

final class YearMonth extends TemporalAccessor with Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Ordered[YearMonth] with Serializable

@SerialVersionUID( 4183400860270640070L )
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Ordered[YearMonth], Comparable[YearMonth], TemporalAdjuster, Temporal, TemporalAccessor, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. YearMonth
  2. Serializable
  3. Ordered
  4. Comparable
  5. TemporalAdjuster
  6. Temporal
  7. TemporalAccessor
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
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Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def <(that: YearMonth): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. def <=(that: YearMonth): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  8. def >(that: YearMonth): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  9. def >=(that: YearMonth): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  10. def adjustInto(temporal: Temporal): Temporal

    Adjusts the specified temporal object to have this year-month.

    Adjusts the specified temporal object to have this year-month.

    This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input with the year and month changed to be the same as this.

    The adjustment is equivalent to using Temporal#with(TemporalField, long) passing ChronoField#PROLEPTIC_MONTH as the field. If the specified temporal object does not use the ISO calendar system then a DateTimeException is thrown.

    In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster):

    // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
    temporal = thisYearMonth.adjustInto(temporal);
    temporal = temporal.with(thisYearMonth);

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the target object to be adjusted, not null


    the adjusted object, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if unable to make the adjustment

  11. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  12. def atDay(dayOfMonth: Int): LocalDate

    Combines this year-month with a day-of-month to create a LocalDate.

    Combines this year-month with a day-of-month to create a LocalDate.

    This returns a LocalDate formed from this year-month and the specified day-of-month.

    The day-of-month value must be valid for the year-month.

    This method can be used as part of a chain to produce a date:

    LocalDate date = year.atMonth(month).atDay(day);


    the day-of-month to use, from 1 to 31


    the date formed from this year-month and the specified day, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the day is invalid for the year-month

    See also


  13. def atEndOfMonth: LocalDate

    Returns a LocalDate at the end of the month.

    Returns a LocalDate at the end of the month.

    This returns a LocalDate based on this year-month. The day-of-month is set to the last valid day of the month, taking into account leap years.

    This method can be used as part of a chain to produce a date:

    LocalDate date = year.atMonth(month).atEndOfMonth();


    the last valid date of this year-month, not null

  14. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  15. def compare(other: YearMonth): Int

    Compares this year-month to another year-month.

    Compares this year-month to another year-month.

    The comparison is based first on the value of the year, then on the value of the month. It is "consistent with equals", as defined by Comparable.


    the other year-month to compare to, not null


    the comparator value, negative if less, positive if greater

    Definition Classes
    YearMonth → Ordered
  16. def compareTo(that: YearMonth): Int

    Definition Classes
    Ordered → Comparable
  17. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  18. def equals(obj: Any): Boolean

    Checks if this year-month is equal to another year-month.

    Checks if this year-month is equal to another year-month.

    The comparison is based on the time-line position of the year-months.


    the object to check, null returns false


    true if this is equal to the other year-month

    Definition Classes
    YearMonth → AnyRef → Any
  19. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  20. def format(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): String

    Outputs this year-month as a String using the formatter.

    Outputs this year-month as a String using the formatter.

    This year-month will be passed to the formatter DateTimeFormatter#format(TemporalAccessor) print method.


    the formatter to use, not null


    the formatted year-month string, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if an error occurs during printing

  21. def get(field: TemporalField): Int

    Gets the value of the specified field from this year-month as an int.

    Gets the value of the specified field from this year-month as an int.

    This queries this year-month for the value for the specified field. The returned value will always be within the valid range of values for the field. If it is not possible to return the value, because the field is not supported or for some other reason, an exception is thrown.

    If the field is a ChronoField then the query is implemented here. The #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields will return valid values based on this year-month, except EPOCH_MONTH which is too large to fit in an int and throw a DateTimeException. All other ChronoField instances will throw a DateTimeException.

    If the field is not a ChronoField, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalField.getFrom(TemporalAccessor) passing this as the argument. Whether the value can be obtained, and what the value represents, is determined by the field.


    the field to get, not null


    the value for the field

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if a value for the field cannot be obtained

  22. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def getLong(field: TemporalField): Long

    Gets the value of the specified field from this year-month as a long.

    Gets the value of the specified field from this year-month as a long.

