


package opentsdb

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CategoryRule extends Rule

    Returns kamon.metric.Entity.category

  2. class CountStat extends LongStat

    Returns the count of the snapshot Can be applied to Histogram.Snapshot and Counter.Snapshot

  3. case class DataPoint (metric: String, tags: Map[String, String], timestamp: Long, value: AnyVal) extends Product with Serializable

    A datapoint to be committed to OpenTSDB

  4. class DataPointGeneratingActor extends Actor

    Main entry point of the extension.

    Main entry point of the extension. Converts a TickMetricSnapshot into DataPoints and commits them to OpenTSDB

  5. trait DataPointGenerator extends AnyRef
  6. class DataPointGeneratorFactory extends AnyRef

    Creates DataPointGenerator based on the configuration.

  7. class DataPointGeneratorImpl extends DataPointGenerator
  8. trait DataPointSender extends AnyRef

    Implementing classes can store DataPoint in OpenTSDB

  9. class DirectDataPointSender extends DataPointSender

    An DataPointSender implementation that writes directly to HBase using the TSDB api

  10. trait DoubleStat extends Stat

    A stat that returns a Double

  11. class EntityRule extends Rule

    Returns kamon.metric.Entity.name

  12. class HostnameRule extends StaticValueRule
  13. trait LongStat extends Stat

    A stat that returns a Long

  14. class MaxStat extends LongStat

    Returns the maximum value of the snapshot Can only be applied to Histogram.Snapshot

  15. class MeanStat extends LongStat

    Returns the mean value of the snapshot Can only be applied to Histogram.Snapshot

  16. class MedianStat extends LongStat

    Returns the median value of the snapshot Can only be applied to Histogram.Snapshot

  17. case class MetricContext (tick: TickMetricSnapshot, entity: Entity, metricKey: MetricKey, snapshot: InstrumentSnapshot) extends Product with Serializable

    A utility class used to simplify sending around all the information required to generate a data point

  18. class MetricNameGenerator extends AnyRef

    Generates the name of the metric in OpenTSDB

  19. class MetricRule extends Rule

    Returns kamon.metric.MetricKey.name

  20. class MetricTagGenerator extends AnyRef

    Generates the OpenTSDB tags.

    Generates the OpenTSDB tags. Always includes the entity's tags.

  21. class MinStat extends LongStat

    Returns the minimum value of the snapshot Can only be applied to Histogram.Snapshot

  22. class NonIdleDecorator extends DataPointGenerator
  23. class OpenTSDBExtension extends Extension
  24. class PercentileStat extends LongStat

    Returns the percentile of the snapshot specified by name Can only be applied to Histogram.Snapshot

  25. class RateStat extends DoubleStat

    Returns the count of the snapshot divided by tick interval Can be applied to Histogram.Snapshot and Counter.Snapshot

  26. trait Rule extends AnyRef

    Generate parts of metric names and tag values.

  27. sealed trait Stat extends AnyRef

    Generates a value when given an InstrumentSnapshot

  28. class StatRule extends Rule

    Returns Stat.name

  29. class StaticValueRule extends Rule
  30. trait TimestampGenerator extends AnyRef

    Generates the timestamp of a DataPoint

Value Members

  1. object DataPointGeneratingActor
  2. object MilliSecondTimestampGenerator extends TimestampGenerator

    Provides a timestamp at the end of the tick to the precision of the nearest millisecond

  3. object OpenTSDB extends ExtensionId[OpenTSDBExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider

    OpenTSDB Extension

  4. object SecondTimestampGenerator extends TimestampGenerator

    Provides a timestamp at the end of the tick to the precision of the nearest second
