All Classes and Interfaces

NOTE: This file has been copied and slightly modified from {io.netty.util.internal.logging}.
Base class for Meter implementations.
An abstract gRPC interceptor that will collect metrics.
Container for all metrics of a certain call.
Base class for a partition.
Base builder for Timer.
Base units constants for convenience.
A common base class for cache metrics that ensures that all caches are instrumented with the same basic set of metrics while allowing for additional detail that is specific to an individual implementation.
CaffeineCacheMetrics<K,V,C extends com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache<K,V>>
Collect metrics from Caffeine's Cache.
A StatsCounter instrumented with Micrometer.
Used to measure absolute and relative time.
Pause detector that monitors clock drift at a configurable interval.
Apache Commons Pool 2.x metrics collected from metrics exposed via the MBeanServer.
The clock of the composite effectively overrides the clocks of the registries it manages without actually replacing the state of the clock in these registries with the exception of long task timers, whose clock cannot be overridden.
The count of events less than or equal to a histogram bucket.
Annotated methods would expose a few counter metrics about their execution status.
Aspect responsible for intercepting all methods annotated with the @Counted annotation and recording a few counter metrics about their execution status.
The aspect supports programmatic customizations through constructor-injectable custom logic.
Counters monitor monotonically increasing values.
Fluent builder for counters.
Cumulative distribution summary.
A timer that tracks monotonically increasing functions for count and totalTime.
Extends the default long task timer, making histogram counts cumulative over time.
Default implementation for Gauge.
Default implementation for JerseyTagsProvider.
Default implementation for MongoCommandTagsProvider.
Default implementation for MongoConnectionPoolTagsProvider.
Extracts the URI pattern from the predefined request header, "URI_PATTERN" if available.
use DiskSpaceMetrics instead.
Record metrics that report disk space usage.
Configures the distribution statistics that emanate from meters like Timer and DistributionSummary.
Track the sample distribution of events.
Fluent builder for distribution summaries.
Commonly used formatting of floating-point values used when writing custom exposition to various monitoring systems.
Base configuration for DropwizardMeterRegistry.
FunctionTimer for Dropwizard Metrics.
Dropwizard MeterRegistry.
Validator for Duration.
Collect metrics on EhCache caches, including detailed metrics on transactions and storage space.
Monitors the status of executor service pools.
File descriptor metrics gathered by the JVM.
A histogram implementation for non-negative values with automatically created buckets.
A counter that tracks a monotonically increasing function.
Fluent builder for function counters.
A timer that tracks two monotonically increasing functions: one representing the count of events and one representing the total time spent in every event.
Fluent builder for function timer.
A gauge tracks a value that may go up or down.
Fluent builder for gauges.
GuavaCacheMetrics<K,V,C extends<K,V>>
Collect metrics on Hazelcast caches, including detailed metrics on storage space, near cache usage, and timings.
This implementation is deprecated in favor of the MeterBinder maintained as part of the Hibernate project as of version 5.4.26.
This implementation is deprecated in favor of the MeterBinder maintained as part of the Hibernate project as of version 5.4.26.
Defines the mapping between a combination of name + dimensional tags and a hierarchical name.
The contract for histograms used to generate distribution statistics for Timer and DistributionSummary.
Tags for HTTP requests.
A general-purpose interface for controlling how MeterRegistry implementations perform HTTP calls for various purposes.
Provides Tags for HTTP Servlet request handling.
Immutable Tag.
This is a feature that is experimental and may yield a breaking change in a minor release.
A QueuedThreadPool that binds metrics about the Jetty server thread pool.
NOTE: This file has been copied from {io.netty.util.internal.logging}.
NOTE: This file has been copied and simplified from {io.netty.util.internal.logging}.
NOTE: This file has been copied from {io.netty.util.internal.logging}.
Signals that a piece of provided configuration is not acceptable for some reason.
Invalid reason.
Utilities for IO.
JCacheMetrics<K,V,C extends javax.cache.Cache<K,V>>
Collect metrics on JSR-107 JCache caches, including detailed metrics on manual puts and removals.
NOTE: This file has been copied and slightly modified from {io.netty.util.internal.logging}.
Factory methods for Tags associated with a request-response exchange that is handled by Jersey server.
Provides Tags for Jersey request metrics.
Provides request metrics for Jetty HttpClient, configured as a Request.Listener.
Factory methods for Tags associated with a request-response exchange that is handled by Jetty HttpClient.
Provides Tags for Jetty HttpClient request metrics.
Jetty connection metrics.

MeterBinder for Jetty ThreadPool.
Jetty SSL/TLS handshake metrics.