    This queries this year-month for the value for the specified field. If it is not possible to return the value, because the field is not supported or for some other reason, an exception is thrown.

    If the field is a ChronoField then the query is implemented here. The #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields will return valid values based on this year-month. All other ChronoField instances will throw a DateTimeException.

    If the field is not a ChronoField, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalField.getFrom(TemporalAccessor) passing this as the argument. Whether the value can be obtained, and what the value represents, is determined by the field.


    the field to get, not null


    the value for the field

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if a value for the field cannot be obtained

  24. def getMonth: Month

    Gets the month-of-year field using the Month enum.

    Gets the month-of-year field using the Month enum.

    This method returns the enum Month for the month. This avoids confusion as to what int values mean. If you need access to the primitive int value then the enum provides the Month#getValue() int value.


    the month-of-year, not null

  25. def getMonthValue: Int

    Gets the month-of-year field from 1 to 12.

    Gets the month-of-year field from 1 to 12.

    This method returns the month as an int from 1 to 12. Application code is frequently clearer if the enum Month is used by calling #getMonth().


    the month-of-year, from 1 to 12

    See also


  26. def getYear: Int

    Gets the year field.

    Gets the year field.

    This method returns the primitive int value for the year.

    The year returned by this method is proleptic as per get(YEAR).


    the year, from MIN_YEAR to MAX_YEAR

  27. def hashCode(): Int

    A hash code for this year-month.

    A hash code for this year-month.


    a suitable hash code

    Definition Classes
    YearMonth → AnyRef → Any
  28. def isAfter(other: YearMonth): Boolean

    Is this year-month after the specified year-month.

    Is this year-month after the specified year-month.


    the other year-month to compare to, not null


    true if this is after the specified year-month

  29. def isBefore(other: YearMonth): Boolean

    Is this year-month before the specified year-month.

    Is this year-month before the specified year-month.


    the other year-month to compare to, not null


    true if this point is before the specified year-month

  30. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  31. def isLeapYear: Boolean

    Checks if the year is a leap year, according to the ISO proleptic calendar system rules.

    Checks if the year is a leap year, according to the ISO proleptic calendar system rules.

    This method applies the current rules for leap years across the whole time-line. In general, a year is a leap year if it is divisible by four without remainder. However, years divisible by 100, are not leap years, with the exception of years divisible by 400 which are.

    For example, 1904 is a leap year it is divisible by 4. 1900 was not a leap year as it is divisible by 100, however 2000 was a leap year as it is divisible by 400.

    The calculation is proleptic - applying the same rules into the far future and far past. This is historically inaccurate, but is correct for the ISO-8601 standard.


    true if the year is leap, false otherwise

  32. def isSupported(unit: TemporalUnit): Boolean

    Checks if the specified unit is supported.

    Checks if the specified unit is supported.

    This checks if the date-time can be queried for the specified unit. If false, then calling the #plus(TemporalAmount) plus and #minus(TemporalAmount) minus methods will throw an exception.

    Specification for implementors

    Implementations must check and handle all fields defined in ChronoUnit. If the field is supported, then true is returned, otherwise false

    If the field is not a ChronoUnit, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalUnit.isSupportedBy(Temporal) passing this as the argument.

    Implementations must not alter this object.


    the unit to check, null returns false


    true if this date-time can be queried for the unit, false if not

    Definition Classes
  33. def isSupported(field: TemporalField): Boolean

    Checks if the specified field is supported.

    Checks if the specified field is supported.

    This checks if this year-month can be queried for the specified field. If false, then calling the #range(TemporalField) range and #get(TemporalField) get methods will throw an exception.

    If the field is a ChronoField then the query is implemented here. The #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields will return valid values based on this date-time. The supported fields are:

    • YEAR
    • ERA

    All other ChronoField instances will return false.

    If the field is not a ChronoField, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalField.isSupportedBy(TemporalAccessor) passing this as the argument. Whether the field is supported is determined by the field.


    the field to check, null returns false


    true if the field is supported on this year-month, false if not

    Definition Classes
  34. def isValidDay(dayOfMonth: Int): Boolean

    Checks if the day-of-month is valid for this year-month.

    Checks if the day-of-month is valid for this year-month.

