Interface UiStyles

public interface UiStyles
Container for styles.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • get

      String get()
      This method gets the style(s) (also called style-name(s)) of this object. The style defines aspects for the appearance (look & feel) of a UI element when displayed to the user.
      If you are familiar with web-technology just think of this as the class attribute of HTML elements that are then configured via some cascading style sheet (CSS).
      The following situations can be distinguished:
      • no style
        The empty string is returned.
      • single style
        The name of that single style is returned. The result does NOT contain any whitespace.
      • multiple styles
        The list of individual styles are separated by whitespaces in the result.
      Each individual style has to match PATTERN_SINGLE. Any number of styles or in other words the result of this has to match PATTERN_MULTIPLE. The first style is called the primary style.
      the style(s) of this object.
    • set

      void set(String styles)
      styles - the new styles. Either a single style or a list of styles separated by whitespaces. Use the empty string to unset all styles.
    • contains

      boolean contains(String style)
      style - is the style to check.
      true if the given style is present in the styles, false otherwise.
    • add

      boolean add(String style)
      style - is the style to add. If this style is already contained in the styles, this will have no effect.
      true if the style has actually been added, false if it was already present before.
    • remove

      boolean remove(String style)
      style - is the style to remove. If this style is not contained in the styles, this will have no effect.
      true if the given style has actually been removed, false otherwise (if it was not present).
    • getPrimary

      String getPrimary()
      the primary style of this widget. Will be null if not defined.
    • setPrimary

      void setPrimary(String primaryStyle)
      primaryStyle - is the new value of getPrimary().