Package io.micronaut.http.annotation

package io.micronaut.http.annotation
HTTP annotations representing various requests types that are received.
  • Annotation Interfaces
    An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from the HTTP body.
    Mark a bean as a filter for the HTTP client.
    An annotation to indicate the MediaTypes consumed by a particular component.
    Indicates that the role of a class is a controller within an application.
    An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from an HTTP cookie.
    This annotation is designed for non-standard http methods, that you can provide by specifying the required CustomHttpMethod.method() property.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.DELETE.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to map it to an error route.
    An annotation that can be applied to classes that implement HttpFilter to specify the patterns.
    Stereotype annotation that helps to link together instance of the filter and http client that filter should be applied to.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.GET.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.HEAD.
    An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from an HTTP header This also can be used in conjunction with @Headers to list headers on a client class that will always be applied.
    This lets you declare several headers for a client class and have them always included.
    A meta annotation for HTTP Controller actions.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.OPTIONS.
    An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from a specific part of a "multipart/form-data" request.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.PATCH.
    Used to bind a parameter exclusively from a path variable.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.POST.
    An annotation to indicate the MediaTypes produced by a particular component.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.PUT.
    Indicates that the parameter to a method should be bound from a value in the query string or path of the URI.
    An annotation that can be applied to method arguments to indicate that the method argument is bound to an HTTP request attribute This can also be used in conjuction with @RequestAttributes to list attributes on a client class that will always be applied Note: Request attributes are intended for internal data sharing only, and are not attached to the outbound request.
    This lets you declare several attributes for a client class and have them always included.
    Used to bind Bindable parameters to a Bean object.
    Method annotation for a request filter.
    Method annotation for a response filter.
    Allows defining a condition for this route to match using an expression.
    Mark a bean as a filter for the HTTP server.
    Sets alternative HttpStatus response code when applied to a method and HttpStatus code is specified.
    Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HttpMethod.TRACE.
    Meta annotation for the mapped URI whether at the controller or action level.