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ackDelayExponent(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
ackDelayExponent() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The ACK delay exponent
activeConnectionIdLimit(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Allows to configure the active connect id limit that should be used.
activeConnIdLimit() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The active connection ID limit.
activeMigration(boolean) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
AES_KEY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Size of session ticket key AES key
aesKey() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Get AES Key.
afterNumBytes(int) - Static method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.FlushStrategy
Implementation that flushes after a number of bytes.
afterNumPackets(int) - Static method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.FlushStrategy
Implementation that flushes after a number of packets.
applicationProtocols(String...) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Application protocol negotiation configuration.
attr(AttributeKey<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Allow to specify an initial attribute of the newly created QuicChannel.
attr(AttributeKey<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Allow to specify an initial attribute of the newly created QuicChannel.
attr(AttributeKey<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelBootstrap
Allow to specify an initial attribute of the newly created QuicStreamChannel.


bind(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
bind(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
BoringSSLKeylessManagerFactory - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
KeyManagerFactory that can be used to support custom key signing via BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod.
BoringSSLKeylog - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Allow to log keys, logging keys are following NSS Key Log Format.
build(QuicheConfig, Function<QuicChannel, ? extends QuicSslEngine>, Executor, int, FlushStrategy) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicClientCodecBuilder
build() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Builds the QUIC codec that should be added to the ChannelPipeline of the underlying Channel which is used as transport for QUIC.
build(QuicheConfig, Function<QuicChannel, ? extends QuicSslEngine>, Executor, int, FlushStrategy) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Builds the QUIC codec.
build(QuicheConfig, Function<QuicChannel, ? extends QuicSslEngine>, Executor, int, FlushStrategy) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
build() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Create new QuicSslContext instance with configured settings that can be used for QUIC.
buildForServerWithSni(Mapping<? super String, ? extends QuicSslContext>) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Enables support for SNI on the server side.


clientAuth(ClientAuth) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Sets the client authentication mode.
clone() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicClientCodecBuilder
clone() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Clone the builder
clone() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
close() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
close(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
close(boolean, int, ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Close the QuicChannel
close(boolean, int, ByteBuf, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Close the QuicChannel
close() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicHeaderParser
close() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
close(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Closed(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.Closed
The related network path between local and remote has been closed and is now unusable on this connection.
collectStats() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Collects statistics about the connection and notifies the Future once done.
collectStats(Promise<QuicConnectionStats>) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Collects statistics about the connection and notifies the Promise once done.
config() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Returns the configuration of this channel.
config() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
congestionControlAlgorithm(QuicCongestionControlAlgorithm) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Sets the congestion control algorithm to use.
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
connect(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
connect(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
connect(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
connect() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Connects a QuicChannel to the remote peer and notifies the future once done.
connect(Promise<QuicChannel>) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Connects a QuicChannel to the remote peer and notifies the promise once done.
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
connect(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
connect(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
connect(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
connectionAddress(QuicConnectionAddress) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Set the QuicConnectionAddress to use.
connectionIdAddressGenerator(QuicConnectionIdGenerator) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Sets the QuicConnectionIdGenerator to use.
copy() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
copy() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
create() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelBootstrap
Creates a new QuicStreamChannel and notifies the Future.
create(Promise<QuicStreamChannel>) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelBootstrap
Creates a new QuicStreamChannel and notifies the Future.
createStream(QuicStreamType, ChannelHandler) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Creates a stream that is using this QuicChannel and notifies the Future once done.
createStream(QuicStreamType, ChannelHandler, Promise<QuicStreamChannel>) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Creates a stream that is using this QuicChannel and notifies the Promise once done.


datagram(int, int) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
If configured this will enable Datagram support.
decrypt(SSLEngine, byte[]) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
Decrypts the input with the given key and notifies the returned Future with the decrypted bytes.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.FlushStrategy
Default FlushStrategy implementation.
DefaultQuicStreamFrame - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
DefaultQuicStreamFrame(ByteBuf, boolean) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
deregister() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
deregister(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
deregister() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
deregister(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
disableActiveMigration() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
Whether active migration is disabled.
disconnect() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
disconnect(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
disconnect() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
disconnect(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
duplicate() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
duplicate() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame


earlyData(boolean) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Enable / disable the usage of early data.
EMPTY_FIN - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
An empty QuicStreamFrame that has the FIN flag set.
ensureAvailability() - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.Quic
Ensure that QUIC implementation is usable on the running platform is available.
EPHEMERAL - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
Special QuicConnectionAddress that should be used when the connection address should be generated and chosen on the fly.
EpollQuicUtils - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Class that provides utility methods to setup QUIC when using the EPOLL transport.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.Closed
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamPriority
equals(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
error() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionCloseEvent
Return the error that was provided for the close.
error() - Method in exception io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicException
Returns the QuicError which was the cause of the QuicException.
event() - Method in exception io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicClosedChannelException
Returns the QuicConnectionCloseEvent that caused the closure or null if none was received.
extractTlsError(int) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionCloseEvent
Extract the contained TLS error from the QUIC error.


