All Classes and Interfaces

common Aspect util methods
This Spring AOP aspect intercepts all methods which are annotated with a Bulkhead annotation.
BulkHead aspect extension support interface type if you want to support new types
Configuration for resilience4j-bulkhead.
This Spring AOP aspect intercepts all methods which are annotated with a CircuitBreaker annotation.
circuit breaker aspect extension support interface type if you want to support new types
Configuration for resilience4j-circuitbreaker.
fallbackMethod decorator for CompletionStage
default fallbackMethod decorator. it catches throwable and invoke the fallbackMethod method.
Configuration for FallbackDecorators.
interface of FallbackDecorator
Reflection utility for invoking a fallback method.
This Spring AOP aspect intercepts all methods which are annotated with a RateLimiter annotation.
RateLimiter aspect extension support interface type if you want to support new types
Configuration for resilience4j ratelimiter.
the Reactor bulkhead logic support for the spring AOP Conditional on Reactor class existence on spring class loader
the Reactor breaker logic support for the spring AOP Conditional on Reactor class existence on spring class loader
fallbackMethod decorator for Flux and Mono
the inject Rx java aspect support spring condition check
the Reactor RateLimiter logic support for the spring AOP Conditional on Reactor class existence on spring class loader
the Reactor Retry logic support for the spring AOP Conditional on Reactor class existence on spring class loader
This Spring AOP aspect intercepts all methods which are annotated with a Retry annotation.
Retry aspect extension support interface type if you want to support new types
Configuration for resilience4j-retry.
Main spring properties for retry configuration
the Rx bulkhead logic support for the spring AOP conditional on the presence of Rx classes on the spring class loader
the Rx circuit breaker logic support for the spring AOP conditional on the presence of Rx classes on the spring class loader
fallbackMethod decorator for ObservableSource, SingleSource, CompletableSource, MaybeSource and Flowable.
the inject Rx java aspect support spring condition check
the Rx RateLimiter logic support for the spring AOP conditional on the presence of Rx classes on the spring class loader
the Rx Retry logic support for the spring AOP conditional on the presence of Rx classes on the spring class loader
Configuration for SpelResolver.
SpEL #root class
Configuration for ThreadPoolBulkhead
Configuration for resilience4j-timelimiter.