Class JettyConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class JettyConfig

    Configures the embedded Jetty webserver.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JettyConfig

        JettyConfig(JavalinConfig cfg)
        cfg - the parent Javalin Configuration
    • Method Detail

      • modifyServer

         final Unit modifyServer(Consumer<Server> server)

        Configure the jetty Server. This is useful if you want to configure Jetty features that are not exposed by Javalin. Consider using the other methods in this class before resorting to this one. It can be called multiple times, and the supplied consumers will be called in order.

      • modifyServletContextHandler

         final Unit modifyServletContextHandler(Consumer<ServletContextHandler> consumer)

        Configure the jetty ServletContextHandler. The SessionHandler can be set here. It can be called multiple times, and the supplied consumers will be called in order.

      • modifyWebSocketServletFactory

         final Unit modifyWebSocketServletFactory(Consumer<JettyWebSocketServletFactory> wsFactoryConfig)

        Configure the jetty JettyWebSocketServletFactory. It can be called multiple times, and the supplied consumers will be called in order.

      • modifyHttpConfiguration

         final Unit modifyHttpConfiguration(Consumer<HttpConfiguration> httpConfigurationConfig)

        Configure the HttpConfiguration to be used by the jetty Server. It can be called multiple times, and the supplied consumers will be called in order.

      • addConnector

         final Unit addConnector(BiFunction<Server, HttpConfiguration, Connector> connector)

        Add a Connector to the jetty Server. It can be called multiple times, and the supplied connectors will be added in order.