All Classes and Interfaces

A Bulkhead instance is thread-safe can be used to decorate multiple requests.
This class decorates future with Bulkhead functionality around invocation.
An EventPublisher which can be used to register event consumers.
A BulkheadConfig configures a Bulkhead
An event which is created by a bulkhead.
Event types which are created by a bulkhead.
A BulkheadFullException signals that the bulkhead is full.
A BulkheadEvent which informs that a call has been finished.
A BulkheadEvent which informs that a call has been permitted to execute
A BulkheadEvent which informs that a call has been rejected, because the bulkhead is full.
The BulkheadRegistry is a factory to create Bulkhead instances which stores all bulkhead instances in a registry.
A Bulkhead implementation based on a fixed ThreadPoolExecutor. which is based into the thread pool execution handling : 1- submit service call through bulk head thread pool 2- if there is free thread from the thread pool or the queue is not yet full , it will be permitted 3- otherwise the thread pool will throw RejectedExecutionException which mean is not permitted
Bulkhead instance manager; Constructs/returns bulkhead instances.
Thread pool Bulkhead instance manager; Constructs/returns thread pool bulkhead instances.
A Bulkhead implementation based on a semaphore.
A Bulkhead instance is thread-safe can be used to decorate multiple requests.
An EventPublisher which can be used to register event consumers.
The ThreadPoolBulkheadRegistry is a factory to create ThreadPoolBulkhead instances which stores all bulkhead instances in a registry.