverity) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
of(String, UiSeverity, String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
of(String, UiSeverity, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
of(String, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiPasswordInput
of(String, String) - Static method in interface
of(String, V...) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiComboBox
of(String, V...) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiRadioChoice
of(Throwable) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
of(Throwable, UiSeverity) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
of(Throwable, UiSeverity, String, String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofBoolean(int) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValueBoolean
ofCurrent(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiPasswordInput
ofEnum(String, Class<V>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiComboBox
ofEnum(String, Class<V>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiRadioChoice
ofError(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofInfo(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofInfo(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofLsb(int) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
ofLsb(int) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
ofName(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
ofNew(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiPasswordInput
ofOff(String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiPasswordInput
ofPercent(double) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
Creates a new UiSize with UiSizeUnit.PERCENT.
ofPixel(double) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
Creates a new UiSize with UiSizeUnit.PERCENT.
ofQuestion(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofQuestion(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofSpecial(int, int) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
ATTENTION: This method is only for very specific custom cases.
ofValue(int, int) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValue
ofWarning(String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
ofWarning(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
OLIVE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color olive.
onAttachingChange(UiAttachingEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachingEventListener
onClick(UiClickEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiClickEventListener
onEvent(UiEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachingEventListener
onEvent(UiEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiClickEventListener
onEvent(UiEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusEventListener
onEvent(UiEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiSelectionEventListener
onEvent(UiEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiValueChangeEventListener
onEvent(UiEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiVisibilityEventListener
onFocusChange(UiFocusEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusEventListener
onSelection(UiSelectionEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiSelectionEventListener
Called when the selection changed (something has been selected or unselected).
onValueChange(UiValueChangeEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiValueChangeEventListener
onVisibilityChange(UiVisibilityEvent) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiVisibilityEventListener
OPAQUE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Alpha
The maximum Alpha value for full opaque (no transparency).
ORANGE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color orange.


PARENT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiEnabledFlags
InverseBitMask reserved for the parent.
PARENT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiVisibleFlags
InverseBitMask reserved for the parent.
PATTERN_MULTIPLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
The regular expression pattern for any number of styles.
PATTERN_SINGLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
The regular expression pattern for a single style.
pause() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeaturePlayback
Pause the media.
PERCENT - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
Unit for percent, relative to the parent container.
PIXEL - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
Unit for pixels.
play() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeaturePlayback
Start or resume the media.
PURPLE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color purple.


QUESTION - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
UiSeverity indicating a question.


READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiEnabledFlags
InverseBitMask reserved for read-only e.g.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiVisibleFlags
InverseBitMask reserved for read-only (e.g.
Red - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment represents the red part of a color.
Red(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Red
The constructor.
Red(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Red
The constructor.
Red(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Red
The constructor.
RED - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Type of ColorSegment for Red.
RED - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color red.
registerFactory(F) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.AbstractUiWidgetFactory
registerFactoryWithoutType(F) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory.AbstractUiWidgetFactory
RegularBitMask - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask
RegularBitMask(int, int) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.RegularBitMask
The constructor.
remove(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
removeChild(int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomRemovableComposite
removeChild(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiRemovableComposite
This method removes the child at the given index from this panel.
removeChild(C) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomRemovableComposite
removeChild(C) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiRemovableComposite
This method removes the given child from this panel.
removeListener(UiEventListener) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
requireConfirmation() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiAction
requireConfirmation() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionDelete
requireConfirmation() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionDiscard
requireConfirmation() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action.UiActionReset
reset() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
reset() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiValuedComposite
reset() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Resets this widget recursively including its potential children to its original state.
reset() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
RGB - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
The indicator for the RGB color model, where RGB stands for the components Red, Green, and Blue.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiTextAlignment
Align text to the right border.
ROW_NUMBER_HEADER_TITLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteShowRowNumbers
The title of the row-number column.


Saturation - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color
This ColorSegment is a factor that represents the colorfulness of a stimulus relative to its own brightness.
Saturation(double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Saturation
The constructor.
Saturation(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Saturation
The constructor.
