Class MeterRegistryConfigValidator


public class MeterRegistryConfigValidator extends Object
  • Method Details

    • checkAll

      @SafeVarargs public static <M extends MeterRegistryConfig> Validated<?> checkAll(M config, Function<M,​? extends Validated<?>>... validation)
    • check

      public static <M extends MeterRegistryConfig,​ T> Function<M,​Validated<T>> check(String property, Function<M,​T> getter)
      Specifies how to retrieve a property on a configuration object, which in turn may use PropertyValidator to validate the format of the source of the property's value based on the configuration's MeterRegistryConfig.get(String) implementation. Alternatively the getter method used to fetch the property may be overridden directly by a programmer as they instantiate the configuration interface.
      Type Parameters:
      M - The type of the configuration interface.
      T - The type of the property.
      property - The named property to retrieve.
      getter - The method on the configuration interface which corresponds to this property.
      A function which, given a configuration instance, validates the property.
    • checkRequired

      public static <M extends MeterRegistryConfig,​ T> Function<M,​Validated<T>> checkRequired(String property, Function<M,​T> getter)