Interface Gateway

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void callAndPush​( message)
      Send a message and wait for response.
      java.util.List<ConnectorAttachment> getConnectorAttachments()
      Get the list of attached connectors.
      boolean isAutoStart()
      Check if this gateway is auto-started.
      org.joo.promise4j.Promise<,​java.lang.Exception> push​( message)
      Push a message to the gateway incoming sink, so it will be routed the subscribers.
      • Methods inherited from interface io.gridgo.framework.ComponentLifecycle

        isStarted, start, stop
      • Methods inherited from interface

        call, callAny, callAny, send, sendAny, sendAny, sendAnyWithAck, sendAnyWithAck, sendWithAck
      • Methods inherited from interface io.gridgo.framework.NamedComponent

    • Method Detail

      • getConnectorAttachments

        java.util.List<ConnectorAttachment> getConnectorAttachments()
        Get the list of attached connectors.
        the list of attached connectors
      • push

        org.joo.promise4j.Promise<,​java.lang.Exception> push​( message)
        Push a message to the gateway incoming sink, so it will be routed the subscribers. The subscriber may or may not send back a response. If there is no response the promise will never be completed.
        message - the message to be pushed
        the promise
      • callAndPush

        void callAndPush​( message)
        Send a message and wait for response. The response will then be pushed into the gateway incoming sink instead of returning to the caller. Some connectors might not support it. If there are multiple connectors attached to the gateway, only the first one is actually called, the rest are usual send().
        message - the message
      • isAutoStart

        boolean isAutoStart()
        Check if this gateway is auto-started.
        true if and only if the gateway is configured to be auto-started