Class AppsV1Api


public class AppsV1Api extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • AppsV1Api

      public AppsV1Api()
    • AppsV1Api

      public AppsV1Api(ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public ApiClient getApiClient()
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient)
    • createNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for createNamespacedControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1ControllerRevision createNamespacedControllerRevision(String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ControllerRevision> createNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1ControllerRevision> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) create a ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for createNamespacedDaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1DaemonSet createNamespacedDaemonSet(String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> createNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) create a DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedDeploymentCall(String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for createNamespacedDeployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDeployment

      public V1Deployment createNamespacedDeployment(String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> createNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) create a Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for createNamespacedReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1ReplicaSet createNamespacedReplicaSet(String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> createNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) create a ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for createNamespacedStatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1StatefulSet createNamespacedStatefulSet(String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> createNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      create a StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • createNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call createNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) create a StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1Status deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevision(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete collection of ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1Status deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSet(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete collection of DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedDeploymentCall(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteCollectionNamespacedDeployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDeployment

      public V1Status deleteCollectionNamespacedDeployment(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteCollectionNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete collection of Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1Status deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSet(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete collection of ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1Status deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSet(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete collection of StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteCollectionNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String namespace, String pretty, String _continue, String dryRun, String fieldSelector, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, String labelSelector, Integer limit, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete collection of StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteNamespacedControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1Status deleteNamespacedControllerRevision(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete a ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteNamespacedDaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1Status deleteNamespacedDaemonSet(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete a DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedDeploymentCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteNamespacedDeployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDeployment

      public V1Status deleteNamespacedDeployment(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete a Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteNamespacedReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1Status deleteNamespacedReplicaSet(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete a ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for deleteNamespacedStatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1Status deleteNamespacedStatefulSet(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Status> deleteNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body) throws ApiException
      delete a StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • deleteNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call deleteNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, String dryRun, Integer gracePeriodSeconds, Boolean orphanDependents, String propagationPolicy, V1DeleteOptions body, ApiCallback<V1Status> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) delete a StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      gracePeriodSeconds - The duration in seconds before the object should be deleted. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates delete immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for the specified type will be used. Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means delete immediately. (optional)
      orphanDependents - Deprecated: please use the PropagationPolicy, this field will be deprecated in 1.7. Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the \"orphan\" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object's finalizers list. Either this field or PropagationPolicy may be set, but not both. (optional)
      propagationPolicy - Whether and how garbage collection will be performed. Either this field or OrphanDependents may be set, but not both. The default policy is decided by the existing finalizer set in the metadata.finalizers and the resource-specific default policy. Acceptable values are: 'Orphan' - orphan the dependents; 'Background' - allow the garbage collector to delete the dependents in the background; 'Foreground' - a cascading policy that deletes all dependents in the foreground. (optional)
      body - (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      202 Accepted -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • getAPIResourcesCall

      public okhttp3.Call getAPIResourcesCall(ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for getAPIResources
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • getAPIResources

      public V1APIResourceList getAPIResources() throws ApiException
      get available resources
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • getAPIResourcesWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1APIResourceList> getAPIResourcesWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException
      get available resources
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • getAPIResourcesAsync

      public okhttp3.Call getAPIResourcesAsync(ApiCallback<V1APIResourceList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) get available resources
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listControllerRevisionForAllNamespacesCall

      public okhttp3.Call listControllerRevisionForAllNamespacesCall(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listControllerRevisionForAllNamespaces
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listControllerRevisionForAllNamespaces

      public V1ControllerRevisionList listControllerRevisionForAllNamespaces(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listControllerRevisionForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ControllerRevisionList> listControllerRevisionForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listControllerRevisionForAllNamespacesAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listControllerRevisionForAllNamespacesAsync(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1ControllerRevisionList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDaemonSetForAllNamespacesCall

      public okhttp3.Call listDaemonSetForAllNamespacesCall(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listDaemonSetForAllNamespaces
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDaemonSetForAllNamespaces

      public V1DaemonSetList listDaemonSetForAllNamespaces(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDaemonSetForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSetList> listDaemonSetForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDaemonSetForAllNamespacesAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listDaemonSetForAllNamespacesAsync(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSetList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDeploymentForAllNamespacesCall

      public okhttp3.Call listDeploymentForAllNamespacesCall(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listDeploymentForAllNamespaces
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDeploymentForAllNamespaces

      public V1DeploymentList listDeploymentForAllNamespaces(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind Deployment
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDeploymentForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DeploymentList> listDeploymentForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind Deployment
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listDeploymentForAllNamespacesAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listDeploymentForAllNamespacesAsync(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1DeploymentList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind Deployment
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listNamespacedControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1ControllerRevisionList listNamespacedControllerRevision(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ControllerRevisionList> listNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1ControllerRevisionList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind ControllerRevision
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listNamespacedDaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1DaemonSetList listNamespacedDaemonSet(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSetList> listNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSetList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedDeploymentCall(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listNamespacedDeployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDeployment

