Package io.micrometer.core.instrument

@NonNullApi @NonNullFields package io.micrometer.core.instrument
Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Interface Summary
    Used to measure absolute and relative time.
    Counters monitor monotonically increasing values.
    Track the sample distribution of events.
    A counter that tracks a monotonically increasing function.
    A timer that tracks two monotonically increasing functions: one representing the count of events and one representing the total time spent in every event.
    A gauge tracks a value that may go up or down.
    A long task timer is used to track the total duration of all in-flight long-running tasks and the number of such tasks.
    A named and dimensioned producer of one or more measurements.
    Key/value pair representing a dimension of a meter used to classify and drill into measurements.
    A specialized gauge that tracks a time value, to be scaled to the base unit of time expected by each registry implementation.
    Timer intended to track of a large number of short running events.
  • Class Summary
    Fluent builder for counters.
    Fluent builder for distribution summaries.
    Fluent builder for function counters.
    Fluent builder for function timer.
    Fluent builder for gauges.
    Immutable Tag.
    Fluent builder for long task timers.
    A measurement sampled from a meter.
    Fluent builder for custom meters.
    A meter is uniquely identified by its combination of name and tags.
    Creates and manages your application's set of meters.
    Generator of meters bound to a static global composite registry.
    Additional, less commonly used meter types.
    Fluent builder for multi-gauges.
    An immutable collection of Tags that are guaranteed to be sorted and deduplicated by tag key.
    Fluent builder for time gauges.
    Fluent builder for timers.
    Maintains state on the clock's start position for a latency sample.
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    Custom meters may emit metrics like one of these types without implementing the corresponding interface.
    A description of the value contained in a measurement.