

package types

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Asynchronous[F[_]] extends Deferrable[F]

    Type-class for monadic contexts whose evaluation can be delayed.

  2. trait Deferrable[F[_]] extends Monad[F] with Recoverable[F, Throwable] with Zippable[F]

    A type-class describing computations that can be deferred.

  3. trait Evaluable[F[_]] extends Deferrable[F] with Restartable[F]

    Type-class for computations that can be materialized to a single result.

  4. trait ReactivePublisher[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Type-class for data-sources that can be converted to a reactive publisher from the Reactive Streams specification.

  5. trait Recoverable[F[_], E] extends Applicative[F]

    A type-class for monadic contexts that can trigger E errors and that are recoverable.

  6. trait Restartable[F[_]] extends Deferrable[F]

    Type-class for computations or run-loops that can be restarted.

  7. trait Zippable[F[_]] extends Functor[F]

    A type-class for data structures that can be zipped together.

Value Members

  1. object Asynchronous

  2. object Deferrable

  3. object Evaluable

  4. object ReactivePublisher

  5. object Recoverable

  6. object Zippable

  7. package shims
