



package http

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait HttpClientInstrumentation extends AnyRef


    HTTP Client instrumentation handler that takes care of context propagation and distributed tracing.

    HTTP Client instrumentation handler that takes care of context propagation and distributed tracing. Instances can be created by using the HttpClientInstrumentation.from method with the desired configuration. When any setting is missing on the provided configuration, it will be read from the default settings found at "kamon.instrumentation.http-client.default".

    The default implementation shipping with Kamon provides:

    * Context Propagation: Automatically transfers Context entries and tags using HTTP headers. Context propagation is further used to enable distributed tracing on top of any instrumented HTTP Client.

    * Distributed Tracing: Automatically creates Spans for HTTP Client calls, ensuring that the required information to continue the distributed trace is sent along with the request headers.

  2. trait HttpOperationNameGenerator extends AnyRef


    Generates an operation name based on information available on an HTTP request message.

    Generates an operation name based on information available on an HTTP request message. Implementations of this class might be used to generate client and/or server side operation names.

  3. trait HttpServerInstrumentation extends AnyRef


    HTTP Server instrumentation handler that takes care of context propagation, distributed tracing and HTTP server metrics.

    HTTP Server instrumentation handler that takes care of context propagation, distributed tracing and HTTP server metrics. Instances can be created by using the HttpServerInstrumentation.from method with the desired configuration. When any setting is missing on the provided configuration, it will be read from the default settings found at "kamon.instrumentation.http-server.default".

    The default implementation shipping with Kamon provides:

    * Context Propagation: Automatically transfers Context entries and tags using HTTP headers. Context propagation is further used to enable distributed tracing on top of any instrumented HTTP Server.

    * Distributed Tracing: Automatically join traces initiated by the callers of this service and apply span and metric tags from the incoming requests as well as from the incoming context tags.

    * Server Metrics: Basic request processing metrics to understand connection usage, throughput and response code counts in the HTTP server.

Value Members

  1. object HttpClientInstrumentation

  2. object HttpMessage


    Interoperability abstractions to handle HTTP Request and Response messages.

  3. object HttpOperationNameGenerator

  4. object HttpServerInstrumentation

  5. object HttpServerMetrics

