
Class AtomicLongArray64Iterator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    io.github.millibyte1.array64.Array64Iterator , io.github.millibyte1.array64.LongIndexedIterator , io.github.millibyte1.array64.atomic.AtomicArray64Iterator , kotlin.collections.Iterator

    public abstract class AtomicLongArray64Iterator
    extends LongArray64Iterator implements AtomicArray64Iterator<Long>

    A LongArray64Iterator which supports atomic operations such as compareAndSet.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private final Long index
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract Long getIndex() The current index of this iterator.
      abstract Long previousLong() Returns the next element in the iteration without boxing.
      abstract Long nextLong() Returns the previous element in the iteration without boxing.
      abstract Unit setLong(Long element) Replaces the element at the current index with the specified primitive.
      abstract Long getAndSetLong(Long new) Sets the element at the current index to the given new value and returns the old value.
      abstract Long getAndSetLong(Function1<Long, Long> transform) Sets the element at the current index to the value resulting from applying the given transform to the old value.
      abstract Long setAndGetLong(Function1<Long, Long> transform) Sets the element at the current index to the resulting value from applying the given transform to the old value.
      abstract Boolean compareAndSetLong(Long new, Long expected) Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the current value matches expected.
      abstract Boolean compareAndSetLong(Long new, Function2<Long, Long, Boolean> predicate) Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the provided predicate returns true when applied to the old and new values.
      abstract Unit lazySetLong(Long value) Eventually sets the element at the given index to the given value.
      final Long getAndSet(Long new) Sets the element at the current index to the given new value and returns the old value.
      final Long getAndSet(Function1<Long, Long> transform) Sets the element at the current index to the value resulting from applying the given transform to the old value.
      final Long setAndGet(Function1<Long, Long> transform) Sets the element at the current index to the resulting value from applying the given transform to the old value.
      final Boolean compareAndSet(Long new, Long expected) Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the current value matches expected.
      final Boolean compareAndSet(Long new, Function2<Long, Long, Boolean> predicate) Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the provided predicate returns true when applied to the old and new values.
      final Unit lazySet(Long value) Eventually sets the element at the given index to the given value.
      • Methods inherited from class io.github.millibyte1.array64.atomic.AtomicLongArray64Iterator

        previous, set
      • Methods inherited from class kotlin.collections.LongIterator

        forEachRemaining, hasNext
      • Methods inherited from class io.github.millibyte1.array64.LongArray64Iterator

        hasPrevious, next
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AtomicLongArray64Iterator

    • Method Detail

      • getIndex

         abstract Long getIndex()

        The current index of this iterator.

      • previousLong

         abstract Long previousLong()

        Returns the next element in the iteration without boxing. Volatile.

      • nextLong

         abstract Long nextLong()

        Returns the previous element in the iteration without boxing. Volatile.

      • setLong

         abstract Unit setLong(Long element)

        Replaces the element at the current index with the specified primitive. Volatile.

      • getAndSetLong

         abstract Long getAndSetLong(Long new)

        Sets the element at the current index to the given new value and returns the old value. Atomic.

        new - the value to set the element to
      • getAndSetLong

         abstract Long getAndSetLong(Function1<Long, Long> transform)

        Sets the element at the current index to the value resulting from applying the given transform to the old value. Atomic.

        transform - the pure (side effect-free) transform function to apply to the old value
      • setAndGetLong

         abstract Long setAndGetLong(Function1<Long, Long> transform)

        Sets the element at the current index to the resulting value from applying the given transform to the old value. Atomic.

        transform - the pure (side effect-free) transform function to apply to the old value
      • compareAndSetLong

         abstract Boolean compareAndSetLong(Long new, Long expected)

        Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the current value matches expected. Atomic.

        new - the value to set the element to
        expected - the expected value of the element
      • compareAndSetLong

         abstract Boolean compareAndSetLong(Long new, Function2<Long, Long, Boolean> predicate)

        Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the provided predicate returns true when applied to the old and new values.

        new - the value to set the element to
        predicate - the binary predicate to apply to the old and new values to decide whether to update
      • lazySetLong

         abstract Unit lazySetLong(Long value)

        Eventually sets the element at the given index to the given value. Depending on the implementation, may immediately perform a volatile write.

        value - the value to set the element to
      • getAndSet

         final Long getAndSet(Long new)

        Sets the element at the current index to the given new value and returns the old value. Atomic.

        new - the value to set the element to
      • getAndSet

         final Long getAndSet(Function1<Long, Long> transform)

        Sets the element at the current index to the value resulting from applying the given transform to the old value. Atomic.

        transform - the pure (side effect-free) transform function to apply to the old value
      • setAndGet

         final Long setAndGet(Function1<Long, Long> transform)

        Sets the element at the current index to the resulting value from applying the given transform to the old value. Atomic.

        transform - the pure (side effect-free) transform function to apply to the old value
      • compareAndSet

         final Boolean compareAndSet(Long new, Long expected)

        Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the current value matches expected. Atomic.

        new - the value to set the element to
        expected - the expected value of the element
      • compareAndSet

         final Boolean compareAndSet(Long new, Function2<Long, Long, Boolean> predicate)

        Sets the element at the current index to the given new value if the provided predicate returns true when applied to the old and new values.

        new - the value to set the element to
        predicate - the binary predicate to apply to the old and new values to decide whether to update
      • lazySet

         final Unit lazySet(Long value)

        Eventually sets the element at the given index to the given value. Depending on the implementation, may immediately perform a volatile write.

        value - the value to set the element to