      public V1DeploymentList listNamespacedDeployment(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DeploymentList> listNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1DeploymentList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind Deployment
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listNamespacedReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1ReplicaSetList listNamespacedReplicaSet(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSetList> listNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSetList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listNamespacedStatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1StatefulSetList listNamespacedStatefulSet(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSetList> listNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String namespace, String pretty, Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSetList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listReplicaSetForAllNamespacesCall

      public okhttp3.Call listReplicaSetForAllNamespacesCall(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listReplicaSetForAllNamespaces
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listReplicaSetForAllNamespaces

      public V1ReplicaSetList listReplicaSetForAllNamespaces(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listReplicaSetForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSetList> listReplicaSetForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listReplicaSetForAllNamespacesAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listReplicaSetForAllNamespacesAsync(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSetList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listStatefulSetForAllNamespacesCall

      public okhttp3.Call listStatefulSetForAllNamespacesCall(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for listStatefulSetForAllNamespaces
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listStatefulSetForAllNamespaces

      public V1StatefulSetList listStatefulSetForAllNamespaces(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listStatefulSetForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSetList> listStatefulSetForAllNamespacesWithHttpInfo(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch) throws ApiException
      list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • listStatefulSetForAllNamespacesAsync

      public okhttp3.Call listStatefulSetForAllNamespacesAsync(Boolean allowWatchBookmarks, String _continue, String fieldSelector, String labelSelector, Integer limit, String pretty, String resourceVersion, String resourceVersionMatch, Boolean sendInitialEvents, Integer timeoutSeconds, Boolean watch, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSetList> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) list or watch objects of kind StatefulSet
      allowWatchBookmarks - allowWatchBookmarks requests watch events with type \"BOOKMARK\". Servers that do not implement bookmarks may ignore this flag and bookmarks are sent at the server's discretion. Clients should not assume bookmarks are returned at any specific interval, nor may they assume the server will send any BOOKMARK event during a session. If this is not a watch, this field is ignored. (optional)
      _continue - The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server, the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error together with a continue token. If the client needs a consistent list, it must restart their list without the continue field. Otherwise, the client may send another list request with the token received with the 410 error, the server will respond with a list starting from the next key, but from the latest snapshot, which is inconsistent from the previous list results - objects that are created, modified, or deleted after the first list request will be included in the response, as long as their keys are after the \"next key\". This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications. (optional)
      fieldSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      labelSelector - A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything. (optional)
      limit - limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the `continue` field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true. The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned. (optional)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      resourceVersion - resourceVersion sets a constraint on what resource versions a request may be served from. See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      resourceVersionMatch - resourceVersionMatch determines how resourceVersion is applied to list calls. It is highly recommended that resourceVersionMatch be set for list calls where resourceVersion is set See for details. Defaults to unset (optional)
      sendInitialEvents - `sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched. When `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions. If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment when request started being processed. - `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset Invalid error is returned. Defaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise. (optional)
      timeoutSeconds - Timeout for the list/watch call. This limits the duration of the call, regardless of any activity or inactivity. (optional)
      watch - Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1ControllerRevision patchNamespacedControllerRevision(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ControllerRevision> patchNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1ControllerRevision> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedDaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1DaemonSet patchNamespacedDaemonSet(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> patchNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatus
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatus

      public V1DaemonSet patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatus(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDaemonSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDeploymentCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedDeployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeployment

      public V1Deployment patchNamespacedDeployment(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> patchNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDeploymentScaleCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedDeploymentScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentScale

      public V1Scale patchNamespacedDeploymentScale(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> patchNamespacedDeploymentScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDeploymentScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDeploymentStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedDeploymentStatus
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentStatus

      public V1Deployment patchNamespacedDeploymentStatus(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> patchNamespacedDeploymentStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedDeploymentStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedDeploymentStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1ReplicaSet patchNamespacedReplicaSet(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> patchNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedReplicaSetScaleCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedReplicaSetScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetScale

      public V1Scale patchNamespacedReplicaSetScale(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> patchNamespacedReplicaSetScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedReplicaSetScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatus
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatus

      public V1ReplicaSet patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatus(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedReplicaSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedStatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1StatefulSet patchNamespacedStatefulSet(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> patchNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedStatefulSetScaleCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedStatefulSetScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetScale

      public V1Scale patchNamespacedStatefulSetScale(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> patchNamespacedStatefulSetScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedStatefulSetScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatus
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatus

      public V1StatefulSet patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatus(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force) throws ApiException
      partially update status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call patchNamespacedStatefulSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Patch body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, Boolean force, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) partially update status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by This field is required for apply requests (application/apply-patch) but optional for non-apply patch types (JsonPatch, MergePatch, StrategicMergePatch). (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      force - Force is going to \"force\" Apply requests. It means user will re-acquire conflicting fields owned by other people. Force flag must be unset for non-apply patch requests. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1ControllerRevision readNamespacedControllerRevision(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ControllerRevision> readNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1ControllerRevision> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedDaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1DaemonSet readNamespacedDaemonSet(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> readNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDaemonSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedDaemonSetStatus
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetStatus

