

object hlist

Linear Supertypes
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  1. hlist
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Align[L <: HList, M <: HList] extends (L) ⇒ M with Serializable

    Type class supporting permuting this HList into the same order as another HList with the same element types.

  2. trait At[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting access to the nth element of this HList.

  3. trait Collect[I <: HList, P <: Poly] extends DepFn1[I] with Serializable

    Type Class witnessing that an 'HList' can be collected with a 'Poly' to produce an 'HList'

  4. trait CollectFirst[L <: HList, P <: Poly] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class witnessing that there exists at least one element of an HList for which a Poly can be applied.

  5. trait Comapped[L <: HList, F[_]] extends Serializable

    Type class witnessing that the result of stripping type constructor F off each element of HList L is Out.

  6. trait Combinations[N <: Nat, L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting the calculation of every combination of this 'HList'

  7. trait ConstMapper[C, L <: HList] extends DepFn2[C, L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting mapping a constant valued function over this HList.

  8. trait Diff[L <: HList, M <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting HList subtraction.

  9. trait Drop[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting removal of the first n elements of this HList.

  10. trait Fill[N, A] extends DepFn1[A] with Serializable

    Type class supporting producing a HList of shape N filled with elements of type A.

  11. trait FillWith[F, L <: HList] extends DepFn0 with Serializable

    Type class supporting producing a HList filled from a Poly0.

  12. trait Filter[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting access to the all elements of this HList of type U.

  13. trait FilterNot[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting access to the all elements of this HList of type different than U.

  14. trait FlatMapInterleave[A, M <: HList] extends DepFn2[A, M] with Serializable

    Type class supporting interleaving an element into each row of this HMatrix (HList of HLists)

  15. trait FlatMapper[HF, In <: HList] extends DepFn1[In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting flatmapping a higher ranked function over this HList.

  16. trait Grouper[L <: HList, N <: Nat, Step <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Typeclass supporting grouping this HList into tuples of N items each, at Step apart.

  17. final case class HConsHKernel[H, T <: HKernel](tail: T) extends HKernel with Product with Serializable

  18. trait HKernel extends AnyRef

    Type class providing minimally witnessed operations on HLists which can be derived from L by wrapping each of its elements in a type constructor.

  19. trait HKernelAux[L <: HList] extends DepFn0

  20. trait HNilHKernel extends HKernel

  21. trait Init[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting access to all but the last element of this HList.

  22. trait Interleave[A, L <: HList] extends DepFn2[A, L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting adding an element to each possible position in this HList

  23. trait Intersection[L <: HList, M <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting HList intersection.

  24. trait IsHCons[L <: HList] extends Serializable

    Type class witnessing that this HList is composite and providing access to head and tail.

  25. trait Last[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting access to the last element of this HList.

  26. trait LeftFolder[L <: HList, In, HF] extends DepFn2[L, In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting left-folding a polymorphic binary function over this HList.

  27. trait LeftReducer[L <: HList, HF] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting left-reducing a polymorphic binary function over this HList.

  28. trait LeftScanner[L <: HList, In, P <: Poly] extends DepFn2[L, In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting left scanning of this HList with a binary polymorphic function.

  29. trait Length[L <: HList] extends DepFn0 with Serializable

    Type class supporting computing the type-level Nat corresponding to the length of this HList.

  30. sealed trait LiftAll[F[_], In <: HList] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass witnessing that all the elements of an HList have instances of the given typeclass.

  31. trait LowPriorityCollect extends AnyRef

  32. trait LowPriorityCollectFirst extends AnyRef

  33. trait LowPriorityComapped extends AnyRef

  34. trait LowPriorityCombinations extends AnyRef

  35. trait LowPriorityDiff extends AnyRef

  36. trait LowPriorityGrouper extends AnyRef

  37. trait LowPriorityIntersection extends AnyRef

  38. trait LowPriorityPaddedGrouper extends AnyRef

    Typeclass supporting grouping this HList into tuples of N items each, at Step apart.

