Class ReflectionHelper


public class ReflectionHelper
extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ReflectionHelper

      public ReflectionHelper()
  • Method Details

    • findFieldsAnnotatedWith

      public static List<Field> findFieldsAnnotatedWith​(Class<?> type, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
      Returns all the fields annotated with the given annotation in the given class or any super classes
    • findFieldsMatching

      public static List<Field> findFieldsMatching​(Class<?> type, io.fabric8.utils.Filter<Field> filter)
      Returns all the fields matching the given filter in the given class or any super classes
    • appendFieldsAnnotatatedWith

      protected static void appendFieldsAnnotatatedWith​(List<Field> list, Class<?> type, io.fabric8.utils.Filter<Field> filter)
    • getFieldValue

      public static Object getFieldValue​(Field field, Object instance)