      public V1DaemonSet readNamespacedDaemonSetStatus(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> readNamespacedDaemonSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDaemonSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDaemonSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDeploymentCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedDeployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeployment

      public V1Deployment readNamespacedDeployment(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> readNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDeploymentScaleCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedDeploymentScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentScale

      public V1Scale readNamespacedDeploymentScale(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> readNamespacedDeploymentScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDeploymentScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDeploymentStatusCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedDeploymentStatus
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentStatus

      public V1Deployment readNamespacedDeploymentStatus(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> readNamespacedDeploymentStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedDeploymentStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedDeploymentStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1ReplicaSet readNamespacedReplicaSet(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> readNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedReplicaSetScaleCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedReplicaSetScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetScale

      public V1Scale readNamespacedReplicaSetScale(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> readNamespacedReplicaSetScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedReplicaSetScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedReplicaSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedReplicaSetStatus
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetStatus

      public V1ReplicaSet readNamespacedReplicaSetStatus(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> readNamespacedReplicaSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedReplicaSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedReplicaSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedStatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1StatefulSet readNamespacedStatefulSet(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> readNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedStatefulSetScaleCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedStatefulSetScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetScale

      public V1Scale readNamespacedStatefulSetScale(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> readNamespacedStatefulSetScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedStatefulSetScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedStatefulSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for readNamespacedStatefulSetStatus
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetStatus

      public V1StatefulSet readNamespacedStatefulSetStatus(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> readNamespacedStatefulSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, String pretty) throws ApiException
      read status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • readNamespacedStatefulSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call readNamespacedStatefulSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, String pretty, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) read status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedControllerRevisionCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedControllerRevisionCall(String name, String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedControllerRevision

      public V1ControllerRevision replaceNamespacedControllerRevision(String name, String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ControllerRevision> replaceNamespacedControllerRevisionWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedControllerRevisionAsync(String name, String namespace, V1ControllerRevision body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1ControllerRevision> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace the specified ControllerRevision
      name - name of the ControllerRevision (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDaemonSetCall(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedDaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSet

      public V1DaemonSet replaceNamespacedDaemonSet(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> replaceNamespacedDaemonSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDaemonSetAsync(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatus
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatus

      public V1DaemonSet replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatus(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1DaemonSet> replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDaemonSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1DaemonSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1DaemonSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace status of the specified DaemonSet
      name - name of the DaemonSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDeploymentCall(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedDeployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeployment

      public V1Deployment replaceNamespacedDeployment(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> replaceNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDeploymentAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDeploymentScaleCall(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedDeploymentScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentScale

      public V1Scale replaceNamespacedDeploymentScale(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> replaceNamespacedDeploymentScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDeploymentScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace scale of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatus
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatus

      public V1Deployment replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatus(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Deployment> replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedDeploymentStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Deployment body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1Deployment> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace status of the specified Deployment
      name - name of the Deployment (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedReplicaSetCall(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSet

      public V1ReplicaSet replaceNamespacedReplicaSet(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> replaceNamespacedReplicaSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedReplicaSetAsync(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScaleCall(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScale

      public V1Scale replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScale(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedReplicaSetScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace scale of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatus
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatus

      public V1ReplicaSet replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatus(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1ReplicaSet> replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedReplicaSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1ReplicaSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1ReplicaSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace status of the specified ReplicaSet
      name - name of the ReplicaSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedStatefulSetCall(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedStatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSet

      public V1StatefulSet replaceNamespacedStatefulSet(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> replaceNamespacedStatefulSetWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedStatefulSetAsync(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScaleCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScaleCall(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScale
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScale

      public V1Scale replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScale(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScaleWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1Scale> replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScaleWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScaleAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedStatefulSetScaleAsync(String name, String namespace, V1Scale body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1Scale> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace scale of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the Scale (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatusCall

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatusCall(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback _callback) throws ApiException
      Build call for replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatus
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
      Call to execute
      ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatus

      public V1StatefulSet replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatus(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatusWithHttpInfo

      public ApiResponse<V1StatefulSet> replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatusWithHttpInfo(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation) throws ApiException
      replace status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -
    • replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatusAsync

      public okhttp3.Call replaceNamespacedStatefulSetStatusAsync(String name, String namespace, V1StatefulSet body, String pretty, String dryRun, String fieldManager, String fieldValidation, ApiCallback<V1StatefulSet> _callback) throws ApiException
      (asynchronously) replace status of the specified StatefulSet
      name - name of the StatefulSet (required)
      namespace - object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
      body - (required)
      pretty - If 'true', then the output is pretty printed. (optional)
      dryRun - When present, indicates that modifications should not be persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will result in an error response and no further processing of the request. Valid values are: - All: all dry run stages will be processed (optional)
      fieldManager - fieldManager is a name associated with the actor or entity that is making these changes. The value must be less than or 128 characters long, and only contain printable characters, as defined by (optional)
      fieldValidation - fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered. (optional)
      _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
      The request call
      ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      Http Response Details:
      Status Code Description Response Headers
      200 OK -
      201 Created -
      401 Unauthorized -