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afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension


beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension
body() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
body(Class<T>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
body(Type) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


call(String, String, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
call(String, String, MockContext, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
call(String, String, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
clear() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
close() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketClient
Close a websocket and send a close message to websocket server.
close(int) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketClient
Close a websocket and send a close message to websocket server.
close(int, String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketClient
Close a websocket and send a close message to websocket server.
close(WebSocketCloseStatus) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
convert(ValueNode, Class<T>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
cookieMap() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


decode(Type, MediaType) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
decoder(MediaType) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
delete(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a DELETE request to the target application.
delete(String, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a DELETE request to the target application.
delete(String, MockContext, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a DELETE request to the target application.
delete(String, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a DELETE request to the target application.
destroy() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
detach(Route.Handler) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
dispatch(Runnable) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
dispatch(Executor, Runnable) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


environment() - Element in annotation interface io.jooby.test.JoobyTest
Application environment, default is test.
executionMode() - Element in annotation interface io.jooby.test.JoobyTest
Application execution mode.


factoryClass() - Element in annotation interface io.jooby.test.JoobyTest
Factory class (owner of JoobyTest.factoryMethod().
factoryMethod() - Element in annotation interface io.jooby.test.JoobyTest
Name of factory method to create an application programmatically.
file(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
files() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
files(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
flash() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
forEach(SneakyThrows.Consumer<WebSocket>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
form() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
forward(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


get(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a GET request to the target application.
get(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
get(String, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a GET request to the target application.
get(String, MockContext, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a GET request to the target application.
get(String, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a GET request to the target application.
getAttributes() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getClientCertificates() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getContentLength() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Response content length.
getContentType() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Response content type.
getContext() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
getCreationTime() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
getHeaders() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Response headers.
getHost() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getId() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
getMethod() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getPort() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getProtocol() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getRequestPath() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getResetHeadersOnError() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getResponse() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Mock response generated from route execution.
getResponseCode() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getResponseHeader(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getResponseLength() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getResponseType() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getRoute() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getRouter() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getScheme() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
getSessions() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
getStatusCode() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Response status code.
getWorker() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Get the worker executor for running test.


header() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


io.jooby.test - module io.jooby.test
Jooby Unit Test module.
io.jooby.test - package io.jooby.test
isInIoThread() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
isModify() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
isNew() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
isOpen() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
isOpen() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketClient
True for opened connection.
isResponseStarted() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


JoobyExtension - Class in io.jooby.test
JUnit extension that control lifecycle of Jooby applications on tests.
JoobyExtension() - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension
JoobyTest - Annotation Interface in io.jooby.test
Startup Jooby applications using JUnit extension mechanism.


MockContext - Class in io.jooby.test
Unit test friendly context implementation.
MockContext() - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.MockContext
MockResponse - Class in io.jooby.test
Response generate by MockRouter.
MockResponse() - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
MockRouter - Class in io.jooby.test
Utility class that allows us to execute routes using a MockContext.
MockRouter(Jooby) - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Creates a new mock router.
MockSession - Class in io.jooby.test
Mock session.
MockSession() - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.MockSession
Mock session with a random ID.
MockSession(MockContext) - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.MockSession
Mock session with a random ID.
MockSession(MockContext, String) - Constructor for class io.jooby.test.MockSession
Creates a mock session.
MockValue - Interface in io.jooby.test
Access to raw response value from MockRouter or cast response to something else.
MockWebSocket - Class in io.jooby.test
Mock implementation of WebSocket for unit testing purpose.
MockWebSocketClient - Class in io.jooby.test
Websocket client for unit tests.
MockWebSocketConfigurer - Class in io.jooby.test
Allow to configure a websocket client for unit tests.