  39. trait LowPriorityPrepend extends LowestPriorityPrepend

  40. trait LowPriorityRemove extends AnyRef

  41. trait LowPriorityReversePrepend extends AnyRef

  42. trait LowPriorityRotateLeft extends AnyRef

  43. trait LowPriorityRotateRight extends AnyRef

  44. trait LowPriorityToCoproductTraversable extends AnyRef

  45. trait LowPriorityUnion extends AnyRef

  46. trait LowPriorityZipOne extends AnyRef

  47. trait LowestPriorityPrepend extends AnyRef

  48. trait MapCons[A, M <: HList] extends DepFn2[A, M] with Serializable

  49. trait MapFolder[L <: HList, R, HF] extends Serializable

    Type class supporting mapping a polymorphic function over this HList and then folding the result using a monomorphic function value.

  50. trait Mapped[L <: HList, F[_]] extends Serializable

    Type class witnessing that the result of wrapping each element of HList L in type constructor F is Out.

  51. trait Mapper[HF, In <: HList] extends DepFn1[In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting mapping a higher ranked function over this HList.

  52. trait Modifier[L <: HList, U, V] extends DepFn2[L, (U) ⇒ V] with Serializable

    Type class supporting replacement of the first element of type U from this HList with the result of its transformation via a given function into a new element of type V.

  53. trait ModifierAt[L <: HList, N <: Nat, U, V] extends DepFn2[L, (U) ⇒ V]

    Type class supporting replacement of the Nth element of this HList with the result of calling F on it.

  54. trait NatTRel[L1 <: HList, F1[_], L2 <: HList, F2[_]] extends Serializable

    Type class witnessing that HLists L1 and L2 have elements of the form F1[Ln] and F2[Ln] respectively for all indices n.

  55. trait PadTo[N, A, L <: HList] extends DepFn2[A, L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting producing a HList of shape N padded with elements of type A.

  56. trait PaddedGrouper[L <: HList, N <: Nat, Step <: Nat, Pad <: HList] extends DepFn2[L, Pad] with Serializable

  57. trait Partition[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting partitioning this HList into those elements of type U and the remainder

  58. trait Patcher[N <: Nat, M <: Nat, L <: HList, In <: HList] extends DepFn2[L, In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting the patching of an HList

  59. trait Permutations[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting the calculation of every permutation of this 'HList'

  60. trait Prepend[P <: HList, S <: HList] extends DepFn2[P, S] with Serializable

    Type class supporting prepending to this HList.

  61. trait Reify[L <: HList] extends DepFn0 with Serializable

    Type class supporting reifying an HList of singleton types.

  62. trait Remove[L <: HList, E] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting removal of an element from this HList.

  63. trait RemoveAll[L <: HList, SL <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting removal of a sublist from this HList.

  64. trait Repeat[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass supporting repeating L-typed HLists N times.

  65. trait ReplaceAt[L <: HList, N <: Nat, V] extends DepFn2[L, V] with Serializable

    Type class supporting replacement of the Nth element of this HList with an element of type V.

  66. trait Replacer[L <: HList, U, V] extends DepFn2[L, V] with Serializable

    Type class supporting replacement of the first element of type U from this HList with an element of type V.

  67. trait Reverse[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting reversing this HList.

  68. trait ReversePrepend[P <: HList, S <: HList] extends DepFn2[P, S] with Serializable

    Type class supporting reverse prepending to this HList.

  69. trait ReverseSplit[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting splitting this HList at the nth element returning the reverse prefix and suffix as a pair.

  70. trait ReverseSplitLeft[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting splitting this HList at the first occurrence of an element of type U returning the reverse prefix and suffix as a pair.

  71. trait ReverseSplitRight[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting splitting this HList at the last occurrence of an element of type U returning the reverse prefix and suffix as a pair.

  72. trait RightFolder[L <: HList, In, HF] extends DepFn2[L, In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting right-folding a polymorphic binary function over this HList.

  73. trait RightReducer[L <: HList, HF] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting right-reducing a polymorphic binary function over this HList.

  74. trait RightScanner[L <: HList, In, P <: Poly] extends DepFn2[L, In] with Serializable

    Type class supporting right scanning of this HList with a binary polymorphic function.

