



package cancelables

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AssignableCancelableF[F[_]] extends CancelableF[F]


    Represents a class of cancelable references that can hold an internal reference to another cancelable (and thus has to support the assignment operator).

    Represents a class of cancelable references that can hold an internal reference to another cancelable (and thus has to support the assignment operator).

    On assignment, if this cancelable is already canceled, then no assignment should happen and the update reference should be canceled as well.

  2. trait BooleanCancelableF[F[_]] extends CancelableF[F]


    Represents a CancelableF that can be queried for the canceled status.

    Represents a CancelableF that can be queried for the canceled status.

    See also

    monix.execution.cancelables.BooleanCancelable for the simpler, side-effecting version.

  3. final class SingleAssignCancelableF[F[_]] extends Bool[F]


    Represents a monix.catnap.CancelableF that can be assigned only once to another cancelable reference.

    Represents a monix.catnap.CancelableF that can be assigned only once to another cancelable reference.

    If the assignment happens after this cancelable has been canceled, then on assignment the reference will get canceled too. If the assignment already happened, then a second assignment will raise an error.

    Useful in case you need a forward reference.