    This method checks whether this year and month and the input day form a valid date.


    the day-of-month to validate, from 1 to 31, invalid value returns false


    true if the day is valid for this year-month

  35. def lengthOfMonth: Int

    Returns the length of the month, taking account of the year.

    Returns the length of the month, taking account of the year.

    This returns the length of the month in days. For example, a date in January would return 31.


    the length of the month in days, from 28 to 31

  36. def lengthOfYear: Int

    Returns the length of the year.

    Returns the length of the year.

    This returns the length of the year in days, either 365 or 366.


    366 if the year is leap, 365 otherwise

  37. def minus(amountToSubtract: Long, unit: TemporalUnit): YearMonth


    the amount of the specified unit to subtract, may be negative


    the unit of the period to subtract, not null


    an object of the same type with the specified period subtracted, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    { @inheritDoc}


    { @inheritDoc}

  38. def minus(amount: TemporalAmount): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period subtracted.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period subtracted.

    This method returns a new year-month based on this year-month with the specified period subtracted. The subtractor is typically org.threeten.bp.Period Period but may be any other type implementing the TemporalAmount interface. The calculation is delegated to the specified adjuster, which typically calls back to #minus(long, TemporalUnit).

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the amount to aubtract, not null


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the subtraction made, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if the subtraction cannot be made

  39. def minusMonths(monthsToSubtract: Long): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in months subtracted.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in months subtracted.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the months to subtract, may be negative


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the months subtracted, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the result exceeds the supported range

  40. def minusYears(yearsToSubtract: Long): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in years subtracted.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in years subtracted.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the years to subtract, may be negative


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the years subtracted, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the result exceeds the supported range

  41. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  42. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  43. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  44. def plus(amountToAdd: Long, unit: TemporalUnit): YearMonth


    the amount of the specified unit to add, may be negative


    the unit of the period to add, not null


    an object of the same type with the specified period added, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    { @inheritDoc}


    { @inheritDoc}

  45. def plus(amount: TemporalAmount): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period added.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period added.

    This method returns a new year-month based on this year-month with the specified period added. The adder is typically org.threeten.bp.Period Period but may be any other type implementing the TemporalAmount interface. The calculation is delegated to the specified adjuster, which typically calls back to #plus(long, TemporalUnit).

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the amount to add, not null


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the addition made, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if the addition cannot be made

  46. def plusMonths(monthsToAdd: Long): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in months added.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in months added.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the months to add, may be negative


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the months added, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the result exceeds the supported range

  47. def plusYears(yearsToAdd: Long): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in years added.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period in years added.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the years to add, may be negative


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the years added, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the result exceeds the supported range

  48. def query[R >: Null](query: TemporalQuery[R]): R

    Queries this year-month using the specified query.

    Queries this year-month using the specified query.

    This queries this year-month using the specified query strategy object. The TemporalQuery object defines the logic to be used to obtain the result. Read the documentation of the query to understand what the result of this method will be.

    The result of this method is obtained by invoking the TemporalQuery#queryFrom(TemporalAccessor) method on the specified query passing this as the argument.


    the type of the result


    the query to invoke, not null


    the query result, null may be returned (defined by the query)

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs (defined by the query)


    if unable to query (defined by the query)

  49. def range(field: TemporalField): ValueRange

    Gets the range of valid values for the specified field.

    Gets the range of valid values for the specified field.

    The range object expresses the minimum and maximum valid values for a field. This year-month is used to enhance the accuracy of the returned range. If it is not possible to return the range, because the field is not supported or for some other reason, an exception is thrown.

    If the field is a ChronoField then the query is implemented here. The #isSupported(TemporalField) supported fields will return appropriate range instances. All other ChronoField instances will throw a DateTimeException.

    If the field is not a ChronoField, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalField.rangeRefinedBy(TemporalAccessor) passing this as the argument. Whether the range can be obtained is determined by the field.


    the field to query the range for, not null


    the range of valid values for the field, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if the range for the field cannot be obtained

  50. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  51. def toString(): String

    Outputs this year-month as a String, such as 2007-12.

    Outputs this year-month as a String, such as 2007-12.