  75. trait RotateLeft[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting rotating a HList left

  76. trait RotateRight[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting rotating a HList right

  77. trait SelectAll[L <: HList, S <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting multiple HList field selection.

  78. trait SelectMany[L <: HList, Ids <: HList] extends DepFn1[L]

    Type class supporting access to the elements of this HList specified by Ids.

  79. trait SelectRange[L <: HList, A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L]

    Type class supporting supporting access to the elements in range [a,b[ of this HList.

  80. trait Selector[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting access to the first element of this HList of type U.

  81. trait Slice[N, U, L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting the slicing of an HList

  82. trait Split[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting splitting this HList at the nth element returning the prefix and suffix as a pair.

  83. trait SplitLeft[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting splitting this HList at the first occurrence of an element of type U returning the prefix and suffix as a pair.

  84. trait SplitRight[L <: HList, U] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting splitting this HList at the last occurrence of an element of type U returning the prefix and suffix as a pair.

  85. trait SubtypeUnifier[L <: HList, B] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting unification of all elements that are subtypes of B in this HList to B, with all other elements left unchanged.

  86. trait Take[L <: HList, N <: Nat] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting retrieval of the first n elements of this HList.

  87. type ToArray[L <: HList, Lub] = ToTraversable[L, Array] { type Lub = Lub }

    Type aliases and constructors provided for backward compatibility

  88. trait ToCoproduct[L <: HList] extends Serializable

    Type class computing the coproduct type corresponding to this HList.

  89. trait ToCoproductTraversable[L <: HList, M[_]] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting conversion of this HList to a M with elements typed as a minimal Coproduct Cop such as each type of the elements of L appears once in Cop.

  90. type ToList[L <: HList, Lub] = ToTraversable[L, List] { type Lub = Lub }

  91. trait ToSized[L <: HList, M[_]] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting conversion of this HList to a Sized[M[Lub], N] with elements typed as the least upper bound Lub of the types of the elements of this HList.

  92. trait ToSum[L <: HList] extends Serializable

  93. trait ToTraversable[L <: HList, M[_]] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting conversion of this HList to a M with elements typed as the least upper bound Lub of the types of the elements of this HList.

  94. trait Transposer[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting transposing this HList.

  95. trait Tupler[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting conversion of this HList to a tuple.

  96. trait Unifier[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting unification of this HList.

  97. trait Union[L <: HList, M <: HList] extends DepFn2[L, M] with Serializable

    Type class supporting HList union.

  98. trait Unzip[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting unzipping this HList of tuples returning a tuple of HLists.

  99. trait Zip[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping this HList of HLists returning an HList of tuples.

  100. trait ZipApply[FL <: HList, AL <: HList] extends DepFn2[FL, AL] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping this HList of monomorphic function values with its argument HList of correspondingly typed function arguments returning the result of each application as an HList.

  101. trait ZipConst[C, L <: HList] extends DepFn2[C, L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping an HList with a constant, resulting in an HList of tuples of the form ({element from input HList}, {supplied constant})

  102. trait ZipOne[H <: HList, T <: HList] extends DepFn2[H, T] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping this HList with an HList of HLists returning an HList of HLists with each element of this HList prepended to the corresponding HList element of the argument HList.

  103. trait ZipWith[L <: HList, R <: HList, P <: Poly2] extends DepFn2[L, R] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping an 'HList' with another 'HList' using a 'Poly2' resulting in an HList

  104. trait ZipWithIndex[L <: HList] extends DepFn1[L] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping a HList with its element indices, resulting in a 'HList' of tuples of the form ({element from input tuple}, {element index})

  105. trait ZipWithKeys[K <: HList, V <: HList] extends DepFn1[V] with Serializable

    Type class supporting zipping an HList of values with an HList of keys to create a record.