onClose(WebSocket.OnClose) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketConfigurer
onComplete(Route.Complete) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
onConnect(WebSocket.OnConnect) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketConfigurer
onError(WebSocket.OnError) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketConfigurer
onMessage(SneakyThrows.Consumer<Object>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketClient
Add an on message callback.
onMessage(WebSocket.OnMessage) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketConfigurer


patch(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
patch(String, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
patch(String, MockContext, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
patch(String, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PATCH request to the target application.
pathMap() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
port() - Element in annotation interface io.jooby.test.JoobyTest
Server port.
post(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a POST request to the target application.
post(String, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a POST request to the target application.
post(String, MockContext, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a POST request to the target application.
post(String, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a POST request to the target application.
postProcessTestInstance(Object, ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension
put(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PUT request to the target application.
put(String, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PUT request to the target application.
put(String, MockContext, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PUT request to the target application.
put(String, String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
put(String, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a PUT request to the target application.


query() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
queryString() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


remove(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
removeResponseHeader(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
removeResponseHeaders() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
render(Object) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
render(Object, WebSocket.WriteCallback) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
renderBinary(Object, WebSocket.WriteCallback) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
renewId() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
resolveParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension
responseSender() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
responseStream() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
responseWriter(MediaType, Charset) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


send(byte[]) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(byte[]...) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(byte[], WebSocket.WriteCallback) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
send(FileDownload) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(StatusCode) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(InputStream) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(Object) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocketClient
Send a websocket message to a websocket server.
send(String, WebSocket.WriteCallback) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
send(String, Charset) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(ByteBuffer[]) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(FileChannel) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(ReadableByteChannel) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
send(Path) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
sendBinary(byte[], WebSocket.WriteCallback) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
sendBinary(String, WebSocket.WriteCallback) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockWebSocket
sendError(Throwable) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
sendError(Throwable, StatusCode) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
session() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
sessionOrNull() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setBody(byte[]) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request body.
setBody(Body) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request body.
setBody(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request body.
setBodyObject(Object) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request body.
setContentLength(long) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set response content length.
setContentType(MediaType) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set response content type.
setCookieMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set cookie map.
setCreationTime(Instant) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
setDefaultResponseType(MediaType) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setFile(String, FileUpload) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set mock files.
setFlashAttribute(String, String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request flash attribute.
setFlashMap(FlashMap) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set flash map.
setForm(Formdata) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set form data.
setFullExecution(boolean) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Set whenever to execute the entire pipeline (decorators + handler) or just the handler.
setHeader(String, Object) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set response header.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set response header.
setHeaders(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set response headers.
setHeaders(Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request headers.
setHost(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setId(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
setLastAccessedTime(Instant) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
setMethod(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set HTTP method.
setModify(boolean) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
setNew(boolean) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
setPathMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setPort(int) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setQueryString(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set query string value.
setRemoteAddress(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set request headers.
setRequestPath(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set requestPath.
setResetHeadersOnError(boolean) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseCode(int) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseCode(StatusCode) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseCookie(Cookie) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseLength(long) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseType(MediaType, Charset) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResponseType(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setResult(Object) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set route response value.
setRoute(Route) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setRouter(Router) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set a mock router.
setScheme(String) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
setSession(MockSession) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
Set mock session.
setSession(MockSession) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Set a global session.
setStatusCode(StatusCode) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
Set response status code.
setWorker(Executor) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Set the worker executor to use.
supportsParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.jooby.test.JoobyExtension


toMap() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockSession
toString() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
tryError(Throwable, Context) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Invoke an error handler that matches the given exception.
tryError(Throwable, Consumer<MockResponse>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Invoke an error handler that matches the given exception.


upgrade(ServerSentEmitter.Handler) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext
upgrade(WebSocket.Initializer) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockContext


value() - Element in annotation interface io.jooby.test.JoobyTest
Application class.
value() - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockResponse
value() - Method in interface io.jooby.test.MockValue
Raw response value.
value(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.jooby.test.MockValue
Cast response to given type.


ws(String, Consumer<MockWebSocketClient>) - Method in class io.jooby.test.MockRouter
Execute a GET request and find a websocket, perform the upgrade and produces a websocket client.
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