    The output will be in the format yyyy-MM:


    a string representation of this year-month, not null

    Definition Classes
    YearMonth → AnyRef → Any
  52. def until(endExclusive: Temporal, unit: TemporalUnit): Long

    Calculates the period between this year-month and another year-month in terms of the specified unit.

    Calculates the period between this year-month and another year-month in terms of the specified unit.

    This calculates the period between two year-months in terms of a single unit. The start and end points are this and the specified year-month. The result will be negative if the end is before the start. The Temporal passed to this method must be a YearMonth. For example, the period in years between two year-months can be calculated using startYearMonth.until(endYearMonth, YEARS).

    The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of complete units between the two year-months. For example, the period in decades between 2012-06 and 2032-05 will only be one decade as it is one month short of two decades.

    This method operates in association with TemporalUnit#between. The result of this method is a long representing the amount of the specified unit. By contrast, the result of between is an object that can be used directly in addition/subtraction:

    val period: Long = start.until(end, YEARS);   // this method, end));     // use in plus/minus

    The calculation is implemented in this method for ChronoUnit. The units MONTHS, YEARS, DECADES, CENTURIES, MILLENNIA and ERAS are supported. Other ChronoUnit values will throw an exception.

    If the unit is not a ChronoUnit, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal) passing this as the first argument and the input temporal as the second argument.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the end year-month, which is converted to a { @code YearMonth}, not null


    the unit to measure the period in, not null


    the amount of the period between this year-month and the end year-month

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if the period cannot be calculated

  53. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  54. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  55. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  56. def with(field: TemporalField, newValue: Long): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified field set to a new value.

    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified field set to a new value.

    This returns a new YearMonth, based on this one, with the value for the specified field changed. This can be used to change any supported field, such as the year or month. If it is not possible to set the value, because the field is not supported or for some other reason, an exception is thrown.

    If the field is a ChronoField then the adjustment is implemented here. The supported fields behave as follows:

    • MONTH_OF_YEAR - Returns a YearMonth with the specified month-of-year. The year will be unchanged.
    • PROLEPTIC_MONTH - Returns a YearMonth with the specified proleptic-month. This completely replaces the year and month of this object.
    • YEAR_OF_ERA - Returns a YearMonth with the specified year-of-era The month and era will be unchanged.
    • YEAR - Returns a YearMonth with the specified year. The month will be unchanged.
    • ERA - Returns a YearMonth with the specified era. The month and year-of-era will be unchanged.

    In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field then a DateTimeException will be thrown.

    All other ChronoField instances will throw a DateTimeException.

    If the field is not a ChronoField, then the result of this method is obtained by invoking TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long) passing this as the argument. In this case, the field determines whether and how to adjust the instant.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the field to set in the result, not null


    the new value of the field in the result


    a { @code YearMonth} based on { @code this} with the specified field set, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if the field cannot be set

  57. def with(adjuster: TemporalAdjuster): YearMonth

    Returns an adjusted copy of this year-month.

    Returns an adjusted copy of this year-month.

    This returns a new YearMonth, based on this one, with the year-month adjusted. The adjustment takes place using the specified adjuster strategy object. Read the documentation of the adjuster to understand what adjustment will be made.

    A simple adjuster might simply set the one of the fields, such as the year field. A more complex adjuster might set the year-month to the next month that Halley's comet will pass the Earth.

    The result of this method is obtained by invoking the TemporalAdjuster#adjustInto(Temporal) method on the specified adjuster passing this as the argument.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the adjuster to use, not null


    a { @code YearMonth} based on { @code this} with the adjustment made, not null

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    if numeric overflow occurs


    if the adjustment cannot be made

  58. def withMonth(month: Int): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the month-of-year altered.

    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the month-of-year altered.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the month-of-year to set in the returned year-month, from 1 (January) to 12 (December)


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the requested month, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the month-of-year value is invalid

  59. def withYear(year: Int): YearMonth

    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the year altered.

    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the year altered.

    This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.


    the year to set in the returned year-month, from MIN_YEAR to MAX_YEAR


    a { @code YearMonth} based on this year-month with the requested year, not null

    Exceptions thrown

    if the year value is invalid

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Ordered[YearMonth]

Inherited from Comparable[YearMonth]

Inherited from TemporalAdjuster

Inherited from Temporal

Inherited from TemporalAccessor

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
