Transform values using a scala.PartialFunction and drop values that aren't matched.
Transform values using a scala.PartialFunction and drop values that aren't matched.
An Iteratee that collects all the elements in a stream in a vector.
An Iteratee that collects all the elements in a stream in a vector.
An Iteratee that collects all the elements in a stream in a given collection type.
An Iteratee that collects all the elements in a stream in a given collection type.
Create an incomplete Iteratee that will use the given function to process the next input.
Create an incomplete Iteratee that will use the given function to process the next input.
Transform a stream by taking the cross-product with the given Enumerator.
Transform a stream by taking the cross-product with the given Enumerator.
Create a new completed Iteratee with the given result and leftover input.
Create a new completed Iteratee with the given result and leftover input.
An Enumeratee that drops a given number of the first values in a stream.
An Enumeratee that drops a given number of the first values in a stream.
An Iteratee that drops a given number of the values from a stream.
An Iteratee that drops a given number of the values from a stream.
An Enumeratee that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Enumeratee that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Iteratee that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Iteratee that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Enumeratee that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given monadic predicate.
An Enumeratee that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given monadic predicate.
An empty enumerator.
An empty enumerator.
An enumerator that produces values from a slice of an indexed sequence.
An enumerator that produces values from a slice of an indexed sequence.
An enumerator that produces values from a list.
An enumerator that produces values from a list.
An enumerator that produces a single value.
An enumerator that produces a single value.
An enumerator that produces values from a stream.
An enumerator that produces values from a stream.
An enumerator that produces values from a vector.
An enumerator that produces values from a vector.
Create a failed enumerator with the given error.
Create a failed enumerator with the given error.
Create a failed iteratee with the given error.
Create a failed iteratee with the given error.
Drop values that do not satisfy the given predicate.
Drop values that do not satisfy the given predicate.
Drop values that do not satisfy the given monadic predicate.
Drop values that do not satisfy the given monadic predicate.
Map a function returning an Enumerator over a stream and flatten the results.
Map a function returning an Enumerator over a stream and flatten the results.
Map a function returning a value in a context over a stream.
Map a function returning a value in a context over a stream.
An Iteratee that folds a stream using an initial value and an accumulation function.
An Iteratee that folds a stream using an initial value and an accumulation function.
An Iteratee that folds a stream using an initial value and a monadic accumulation function.
An Iteratee that folds a stream using an initial value and a monadic accumulation function.
An Iteratee that combines values using a function to a type with a cats.Monoid instance.
An Iteratee that combines values using a function to a type with a cats.Monoid instance.
An Iteratee that combines values using a function to a type with a cats.Semigroup instance.
An Iteratee that combines values using a function to a type with a cats.Semigroup instance.
An Iteratee that runs a function for its side effects.
An Iteratee that runs a function for its side effects.
An Iteratee that runs an effectful function for its side effects.
An Iteratee that runs an effectful function for its side effects.
An enumerator that returns the result of an effectful operation until
is generated.
An enumerator that returns the result of an effectful operation until
is generated.
Split the stream into groups of a given length.
Split the stream into groups of a given length.
An Iteratee that returns the first value in a stream.
An Iteratee that returns the first value in a stream.
An iteratee that reads nothing from a stream.
An iteratee that reads nothing from a stream.
Add a value delim
between every two items in a stream.
Add a value delim
between every two items in a stream.
An Iteratee that checks if the stream is at its end.
An Iteratee that checks if the stream is at its end.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation until None is produced and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation until None is produced and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation until None is produced and returns the results.
An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation until None is produced and returns the results.
An Iteratee that counts the number of values in a stream.
An Iteratee that counts the number of values in a stream.
Lift an effectful value into an enumerator.
Lift an effectful value into an enumerator.
Lift an effectful value into an iteratee.
Lift an effectful value into an iteratee.
Map a function over a stream.
Map a function over a stream.
An Iteratee that returns the first value in a stream without consuming it.
An Iteratee that returns the first value in a stream without consuming it.
An enumerator that forces the evaluation of an effect when it is consumed.
An enumerator that forces the evaluation of an effect when it is consumed.
An enumerator that repeats the given value indefinitely.
An enumerator that repeats the given value indefinitely.
An Iteratee that collects all inputs in reverse order.
An Iteratee that collects all inputs in reverse order.
Apply the given Iteratee repeatedly.
Apply the given Iteratee repeatedly.
Split the stream using the given predicate to identify delimiters.
Split the stream using the given predicate to identify delimiters.
An Iteratee that combines values using an cats.Monoid instance.
An Iteratee that combines values using an cats.Monoid instance.
An Enumeratee that takes a given number of the first values in a stream.
An Enumeratee that takes a given number of the first values in a stream.
An Iteratee that returns a given number of the first values in a stream.
An Iteratee that returns a given number of the first values in a stream.
An Enumeratee that takes values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Enumeratee that takes values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Iteratee that returns values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Iteratee that returns values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.
An Enumeratee that takes values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given monadic predicate.
An Enumeratee that takes values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given monadic predicate.
Collapse consecutive duplicates.
Collapse consecutive duplicates.
Assumes that the stream is sorted.
Zip with the number of elements that have been encountered.
Zip with the number of elements that have been encountered.