SATURATION_HSB - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
SATURATION_HSL - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
set(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
setAccessKey(char) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiActiveWidget
This method sets the accessKey attribute of this object.
setActiveChild(C) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSwitchComposite
setActiveChildId(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSwitchComposite
setActiveChildIndex(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiSwitchComposite
setAlignment(UiTextAlignment) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiText
setAltText(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAltText
setAutocomplete(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
setAutocompleteOff() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAutocomplete
Disables autocompletion entirely by setting to AttributeWriteAutocomplete.AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF.
setBoolean(int, Boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValueBoolean
setChild(C) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomMutableSingleComposite
setChild(C) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiMutableSingleComposite
setChild(UiInput<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInputContainer
setClosable(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteClosable
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteCollapsed
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteCollapsible
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteEnabled
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
setEnabled(boolean, BitMask) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setEnabled(boolean, BitMask) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
setFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
setFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
setFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValue
setFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
setFocused() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiComposite
setFocused() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
This method sets the focus to this widget.
setFocussed() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
setFormatter(Function<O, String>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
setHeight(UiSize) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setHeightInPixel(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setHeightInPixel(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeInPixel
setHeightRange(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
setHorizontalScrolling(UiScrollBarVisibility) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomScrollPanel
setHorizontalScrolling(UiScrollBarVisibility) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiScrollPanel
setIconId(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
setId(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteId
Use this method to give the object a meaningful identifier after creation.
setId(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setImage(UiAbstractImage) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteImage
setMask - Variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
setMaxHeight(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMaximized
setMaxWidth(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
setMaxX(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
setMaxY(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
setMinHeight(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
setMinimized(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMinimized
setMinWidth(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
setMinX(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
setMinY(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
setMovable(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMoveable
ATTENTION: Not all platforms may support changing this flag.
setMultiSelection(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMultiSelection
setMuted(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureVolume
setName(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractInput
setName(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
setOptions(List<O>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
This method sets the options of this object.
setOptions(O...) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
setOptionsByEnum(UiAbstractChoice<O, ?>, Class<O>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiAbstractChoice
setOriginalValue(V) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
setOriginalValue(V) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
setOriginalValue(V) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
setOriginalValue(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
setParent(UiComposite<?>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setParent(UiComposite<?>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiWidget
setParent(UiWidget, UiComposite<?>) - Static method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiWidget
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePlaceholder
setPlaying(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeaturePlayback
setPosition(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureMedia
setPosition(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePosition
This method sets the position of the widget.
setPrefix(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePrefix
setPrefix(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
setPrimary(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiStyles
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteReadOnly
Switches this widget between view (read-only true) and edit (read-only false) mode.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomEditorButtonPanel
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Switches this widget between view (read-only true) and edit (read-only false) mode.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
setReadOnlyFixed(Boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setReadOnlyFixed(Boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomEditorButtonPanel
setReadOnlyFixed(Boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Sets a fixed read-only mode.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteResizable
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelected
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiWidgetWithSelection
setSelection(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelection
setSelections(Collection<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelections
setShowRowNumbers(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteShowRowNumbers
setSize(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img.UiIcon
setSize(double, double, UiSizeUnit) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setSize(UiSize, UiSize) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setSizeInPixel(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setSizeInPixel(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeInPixel
setSuffix(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSuffix
setSuffix(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
setText(AttributeWriteAltText, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAltText
setText(AttributeWriteAltText, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteAltText
setText(AttributeWriteText, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteText
setText(AttributeWriteText, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteText
setText(AttributeWriteTooltip, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTooltip
setText(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteText
setText(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiStringInput
setTitle(AttributeWriteTitle, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTitle
setTitle(AttributeWriteTitle, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTitle
setTitle(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTitle
setToggleGroup(UiToggleGroup) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteToggleGroup
setTooltip(AttributeWriteTooltip, String) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTooltip
setTooltip(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteTooltip
setTooltip(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setTooltip(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
setUrl(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteUrl
setValidationFailure(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValidationFailure
setValidationFailure(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
setValidationFailure(String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
setValidationFailure(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValidationFailure
setValidationFailure(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
setValidationFailure(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
setValidationFailure(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
setValidator(Validator<? super V>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
setValidator(Validator<? super V>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
setValidator(Validator<? super V>) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
setValidator(Validator<? super V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
setValue(int, int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitFlag
setValue(int, int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitMask
setValue(int, int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValue
setValue(int, int) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.InverseBitFlag
setValue(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValue
setValue(V) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValuedWidget
setValue(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
Set both the value and the original value to the given argument.
setValue(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValuedWidget
setValue(V, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValueForUser
setValue(V, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
setValue(V, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
setValue(V, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
setValue(V, boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
setValueForUser(V) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
Like UiValidatableWidget.setValue(Object) but will not change the original value and will set modified to true (instead of false).