Since 1.4.0.
MeterBinder for JVM compilation metrics.
Record metrics that report a number of statistics related to garbage collection emanating from the MXBean and also adds information about GC causes.
Provides methods to access measurements of low pool memory and heavy GC overhead as described in TeamCity's Memory Monitor.
MeterBinder for JVM information.
Record metrics that report utilization of various memory and buffer pools.
MeterBinder for JVM threads.
Kafka Client metrics binder.
use KafkaClientMetrics instead since 1.4.0
Kafka Streams metrics binder.
MeterBinder for Apache Log4j 2.
Logging MeterRegistry.
Configuration for LoggingMeterRegistry.
A long task timer is used to track the total duration of all in-flight long-running tasks and the number of such tasks.
Fluent builder for long task timers.
A measurement sampled from a meter.
Based off of org.springframework.beans.Mergeable
A named and dimensioned producer of one or more measurements.
Fluent builder for custom meters.
A meter is uniquely identified by its combination of name and tags.
Custom meters may emit metrics like one of these types without implementing the corresponding interface.
Binders register one or more metrics to provide information about the state of some aspect of the application or its container.
As requests are made of a MeterRegistry to create new metrics, allow for filtering out the metric altogether, transforming its ID (name or tags) in some way, and transforming its configuration.
Creates and manages your application's set of meters.
A gRPC client interceptor that will collect metrics using the given MeterRegistry.
A gRPC server interceptor that will collect metrics using the given MeterRegistry.
Generator of meters bound to a static global composite registry.
Additional, less commonly used meter types.
The Micrometer ApplicationEventListener which registers RequestEventListener for instrumenting Jersey server requests.
Time SQL queries passing through jOOQ.
RequestEventListener recording timings for Jersey server requests.
Provides HttpRequestInterceptor and HttpResponseInterceptor for configuring with an HttpAsyncClient.
This HttpRequestExecutor tracks the request duration of every request, that goes through an HttpClient.
Micrometer publisher for Hystrix thread pool metrics.
since 1.5.0 replaced with Validated API.
Provides Tags for Mongo command metrics.
Provides Tags for Mongo connection pool metrics.
CommandListener for collecting command metrics from MongoClient.
ConnectionPoolListener for collecting connection pool metrics from MongoClient.
Fluent builder for multi-gauges.
Monitoring systems make different recommendations regarding naming convention.
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements cannot be null.
A common annotation to declare that parameters and return values are to be considered as non-nullable by default for a given package.
A common annotation to declare that fields are to be considered as non-nullable by default for a given package.
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements can be null under some circumstance.
MeterBinder for collecting metrics of a given OkHttp ConnectionPool.
EventListener for collecting metrics from OkHttpClient.
OkHttp-based HttpSender.
MeterFilter to log only once a warning message and deny a Meter.Id.
The outcome of an HTTP request.
Generator for a set of histogram buckets intended for use by a monitoring system that supports aggregable percentile approximations such as Prometheus' histogram_quantiles or Atlas' :percentiles.
Collects metrics from a ConnPoolControl, for example PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager for synchronous HTTP clients or PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager for asynchronous HTTP clients.
MeterBinder for a PostgreSQL database.
Record metrics related to the CPU, gathered by the JVM.
Validator for properties.
Common configuration settings for any registry that pushes aggregated metrics on a regular interval.
use a different HttpSender implementation or report your use case for this to the Micrometer project maintainers
Search that requires the search terms are satisfiable, or an MeterNotFoundException is thrown.
Search terms for locating a Meter or set of meters in a given registry based on any combination of their name, tags, and type.
Configuration for SimpleMeterRegistry.
A minimal meter registry implementation primarily used for tests.
NOTE: This file has been copied and slightly modified from {io.netty.util.internal.logging}.
A description of the value contained in a measurement.
Counter that reports a rate per step interval to a monitoring system.
Step-normalized DistributionSummary.
Subtly different from in that we want to be able to increment BEFORE rolling over the interval.
A timer that tracks monotonically increasing functions for count and totalTime.
Registry that step-normalizes counts and sums to a rate/second over the publishing interval.
Tracks multiple 'values' for periods (steps) of time.
Tracks 'values' for periods (steps) of time.
Utilities for JSON escaping String.
Utilities for String.
Key/value pair representing a dimension of a meter used to classify and drill into measurements.
An immutable collection of Tags that are guaranteed to be sorted and deduplicated by tag key.
AspectJ aspect for intercepting types or methods annotated with @Timed.
The aspect supports programmatic customizations through constructor-injectable custom logic.
An Executor that is timed.
An ExecutorService that is timed.
Adapted from Jetty's StatisticsHandler.
A ScheduledExecutorService that is timed.
A specialized gauge that tracks a time value, to be scaled to the base unit of time expected by each registry implementation.
Fluent builder for time gauges.
Timer intended to track of a large number of short running events.
Fluent builder for timers.
Maintains state on the clock's start position for a latency sample.
Modification on TimeUnit.convert(long, TimeUnit) that accepts and preserves precision from a double argument.
A histogram implementation that does not support precomputed percentiles but supports aggregable percentile histograms and SLO boundaries.
An implementation of a decaying maximum for a distribution based on a configurable ring buffer.
NOTE: This class is intended for internal use as an implementation detail.
An implementation of a moving-window sum based on a configurable ring buffer.
MeterBinder for Tomcat.
Uptime metrics.
Validation support for MeterRegistryConfig.
Indicates that no validation has occurred.
A specialization Validated.Valid that won't print the secret in plain text if the validation is serialized.
A valid property value.
Turns a set of Validated.Invalid into a throwable exception, which is used to throw an unchecked exception at runtime when one or more properties are invalid.
A precomputed percentile of a distribution.
InternalLogger which logs at warn level at first and then logs at debug level for the rest.