micrometer-core 1.9.7 API
Core annotations.
AOP-based metrics support.
Meter binders.
Meter binders for Apache Commons Pool 2.x.
Meter binders for databases.
Collect metrics for grpc-java clients and servers.
Meter binders for Apache HttpComponents.
Meter binders for Hystrix.
Meter binders for Jersey.
Meter binders for Jetty.
Meter binders for JPA.
Meter binders for JVM.
Meter binders for Apache Kafka.
Meter binders for logging frameworks.
Meter binders for MongoDB.
Meter binders for OkHttp 3.
Meter binders for an operating system.
Meter binders for Apache Tomcat.
Support for meter registry configuration validation.
Support for HTTP communication.
Common annotations with language-level semantics.
NOTE: This file has been copied and slightly modified from