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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


add(BufferData) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.CompositeBufferData
Add this buffer to the list of buffers already in this composite buffer.
AMPERSAND_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
& byte.
Ascii - Class in io.helidon.common.buffers
Extracted from Guava.
available() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Number of bytes available for reading.
available() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Number of bytes available in the currently pulled data.


BufferData - Interface in io.helidon.common.buffers
Wrapper around a byte array.
Bytes - Class in io.helidon.common.buffers
Bytes commonly used in HTTP.


capacity() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Number of bytes that can be written to this instance.
clear() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Reset read and write position and make the buffer empty.
COLON_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
: byte.
CompositeBufferData - Interface in io.helidon.common.buffers
Composite (mutable) buffer data.
consumed() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Whether this buffer is fully consumed (all available bytes were read).
copy() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Copy the underlying data into a new buffer that does not retain any reference.
CR_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
\r (carriage return) byte.
create(byte[]) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Fixed size buffer data fully written.
create(byte[], int, int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Fixed size buffer data fully written.
create(int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Fixed size buffer data.
create(BufferData...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Buffer data mapping multiple buffers.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Create buffer data from a string.
create(List<BufferData>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Create composite buffer data from a list.
createComposite() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Composite buffer data that are mutable.
createComposite(BufferData) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Composite buffer data that are mutable with initial value.
createReadOnly(byte[], int, int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Fixed size buffer data fully written.


data(T, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.DataListener
Data received or sent.
data(T, BufferData) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.DataListener
Data received or sent.
DataListener<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.buffers
A listener for data.
DataReader - Class in io.helidon.common.buffers
Data reader that can pull additional data.
DataReader(Supplier<byte[]>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Data reader from a supplier of bytes.
DataReader(Supplier<byte[]>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Data reader from a supplier of bytes.
DataReader.IncorrectNewLineException - Exception Class in io.helidon.common.buffers
New line not valid.
DataReader.InsufficientDataAvailableException - Exception Class in io.helidon.common.buffers
Not enough data available to finish the requested operation.
DataWriter - Interface in io.helidon.common.buffers
Write data to the underlying transport (most likely a socket).
debugDataBinary() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Debug this buffer as binary string.
debugDataHex() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Debug the full buffer.
debugDataHex() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Debug data as a hex string.
debugDataHex(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Debug this buffer as hex string.


empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Empty buffer data.
EMPTY_BYTES - Static variable in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Empty byte array.
ensureAvailable() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Ensure we have at least one byte available.
EQUALS_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
= byte.


findNewLine(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Find new line with the next n bytes.
findOrNewLine(byte, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Find the byte or next new line.
forEach(int, Function<Byte, Boolean>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Do an operation on each byte in this buffer.


get(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Get byte at index (current read position + index).
getBuffer(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Get the next buffer of the requested size without moving position.
growing(int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Growing buffer data.


HASH_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
# byte.


IncorrectNewLineException(String) - Constructor for exception class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader.IncorrectNewLineException
Incorrect new line.
indexOf(byte) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Find index of the provided byte from the current position.
InsufficientDataAvailableException() - Constructor for exception class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader.InsufficientDataAvailableException
io.helidon.common.buffers - module io.helidon.common.buffers
Byte buffers and byte operations.
io.helidon.common.buffers - package io.helidon.common.buffers
Byte buffers and byte operations.
isLowerCase(char) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
Indicates whether c is one of the twenty-six lowercase ASCII alphabetic characters between 'a' and 'z' inclusive.
isUpperCase(char) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
Indicates whether c is one of the twenty-six uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters between 'A' and 'Z' inclusive.


lastIndexOf(byte) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Find last index of the provided byte from the current position.
lastIndexOf(byte, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Find last index of the provided byte from the current position.
LazyString - Class in io.helidon.common.buffers
String that materializes only when requested.
LazyString(byte[], int, int, Charset) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.buffers.LazyString
New instance.
LazyString(byte[], Charset) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.buffers.LazyString
New instance.
LF_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
\n (new line) byte.
listener(DataListener<T>, T) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Configure data listener.
lookup() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Look at the next byte (does not modify position).


PERCENT_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
% byte.
pullData() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Pull next data.


QUESTION_MARK_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
? byte.


read() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read a single byte from this buffer.
read() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Read 1 byte.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read bytes from this buffer into the provided buffer.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read bytes from this buffer into the provided buffer.
readAsciiString(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Read ascii string.
readBuffer() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Read next buffer.
readBuffer(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Read next buffer of defined size.
readBytes() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read the content of this data as bytes.
readFrom(InputStream) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read bytes from the input stream.
readHpackInt(int, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
HPack integer value (may be 1 or more bytes).
readInt16() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read 16-bit integer.
readInt24() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read a 24-bit integer.
readInt32() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read 32-bit integer.
readLazyString(Charset, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Read the next len bytes as a LazyString.
readLine() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Read an ascii string until new line.
readLong() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read 64-bit long.
readString(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read a UTF-8 string from this buffer.
readString(int, Charset) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read a string from this buffer.
readUnsignedInt32() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Read 32-bit unsigned integer (must be represented as a long, as Java integer is 32-bit signed).
reset() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Reset read and write position of this buffer.
rewind() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Set read position to 0, so others may read the same data from the start.


SEMICOLON_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
; byte.
skip(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Skip the next n bytes (move read position).
skip(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Skip n bytes.
SLASH_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
/ byte.
SPACE_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
(space) byte.
startsWith(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Does the current data start with the prefix.
startsWithNewLine() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.DataReader
Does the data start with a new line (CRLF).
stripOws() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.LazyString
Strip optional whitespace(s) from beginning and end of the String.


TAB_BYTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Bytes
Horizontal tabulator byte.
toBinaryString(int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Integer to binary string.
toInt31(int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Get 31 bits of an integer, ignoring the first bit.
toLowerCase(char) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
If the argument is an uppercase ASCII character returns the lowercase equivalent.
toLowerCase(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
Returns a copy of the input character sequence in which all uppercase ASCII characters have been converted to lowercase.
toLowerCase(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
Returns a copy of the input string in which all uppercase ASCII characters have been converted to lowercase.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.LazyString
toUpperCase(char) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
If the argument is a lowercase ASCII character returns the uppercase equivalent.
toUpperCase(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
Returns a copy of the input character sequence in which all lowercase ASCII characters have been converted to uppercase.
toUpperCase(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.buffers.Ascii
Returns a copy of the input string in which all lowercase ASCII characters have been converted to uppercase.
trim(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Trim the last x bytes from a buffer (remove them).


write(byte[]) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write the byte array to this buffer.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write the byte array to this buffer.
write(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write a byte.
write(BufferData) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write the provided buffer to this buffer.
write(BufferData) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.DataWriter
Write buffer, may delay writing and may write on a different thread.
write(BufferData...) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.DataWriter
Write buffers, may delay writing and may write on a different thread.
write(BufferData, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write n bytes from the provided buffer to this buffer.
writeAscii(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write ascii string to this buffer.
writeHpackInt(int, int, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write hpack integer to this buffer.
writeInt16(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write 16-bit integer.
writeInt24(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write 24-bit integer.
writeInt32(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write 32-bit integer.
writeInt8(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write 8-bit integer.
writeNow(BufferData) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.DataWriter
Write buffer to underlying transport blocking until the buffer is written.
writeNow(BufferData...) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.DataWriter
Write buffers to underlying transport blocking until the buffers are written.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write all available bytes of this buffer to the output stream.
writeTo(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write n bytes from this buffer to the provided buffer.
writeUnsignedInt32(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.buffers.BufferData
Write 32-bit unsigned integer.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form