


package watcher

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractWatcher[F[_], T, U, C <: Controller[F, T, U]] extends LazyLogging with WatcherMaker[F]
  2. class ActionConsumer[F[_], T, U] extends LazyLogging
  3. class AnyCustomResource extends CustomResource[StringProperty, StringProperty] with HasMetadata
    @Group() @Version()
  4. class Channels[F[_], T, U] extends StrictLogging
  5. class ConfigMapWatcher[F[_], T] extends AbstractWatcher[F, T, Unit, Controller[F, T, Unit]]
  6. final case class ConfigMapWatcherContext[F[_], T](namespace: K8sNamespace, kind: String, controller: CmController[F, T], channels: Channels[F, T, Unit], convert: (ConfigMap) => Resource[T, Unit], client: KubernetesClient, selector: Map[String, String], stopFlag: MVar2[F, ConsumerExitCode])(implicit evidence$1: Effect[F]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. final case class CrdWatcherContext[F[_], T, U](ns: K8sNamespace, kind: String, channels: Channels[F, T, U], convertCr: (AnyCustomResource) => Resource[T, U], client: KubernetesClient, crd: CustomResourceDefinition, stopFlag: MVar2[F, ConsumerExitCode])(implicit evidence$1: Effect[F]) extends Product with Serializable
  8. class CustomResourceWatcher[F[_], T, U] extends AbstractWatcher[F, T, U, Controller[F, T, U]]
  9. class FeedbackConsumer[F[_], T] extends FeedbackConsumerAlg[F, T] with LazyLogging
  10. trait FeedbackConsumerAlg[F[_], T] extends AnyRef
  11. final case class StringProperty(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  12. class StringPropertyDeserializer extends StdDeserializer[StringProperty]
