



package resolver

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class FieldMeta(queryMeta: QueryMeta, args: Option[Arguments[Unit, AnyValue]], alias: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A more specialized version of QueryMeta that also carries field specific information.

  2. final case class QueryMeta(cursor: Cursor, variables: VariableMap[Unit]) extends Product with Serializable

    Meta information about the current query.

  3. final class Resolver[+F[_], -I, +O] extends AnyRef

    Resolver is one of the core abstractions of gql.

    Resolver is one of the core abstractions of gql. The resolver class contains a collection of methods to aid comosition.

    A Resolver forms an cats.arrow.Arrow; it can lift a function I => O. Resolver also forms cats.arrow.Choice which allows conditional branching.

    Resolver also forms an cats.Applicative instance that sequences the operations.

    Some methods are only available resolvers that have a certain shape. Consider taking a look at the companion object for more information.

  4. trait ResolverInstances extends AnyRef
  5. trait ShowMissingKeys[A] extends AnyRef
  6. sealed trait Step[+F[_], -I, +O] extends AnyRef

    A step is a composable task that takes an input and produces an output.

Value Members

  1. object Resolver extends ResolverInstances
  2. object ShowMissingKeys
  3. object Step