This method is useful when you want to build a custom widget based on a UiInput that is read-only and does not allow the end-user to manually edit its value but via some other interaction such as a picker icon, a geographic map, or something alike.
setVerticalScrolling(UiScrollBarVisibility) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomScrollPanel
setVerticalScrolling(UiScrollBarVisibility) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiScrollPanel
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteVisible
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
setVisible(boolean, BitMask) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
setVisible(boolean, BitMask) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
setVolume(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureVolume
setWidget(UiBindableWidget<V>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding.UiValueBinding
setWidth(UiSize) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setWidthInPixel(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSize
setWidthInPixel(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeInPixel
setWidthRange(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSizeRange
setX(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePosition
setXRange(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
setY(double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePosition
setYRange(double, double) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePositionRange
show(UiNotification) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
This method shows a UiNotification to the end-user.
show(Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
Shows an error to the end-user
showInfo(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
showPopup(UiNotification, UiAction...) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
This method shows a UiNotification to the end-user in a modal popup window.
ATTENTION: It is recommended to use instead and to avoid modal popups or allowing to configure which notifications should be shown as popup instead of hardcoding it.
showPopupOk(UiNotification) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
This method shows a UiNotification to the end-user in a modal popup window.
ATTENTION: It is recommended to use instead and to avoid modal popups or allowing to configure which notifications should be shown as popup instead of hardcoding it.
showPopupOk(UiNotification, UiActionOk) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
This method shows a UiNotification to the end-user in a modal popup window.
ATTENTION: It is recommended to use instead and to avoid modal popups or allowing to configure which notifications should be shown as popup instead of hardcoding it.
showPopupYesNo(UiNotification, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotifier
This method shows a popup window with the given UiNotification and two buttons for the options yes and no.
SILVER - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color silver.
SMALL - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScreenType
Type of a small display (e.g.
start() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiApplication
Starts this application.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button.UiButton
The style or element name for a button.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInputContainer
The style or element name for an input container.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiButtonPanel
The style or element name of this widget.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridPanel
The style or element name of this widget.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiGridRow
The style or element name of this widget.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiHorizontalPanel
The style or element name of this widget.
STYLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiVerticalPanel
The style or element name of this widget.
STYLE_INPUT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiInput
The style or element name of any UiInput.
STYLE_INVALID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteValidationFailure
Custom style to mark entire panels as invalid that have no invalid pseudo-class.
STYLE_MANDATORY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiValidatableWidget
Custom style to mark widgets if mandatory (e.g.
STYLE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePrefix
The style for the prefix widget.
STYLE_ROW_NUMBER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteShowRowNumbers
The style for the row number.
STYLE_SELECTED - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSelected
The style if selected.
STYLE_SELECTION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteMultiSelection
The style for selection cells (header/body).
STYLE_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSuffix
The style for the suffix widget.
STYLE_WITH_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWritePrefix
The style for the input widget if preceded by a prefix.
STYLE_WITH_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeWriteSuffix
The style for the input widget if followed by a suffix.


TEAL - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color teal.
toByteString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
toColor() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
toFactorString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
toPercentString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
toPixel(double) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.AbstractColorFactor
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Brightness
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegment
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Lightness
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Saturation
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPoint
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
toString() - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEventType
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
toString(ColorModel) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.GenericColor
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color transparent (actually not really a color).
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiClickEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDetachEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDisableEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnableEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusGainEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusLossEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiHideEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiSelectionEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiShowEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiValueChangeEvent


UiAbstractButton - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button
This is the abstract interface for an regular widget that represents a button what is a widget that can be clicked by the end-user in order to trigger some action.
UiAbstractButtonContainer - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutableComposite containing a number of buttons.
UiAbstractCheckbox - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
UiInput for a checkbox.
UiAbstractChoice<O,V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiInput for a choice out of a pre-define List of options.
UiAbstractImage - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img
UiWidget for an image/picture.
UiAbstractInput<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiValuedWidget for an input field.
UiAbstractLink - Interface in
UiWidget that represents a hyperlink (link).
UiAbstractMultiChoice<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiAbstractChoice for a multiple choice out of a pre-define List of options.
UiAbstractRadioButton - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
UiInput for a radio-button (option).
UiAbstractSingleChoice<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiAbstractChoice for a single choice out of a pre-define List of options.
UiAbstractSplitPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutablePanel that shows split-bars between each of its children and allows the user to slide these split-bars to dynamically adjust the size of the children.
UiAction - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiEventListener of a specific action.
UiActionApply - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for apply.
UiActionApprove - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for approve.
UiActionBinding - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding
Interface to bind an action to a button.
UiActionCancel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for cancel.
UiActionClose - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for close.
UiActionConfirm - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for confirm.
UiActionDelete - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for edit.
UiActionDiscard - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for cancel.
UiActionEdit - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for edit.
UiActionNext - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for edit.
UiActionNo - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for no.
UiActionOk - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for ok.
UiActionOpen - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for open.
UiActionPrevious - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for edit.
UiActionRemove - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for edit.
UiActionReset - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for reset.
UiActionSave - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for save.
UiActionSearch - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for search.
UiActionSubmit - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for submit.
UiActionYes - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.action
UiAction for yes.
UiActiveWidget - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
UiWidget that is active so it can be focused and allows to assign an access-key.
UiApplication - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api
Interface for a UI application (client with user-interface).
UiAttachEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiAttachingEvent for a UiWidget that is attached to the UI.
UiAttachEvent(UiWidget) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachEvent
The constructor.
UiAttachingEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent for a change of the attached state.
ATTENTION: The attached state will always change for an entire sub-tree of UiWidgets.
UiAttachingEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiAttachingEvent
The constructor.
UiAttachingEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiBindableWidget<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
UiBorderPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiRemovableComposite representing a panel that lays out its children in predefined positions: center top bottom left right Here you can see an example of the layout (HTML structure will differ):
header left center right footer The center widget will consume additional space if the owning window grows while the other border widgets only get the required space.
UiButton - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.button
This is the interface for an normal button.
UiButtonPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
button container showing a number of buttons horizontally (e.g.
UiCheckbox - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
A regular checkbox widget.
UiCheckboxChoice<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiClickableWidget - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
UiActiveWidget that has a label and is clickable.
UiClickEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent for a click.
UiClickEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiClickEvent
The constructor.
UiClickEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiCollapsibleComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCollapsiblePanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiColorInput - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiInput for a Color.
UiComboBox<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiAbstractSingleChoice for a combo-box that allows the end-user to expand a drop-down menu and select the value from a given list of options.
UiComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCustomComposite<C extends UiWidget,W extends UiComposite<C>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCustomComposite(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomComposite
The constructor.
UiCustomEditor<V> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
Custom widget that represents and editor allowing to display and edit an object.
UiCustomEditor(UiValidatableWidget<V>, Consumer<V>) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value.UiCustomEditor
The constructor.
UiCustomEditorButtonPanel - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiCustomEditorButtonPanel(UiActionSave, UiActionReset, UiActionDiscard, AttributeWriteReadOnly) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomEditorButtonPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomGridPanel - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiCustomGridPanel() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomGridPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomGridPanel(UiGridPanel) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomGridPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomInput<V,W extends UiInput<V>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiCustomInput(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomInput
The constructor.
UiCustomMutableComposite<C extends UiWidget,W extends UiMutableComposite<C>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCustomMutableComposite(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomMutableComposite
The constructor.
UiCustomMutablePanel<W extends UiMutablePanel> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiCustomMutablePanel(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomMutablePanel
The constructor.
UiCustomMutableSingleComposite<C extends UiWidget,W extends UiMutableSingleComposite<C>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCustomMutableSingleComposite(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomMutableSingleComposite
The constructor.
UiCustomRemovableComposite<C extends UiWidget,W extends UiRemovableComposite<C>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCustomRemovableComposite(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomRemovableComposite
The constructor.
UiCustomScrollPanel - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiCustomScrollPanel() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomScrollPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomScrollPanel(UiScrollPanel) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomScrollPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomValidatableWidget<V,W extends UiValidatableWidget<V>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiCustomValidatableWidget(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValidatableWidget
The constructor.
UiCustomValuedComposite<V,C extends UiWidget,W extends UiValuedComposite<C,V>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiCustomValuedComposite(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite.UiCustomValuedComposite
The constructor.
UiCustomValuedWidget<V,W extends UiValuedWidget<V>> - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiCustomValuedWidget(W) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input.UiCustomValuedWidget
The constructor.
UiCustomVerticalPanel - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiCustomVerticalPanel() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomVerticalPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomVerticalPanel(UiVerticalPanel) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel.UiCustomVerticalPanel
The constructor.