  106. trait lowPriorityToSum extends AnyRef

    Type class computing the sum type corresponding to this HList.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. object Align extends Serializable

  7. object At extends Serializable

  8. object Collect extends LowPriorityCollect with Serializable

  9. object CollectFirst extends LowPriorityCollectFirst with Serializable

  10. object Comapped extends LowPriorityComapped with Serializable

  11. object Combinations extends LowPriorityCombinations with Serializable

  12. object ConstMapper extends Serializable

  13. object Diff extends LowPriorityDiff with Serializable

  14. object Drop extends Serializable

  15. object Fill extends Serializable

  16. object FillWith extends Serializable

  17. object Filter extends Serializable

  18. object FilterNot extends Serializable

  19. object FlatMapInterleave extends Serializable

  20. object FlatMapper extends Serializable

  21. object Grouper extends LowPriorityGrouper with Serializable

  22. object HKernel

  23. object HKernelAux

  24. object HNilHKernel extends HNilHKernel with Product with Serializable

  25. object Init extends Serializable

  26. object Interleave extends Serializable

  27. object Intersection extends LowPriorityIntersection with Serializable

  28. object IsHCons extends Serializable

  29. object Last extends Serializable

  30. object LeftFolder extends Serializable

  31. object LeftReducer extends Serializable

  32. object LeftScanner extends Serializable

  33. object Length extends Serializable

  34. object LiftAll

  35. object MapCons extends Serializable

  36. object MapFolder extends Serializable

  37. object Mapped extends Serializable

  38. object Mapper extends Serializable

  39. object Modifier extends Serializable

  40. object ModifierAt

  41. object NatTRel extends Serializable

  42. object PadTo extends Serializable

  43. object PaddedGrouper extends LowPriorityPaddedGrouper with Serializable

  44. object Partition extends Serializable

  45. object Patcher extends Serializable

  46. object Permutations extends Serializable

  47. object Prepend extends LowPriorityPrepend with Serializable

  48. object Reify extends Serializable

  49. object Remove extends LowPriorityRemove with Serializable

  50. object RemoveAll extends Serializable

  51. object Repeat

  52. object ReplaceAt extends Serializable

  53. object Replacer extends Serializable

  54. object Reverse extends Serializable

  55. object ReversePrepend extends LowPriorityReversePrepend with Serializable

  56. object ReverseSplit extends Serializable

  57. object ReverseSplitLeft extends Serializable

  58. object ReverseSplitRight extends Serializable

  59. object RightFolder extends Serializable

  60. object RightReducer extends Serializable

  61. object RightScanner extends Serializable

  62. object RotateLeft extends LowPriorityRotateLeft with Serializable

  63. object RotateRight extends LowPriorityRotateRight with Serializable

  64. object SelectAll extends Serializable

  65. object SelectMany

  66. object SelectRange

  67. object Selector extends Serializable

  68. object Slice extends Serializable

  69. object Split extends Serializable

  70. object SplitLeft extends Serializable

  71. object SplitRight extends Serializable

  72. object SubtypeUnifier extends Serializable

  73. object Take extends Serializable

  74. def ToArray[L <: HList, Lub](implicit toArray: ToArray[L, Lub]): ToArray[L, Lub]

  75. object ToCoproduct extends Serializable

  76. object ToCoproductTraversable extends LowPriorityToCoproductTraversable with Serializable

  77. def ToList[L <: HList, Lub](implicit toList: ToList[L, Lub]): ToList[L, Lub]

  78. object ToSized extends Serializable

  79. object ToSum extends lowPriorityToSum with Serializable

  80. object ToTraversable extends Serializable

  81. object Transposer extends Serializable

  82. object Tupler extends TuplerInstances with Serializable

  83. object Unifier extends Serializable

  84. object Union extends LowPriorityUnion with Serializable

  85. object Unzip extends Serializable

  86. object Zip extends Serializable

  87. object ZipApply extends Serializable

  88. object ZipConst extends Serializable

  89. object ZipOne extends LowPriorityZipOne with Serializable

  90. object ZipWith extends Serializable

  91. object ZipWithIndex extends Serializable

  92. object ZipWithKeys extends Serializable

  93. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  94. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  95. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  96. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  97. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  98. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  99. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  100. implicit def hlistOrdering[H, T <: HList](implicit hOrdering: Ordering[H], tOrdering: Ordering[T]): Ordering[::[H, T]]

  101. implicit object hnilOrdering extends Ordering[HNil]

  102. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  103. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  104. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  105. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  106. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  107. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  108. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  109. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  110. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
