Class HBaseEdgeInputFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConfigurationSettable<ObjectWritable,​,​EdgeValueWritable>, org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfigurable<ObjectWritable,​,​EdgeValueWritable>

    public class HBaseEdgeInputFormat
    Base class that wraps an HBase TableInputFormat and underlying Scan object to help instantiate edges from an HBase table. All the static TableInputFormat properties necessary to configure an HBase job are available.

    Setting conf.set(HBaseEdgeInputFormat.EDGE_INPUT_TABLE, "in_table"); from the job setup routine will properly delegate to the TableInputFormat instance. The Configurable interface prevents specific wrapper methods from having to be called.

    Works with HBaseEdgeOutputFormat

    • Field Detail


        protected static final TableInputFormat BASE_FORMAT
        delegate HBase table input format
    • Constructor Detail

      • HBaseEdgeInputFormat

        public HBaseEdgeInputFormat()