Type Members
case class
ApiProxyRequest[B, C](path: String, pathParameters: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, httpMethod: String, headers: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, queryStringParameters: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, stageVariables: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, requestContext: C, body: Option[B] = None)(implicit evidence$1: Decoder[C]) extends Product with Serializable
case class
ApiProxyResponse[T](statusCode: Int, headers: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, body: Option[T] = None) extends Product with Serializable
case class
RequestContextAuthorizer(principalId: String) extends Product with Serializable
case class
RequestInput(body: String) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
Inherited from AnyRef
Inherited from Any