

package metric

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CounterRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: Counter) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single Counter instrument.

  2. class DefaultEntitySnapshot extends EntitySnapshot

  3. case class Entity(name: String, category: String, tags: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Identify a thing that is being monitored by Kamon.

  4. case class EntityFilter(includes: List[GlobPathFilter], excludes: List[GlobPathFilter]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. trait EntityRecorder extends AnyRef

  6. trait EntityRecorderFactory[T <: EntityRecorder] extends AnyRef

  7. abstract class EntityRecorderFactoryCompanion[T <: EntityRecorder] extends EntityRecorderFactory[T]

  8. case class EntityRegistration[T <: EntityRecorder](entity: Entity, recorder: T) extends Product with Serializable

  9. trait EntitySnapshot extends AnyRef

  10. case class GaugeRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: Gauge) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single Gauge instrument.

  11. abstract class GenericEntityRecorder extends EntityRecorder

    Base class with plenty of utility methods to facilitate the creation of EntityRecorder implementations.

  12. case class HistogramRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: Histogram) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single Histogram instrument.

  13. sealed trait MetricKey extends AnyRef

    MetricKeys are used to identify a given metric in entity recorders and snapshots.

  14. class MetricScaleDecorator extends Actor

    Can be used as a decorator to scale TickMetricSnapshot messages to given timeUnits and/or memoryUnits before forwarding to original receiver

  15. trait MetricsModule extends AnyRef

  16. case class MetricsSettings(tickInterval: FiniteDuration, defaultCollectionContextBufferSize: Int, trackUnmatchedEntities: Boolean, entityFilters: Map[String, EntityFilter], instrumentFactories: Map[String, InstrumentFactory], defaultInstrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory, refreshScheduler: RefreshScheduler) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration settings for the Metrics extension, as read from the kamon.metric configuration key.

  17. case class MinMaxCounterRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: MinMaxCounter) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single MinMaxCounter instrument.

  18. class SegmentMetrics extends GenericEntityRecorder

  19. trait SubscriptionFilter extends AnyRef

  20. class TickMetricSnapshotBuffer extends Actor

  21. class TraceMetrics extends GenericEntityRecorder