UiCustomWidget<W extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
Interface for custom widgets.
UiDetachEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiAttachingEvent for a UiWidget that is detached from the UI.
UiDetachEvent(UiWidget) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDetachEvent
The constructor.
UiDisableEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEnablingEvent for a UiWidget that is disabled.
UiDisableEvent(UiWidget) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDisableEvent
The constructor.
UiDisableEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiDisableEvent
The constructor.
UiDispatcher - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api
This is the interface for the dispatcher of asynchronous processing.
UiEnabledFlags - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
UiEnableEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEnablingEvent for a UiWidget that is enabled.
UiEnableEvent(UiWidget) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnableEvent
The constructor.
UiEnableEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnableEvent
The constructor.
UiEnablingEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent for a change of the enabled status.
UiEnablingEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEnablingEvent
The constructor.
UiEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
This is the interface for an event of the UI.
UiEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEvent
The constructor.
UiEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEventType - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
Type of a UiEvent.
UiEventType(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiEventType
The constructor.
UiExternalLink - Interface in
UiAbstractLink to an external URL.
Here you can see an example (with setText("Click me") and setUrl("")):
UiFailureComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiFocusEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent for a change of the focus.
UiFocusEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusEvent
The constructor.
UiFocusEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiFocusGainEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiFocusEvent for a UiWidget that gained the focus.
UiFocusGainEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusGainEvent
The constructor.
UiFocusLossEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiFocusEvent for a UiWidget that lost the focus.
UiFocusLossEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiFocusLossEvent
The constructor.
UiGridPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiRemovableComposite that allows to layout child widgets in a grid.
UiGridRow - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutablePanel that represents a row in a UiGridPanel.
UiHideEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiVisibilityEvent for a UiWidget that is hidden (set invisible).
UiHideEvent(UiWidget) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiHideEvent
The constructor.
UiHideEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiHideEvent
The constructor.
UiHorizontalPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutablePanel that shows its children horizontally from the left to the right.
UiHorizontalSplitPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiAbstractSplitPanel that shows its children horizontally from the left to the right.
UiIcon - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img
UiAbstractImage for an icon.
UiImage - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.img
A regular image provided from a source URI.
UiInput<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiValuedWidget for an regular input field.
UiInputContainer<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiInternalLink - Interface in
UiRegularWidget that represents a hyperlink (link).
UiLabel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
UiRegularWidget that represents a label.
UiLocalizer - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api
An abstraction of ResourceBundle
UiMultiComboBox<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiAbstractMultiChoice for a UiComboBox that allows choosing multiple options.
UiMutableComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiComposite that allows to add and remove its children dynamically.
UiMutablePanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutableComposite for a generic panel that accepts any UiRegularWidget as child.
UiMutableSingleComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiSingleComposite that is mutable and allows to set its child widget.
UiNativeWidget - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
This is the marker interface for native UiWidgets that can be created from their interface.
UiNotification - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify
A notification that for display as growl or popup.
UiNotification(Instant, String, UiSeverity, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiNotification
The constructor.
UiNotifier - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify
Interface to notify via popup or growl.
UiPasswordInput - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiStringInput for a password input.
UiPoint - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
A 2-D point.
UiPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPoint
The constructor.
UiPropagation - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
Enum with the available modes defining which hierarchical properties a UiComposite will propagate to its children.
UiRadioButton - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
A regular radio-button widget.
UiRadioChoice<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiAbstractSingleChoice to select a value from a group of UiRadioButtons.
UiRegularWidget - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
Interface for a regular UiWidget.
UiRemovableComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiComposite that allows to remove its children dynamically.
UiResponsiveColumnPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutableComposite showing multiple children as columns in a responsive layout.
UiScreen - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api
This is the interface for the display where the UI objects are shown.
UiScreenType - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
Enum with the types of a UiScreen.
UiScrollBarVisibility - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
The scrolling behavior (visibility of a scrollbar).
UiScrollPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutableSingleComposite for a scroll panel.
UiSelectionEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent if the selection changed (something was selected or unselected).
UiSelectionEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiSelectionEvent
The constructor.
UiSelectionEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiSeverity - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify
This is the interface that represents the severity of a message.
UiSeverity(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
The constructor.
UiShowEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiVisibilityEvent for a UiWidget that is shown (set visible).
UiShowEvent(UiWidget) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiShowEvent
The constructor.
UiShowEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiShowEvent
The constructor.
UiSingleComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiComposite that contains a single child.
UiSingleWidgetFactory<W extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Factory for UiWidgets of a single type.
UiSingleWidgetFactoryDatatype<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Factory for UiInput for a single datatype.
UiSingleWidgetFactoryNative<W extends UiNativeWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Factory for UiNativeWidget of a single type.
UiSingleWidgetFactoryProperty<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Factory for UiInput for a single property.
UiSize - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
UiSize represents a width or height of a UiWidget or the size of a font.
UiSize(double, UiSizeUnit) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
The constructor.
UiSizeUnit - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
This enum contains the available units for size measures.
UiSlot - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
Single composite widget that represents a slot.
UiStringInput - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
Abstract UiTextualInput with String value.
UiStyles - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
Container for styles.
UiSwitchComposite<C extends UiWidget> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiMutableComposite that only shows a single child at a time.
UiText - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
UiRegularWidget that represents regular text.
UiTextAlignment - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
The (horizontal) text alignment.
UiTextArea - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiStringInput for a multi-line text area.
UiTextInput - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
UiStringInput for a single-line text input.
UiTextualInput<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.input
Abstract UiRegularWidget for textual input.
UiToggleGroup - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api
This is a logical group that combines multiple UiWidgets such as UiRadioButtons so that only one of them can be selected at a time.
UiToggleGroupFactory - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Factory to create UiToggleGroups.
UiValidatableWidget<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
UiValuedWidget with real validation support.
UiValidState - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
UiValidState() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiValidState
The constructor.
UiValueBinding<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding
Interface for an external value binding for a UiBindableWidget.
UiValueChangeEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent for a UiWidget that changed its value.
UiValueChangeEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiValueChangeEvent
The constructor.
UiValueChangeEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiValuedComposite<C extends UiWidget,V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.composite
UiValuedWidget<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
UiWidget that has a value.
UiVerticalPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
UiMutablePanel that shows its children vertically from the top to the bottom.
UiVerticalSplitPanel - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.panel
This is the interface for a split panel that shows its children vertically from the top to the bottom.
UiVisibilityEvent - Class in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiEvent for a change of the visibility.
UiVisibilityEvent(UiWidget, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.ui.api.event.UiVisibilityEvent
The constructor.
UiVisibilityEventListener - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.event
UiVisibleFlags - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
UiWidget - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget
Interface for an adapter to a physical widget of the underlying native widget toolkit.
UiWidgetFactoryDatatype - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Interface for a factory used to create native widgets.
UiWidgetFactoryNative - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Interface for a factory used to create native widgets.
UiWidgetFactoryProperty - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.factory
Interface for a factory used to create UiInputs for properties.
UiWidgetWithSelection - Interface in io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.value
UiValuedWidget with Boolean value that represents a selection (e.g.
UiWindowSizing - Enum in io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype
Available sizing for a window.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Hue
If Chroma is 0 then Hue is actually undefined.
unmute() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.attribute.AttributeFeatureVolume
Sets mute to false.
unwrap() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
unwrap() - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiWidget
unwrap(UiWidget) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiWidget
update() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.UiScreen
Forces the display to update.
updateParent(UiWidget) - Method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation


validate() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Triggers a validation of this widget (including all potential children and propagation to parents).
validate(boolean) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Triggers a validation of this widget (including all potential children and propagation to parents).
validate(UiValidState) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Triggers a validation of this widget (including all potential children and propagation to parents).
validateDown(UiValidState) - Method in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.AbstractUiCustomWidget
validateDown(UiValidState) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
validateUp(UiValidState) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.ui.api.widget.UiWidget
Propagates the new UiValidState to parent (and recursively to ancestors).
VALUE_BOOLEAN_FALSE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValueBoolean
VALUE_BOOLEAN_NULL - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValueBoolean
Value for null.
VALUE_BOOLEAN_TRUE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.bitmask.BitValueBoolean
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScreenType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScrollBarVisibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiTextAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiWindowSizing
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.ColorSegmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScreenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiScrollBarVisibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSizeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiTextAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiWindowSizing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VISIBLE - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
Only visible property is propagated.
VISIBLE_AND_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiPropagation
Both visible and enabled are propagated.


WARNING - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.notify.UiSeverity
UiSeverity indicating a warning.
WHITE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color white.


YELLOW - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.color.Color
The Color yellow.


ZERO - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.ui.api.datatype.UiSize
The empty UiSize.
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