Class GossipProtocolCodec

    • Method Detail

      • isStateful

        public boolean isStateful()
        Description copied from interface: Codec
        Returns true if this codec maintains an internal state and can't be shared among multiple threads or network connections.

        Stateful codecs are optimized for encoding/decoding data between two stream-based endpoints (i.e. endpoints that maintain some kind of persistent connection, for example TCP socket connections). Stateful codecs can rely on the fact that encoded data is always decoded by the same codec on the receiver side and can perform various optimizations like data compression based on auto-populating dictionaries.

        Specified by:
        isStateful in interface Codec<GossipProtocol>
        true if this codec maintains an internal state and can't be shared among multiple threads or network connections.
      • baseType

        public Class<GossipProtocol> baseType()
        Description copied from interface: Codec
        Returns the base data type that is supported by this codec.
        Specified by:
        baseType in interface Codec<GossipProtocol>
        Base data type that is supported by this codec.