Type Members
case class
Attendance(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, location: String, present: Boolean, audiences: List[Audience]) extends MeTLStanza with Product with Serializable
case class
Audience(server: ServerConfiguration, domain: String, name: String, audienceType: String, action: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
ByMaximumSize(groupSize: Int) extends GroupingStrategy with Product with Serializable
case class
ByTotalGroups(numberOfGroups: Int) extends GroupingStrategy with Product with Serializable
case class
Color(alpha: Int, red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) extends Product with Serializable
case class
Conversation(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, lastAccessed: Long, slides: List[Slide], subject: String, tag: String, jid: Int, title: String, created: String, permissions: Permissions, blackList: List[String] = List.empty[String], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
Group(server: ServerConfiguration, id: String, location: String, members: List[String], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
GroupSet(server: ServerConfiguration, id: String, location: String, groupingStrategy: GroupingStrategy, groups: List[Group], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
History(jid: String, xScale: Double = 1.0, yScale: Double = 1.0, xOffset: Double = 0, yOffset: Double = 0) extends Logger with Product with Serializable
HttpProvider extends AnyRef
case class
MeTLCommand(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, command: String, commandParameters: List[String], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLStanza with Product with Serializable
MeTLData extends AnyRef
case class
MeTLDirtyImage(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLDirtyInk(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLDirtyText(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLFile(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, name: String, id: String, url: Option[String], bytes: Option[Array[Byte]], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLStanza with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLImage(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, tag: String, source: Box[String], imageBytes: Box[Array[Byte]], pngBytes: Box[Array[Byte]], width: Double, height: Double, x: Double, y: Double, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil, scaleFactorX: Double = 1.0, scaleFactorY: Double = 1.0) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLInk(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, checksum: Double, startingSum: Double, points: List[Point], color: Color, thickness: Double, isHighlighter: Boolean, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil, scaleFactorX: Double = 1.0, scaleFactorY: Double = 1.0) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLMoveDelta(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, xOrigin: Double, yOrigin: Double, inkIds: Seq[String], textIds: Seq[String], imageIds: Seq[String], xTranslate: Double, yTranslate: Double, xScale: Double, yScale: Double, newPrivacy: Privacy, isDeleted: Boolean, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLQuiz(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, created: Long, question: String, id: String, url: Box[String], imageBytes: Box[Array[Byte]], isDeleted: Boolean, options: List[QuizOption], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLStanza with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLQuizResponse(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, answer: String, answerer: String, id: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLStanza with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLSubmission(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, title: String, slideJid: Int, url: String, imageBytes: Box[Array[Byte]] = Empty, blacklist: List[SubmissionBlacklistedPerson] = ..., target: String = "submission", privacy: Privacy = Privacy.PUBLIC, identity: String = new Date().getTime.toString, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLText(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, text: String, height: Double, width: Double, caret: Int, x: Double, y: Double, tag: String, style: String, family: String, weight: String, size: Double, decoration: String, identity: String, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, color: Color, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil, scaleFactorX: Double = 1.0, scaleFactorY: Double = 1.0) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLUnhandledCanvasContent(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil, scaleFactorX: Double = 1.0, scaleFactorY: Double = 1.0, unhandled: String, valueType: String) extends MeTLCanvasContent with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLUnhandledData(server: ServerConfiguration, unhandled: String, valueType: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
MeTLUnhandledStanza(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, timestamp: Long, unhandled: String, valueType: String, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLStanza with Product with Serializable
MessageBus extends AnyRef
case class
ParsedCanvasContent(target: String, privacy: Privacy, slide: String, identity: String) extends Product with Serializable
case class
ParsedMeTLContent(author: String, timestamp: Long, audiences: List[Audience]) extends Product with Serializable
case class
Permissions(server: ServerConfiguration, studentsCanOpenFriends: Boolean, studentsCanPublish: Boolean, usersAreCompulsorilySynced: Boolean) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
Point(x: Double, y: Double, thickness: Double) extends Product with Serializable
case class
Presentation(server: ServerConfiguration, conversation: Conversation, stanzas: Map[Int, List[MeTLStanza]] = Map.empty[Int,List[MeTLStanza]], metaData: List[(String, String)] = List.empty[Tuple2[String,String]], audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
QuizOption(name: String, text: String, correct: Boolean = false, color: Color = Color.default) extends Product with Serializable
Serializer extends AnyRef
case class
Slide(server: ServerConfiguration, author: String, id: Int, index: Int, defaultHeight: Int = 540, defaultWidth: Int = 720, exposed: Boolean = false, slideType: String = "SLIDE", groupSet: List[GroupSet] = Nil, audiences: List[Audience] = Nil) extends MeTLData with Product with Serializable
case class
SubmissionBlacklistedPerson(username: String, highlight: Color) extends Product with Serializable
XmlUtils extends AnyRef