FailedValidation(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.FailedValidation
The related network path between local and remote failed to be validated.
flush() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
flush() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
FlushStrategy - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Allows to configure a strategy for when flushes should be happening.
flushStrategy(FlushStrategy) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Sets the FlushStrategy that will be used to detect when an automatic flush should happen.
forClient() - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Creates a builder for new client-side QuicSslContext that can be used for QUIC.
forServer(File, String, File) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Creates a builder for new server-side QuicSslContext that can be used for QUIC.
forServer(PrivateKey, String, X509Certificate...) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Creates a builder for new server-side QuicSslContext that can be used for QUIC.
forServer(KeyManagerFactory, String) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Creates a builder for new server-side QuicSslContext that can be used for QUIC.
forServer(KeyManager, String) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Creates a builder for new server-side QuicSslContext with KeyManager that can be used for QUIC.


grease(boolean) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Set if greasing should be enabled or not.


handler(ChannelHandler) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Set the ChannelHandler that is added to the ChannelPipeline of the QuicChannel once created.
handler(ChannelHandler) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Set the ChannelHandler that is added to the ChannelPipeline of the QuicChannel once created.
handler(ChannelHandler) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelBootstrap
Set the ChannelHandler that is added to the ChannelPipeline of the QuicStreamChannel once created.
hasFin() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
hasFin() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
Returns true if the frame has the FIN set, which means it notifies the remote peer that there will be no more writing happen.
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamAddress
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamPriority
hashCode() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
HMAC_KEY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Size of session ticket key HMAC key
hmacKey() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Get HMAC key.
hystart(boolean) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder


initialMaxData(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
initialMaxData() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The initial flow control maximum data for the connection.
initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The initial flow control maximum data for local bidirectional streams.
initialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalLocal(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
initialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalRemote(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The initial flow control maximum data for remote bidirectional streams.
initialMaxStreamDataUni() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The initial flow control maximum data for unidirectional streams.
initialMaxStreamDataUnidirectional(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
initialMaxStreamsBidi() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The initial maximum bidirectional streams.
initialMaxStreamsBidirectional(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
initialMaxStreamsUni() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The initial maximum unidirectional streams.
initialMaxStreamsUnidirectional(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
InsecureQuicTokenHandler - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Insecure QuicTokenHandler which only does basic token generation / validation without any crypto.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.InsecureQuicTokenHandler
io.netty.incubator.codec.quic - package io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QUIC implementation
isApplicationClose() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionCloseEvent
Return true if this was an application close, false otherwise.
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.Quic
Returns true if and only if the QUIC implementation is usable on the running platform is available.
isIdempotent() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionIdGenerator
Returns true if the implementation is idempotent, which means we will get the same id with the same input ByteBuffer.
isIncremental() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamPriority
true if incremental, false otherwise.
isLocalCreated() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Returns true if the stream was created locally.
isReadFrames() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
Returns true if the QuicStreamChannel will read QuicStreamFrames and fire these through the ChannelPipeline, false if it uses ByteBuf.
isTimedOut() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Returns true if the connection was closed because of idle timeout.
isTlsError() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionCloseEvent
Returns true if a TLS error is contained.
isVersionSupported(int) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.Quic
Return if the given QUIC version is supported.


keylog(boolean) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Enable / disable keylog.
keylog(BoringSSLKeylog) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Enable / disable keylog.
keyManager(File, String, File) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Identifying certificate for this host.
keyManager(PrivateKey, String, X509Certificate...) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Identifying certificate for this host.
keyManager(KeyManagerFactory, String) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Identifying manager for this host.
keyManager(KeyManager, String) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
A single key manager managing the identity information of this host.


local() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent
The local address of the network path.
localAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Set the local address.
localAddress() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
localConnectionIdLength(int) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Sets the local connection id length that is used.
logDescription() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QLogConfiguration
Return the description.
logKey(SSLEngine, String) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLKeylog
Called when a key should be logged.
logTitle() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QLogConfiguration
Return the title.
lost() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
lostBytes() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats


maxAckDelay(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
maxAckDelay() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The max ACK delay.
maxConnectionIdLength() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionIdGenerator
Returns the maximum length of a connection id.
maxDatagramFrameSize() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
DATAGRAM frame extension parameter, if any.
maxIdleTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
maxIdleTimeout() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The maximum idle timeout.
maxLength() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicDatagramExtensionEvent
The maximum datagram payload length the peer will accept.
maxNumSegments() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SegmentedDatagramPacketAllocator
The maximum number of segments to use per packet.
maxRecvUdpPayloadSize(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
maxSendUdpPayloadSize(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
maxTokenLength() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.InsecureQuicTokenHandler
maxTokenLength() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTokenHandler
Return the maximal token length.
maxUdpPayloadSize() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTransportParameters
The maximum UDP payload size.


name() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Get name.
NAME_SIZE - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Size of session ticket key name
New(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.New
A new network path (local address, remote address) has been seen on a received packet.
newBootstrap(Channel) - Static method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Creates a new QuicChannelBootstrap that can be used to create and connect new QuicChannels to endpoints using the given Channel as transport layer.
newEngine(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContext
newEngine(ByteBufAllocator, String, int) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContext
newFailedFuture(Throwable) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
newFailedFuture(Throwable) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
newId(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionIdGenerator
Creates a new connection id with the given length.
newId(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionIdGenerator
Creates a new connection id with the given length.
newKeyless(BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod, File) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLKeylessManagerFactory
Creates a new factory instance.
newKeyless(BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod, InputStream) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLKeylessManagerFactory
Creates a new factory instance.
newKeyless(BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod, X509Certificate...) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLKeylessManagerFactory
Creates a new factory instance.
newPacket(ByteBuf, int, InetSocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SegmentedDatagramPacketAllocator
Return a new segmented DatagramPacket.
newProgressivePromise() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
newProgressivePromise() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
newPromise() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
newPromise() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
newResetToken(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicResetTokenGenerator
Generate a reset token to use for the given connection id.
newSegmentedAllocator(int) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.EpollQuicUtils
Return a new SegmentedDatagramPacketAllocator that can be used while using EpollDatagramChannel.
newStreamBootstrap() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Returns a new QuicStreamChannelBootstrap which makes it easy to bootstrap new QuicStreamChannels with custom options and attributes.
newSucceededFuture() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
newSucceededFuture() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
NONE - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SegmentedDatagramPacketAllocator
SegmentedDatagramPacketAllocator which should be used if no UDP_SEGMENT is supported and used.


oldLocal() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
The old local address of the network path.
oldRemote() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
The old remote address of the network path.
option(ChannelOption<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Allow to specify a ChannelOption which is used for the QuicChannel instances once they got created.
option(ChannelOption<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Allow to specify a ChannelOption which is used for the QuicChannel instances once they got created.
option(ChannelOption<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelBootstrap
Allow to specify a ChannelOption which is used for the QuicStreamChannel instances once they got created.


parent() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
parse(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf, QuicHeaderParser.QuicHeaderProcessor) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicHeaderParser
Parses a QUIC packet and extract the header values out of it.
path() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QLogConfiguration
Return the path to the log file.
pathsCount() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
peerAllowedStreams(QuicStreamType) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Returns the number of streams that can be created before stream creation will fail with QuicError.STREAM_LIMIT error.
PeerMigrated(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.PeerMigrated
The connection observed that the remote migrated over the network path denoted by the pair of addresses, i.e., non-probing packets have been received on this network path.
peerTransportParameters() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Returns the QuicTransportParameters of the peer once received, or null if not known yet.
priority() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
process(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf, QuicPacketType, int, ByteBuf, ByteBuf, ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicHeaderParser.QuicHeaderProcessor
Called when a QUIC packet header was parsed.


QLOG - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelOption
Enable qlog for a QuicChannel.
QLogConfiguration - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Configuration used for setup qlog.
QLogConfiguration(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QLogConfiguration
Create a new configuration.
Quic - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicChannel - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
A QUIC Channel.
QuicChannelBootstrap - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Bootstrap that helps to bootstrap QuicChannels and connecting these to remote peers.
QuicChannelConfig - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
A QUIC ChannelConfig.
QuicChannelOption<T> - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
ChannelOptions specific to QUIC.
QuicClientCodecBuilder - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicCodecBuilder that configures and builds a ChannelHandler that should be added to the ChannelPipeline of a QUIC client.
QuicClientCodecBuilder() - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicClientCodecBuilder
Creates a new instance.
QuicClosedChannelException - Exception in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Special QuicClosedChannelException which also provides extra info if the close was a result of a QuicConnectionCloseEvent that was triggered by the remote peer.
QuicCodecBuilder<B extends QuicCodecBuilder<B>> - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Abstract base class for QUIC codec builders.
QuicCongestionControlAlgorithm - Enum in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Available congestion control algorithms to use.
QuicConnectionAddress - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
A QuicConnectionAddress that can be used to connect too.
QuicConnectionAddress(byte[]) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
Create a new instance
QuicConnectionAddress(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
Create a new instance
QuicConnectionCloseEvent - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Event that is generated if the remote peer sends a CLOSE_CONNECTION frame.
QuicConnectionIdGenerator - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Creates new connection id instances.
QuicConnectionStats - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Statistics about the QUIC connection.
QuicDatagramExtensionEvent - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Used when the remote peer supports the QUIC DATAGRAM extension.
QuicError - Enum in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
All QUIC error codes identified by Quiche.
QuicEvent - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Marker interface for events that will be passed through the ChannelPipeline via ChannelPipeline.fireUserEventTriggered(Object) to notify the user about QUIC specific events.
QuicException - Exception in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Exception produced while processing QUIC.
QuicExtensionEvent - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Marker interface for events that will be passed through the ChannelPipeline via ChannelPipeline.fireUserEventTriggered(Object) to notify the user about supported QUIC extensions by the remote peer.
QuicHeaderParser - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Parses the QUIC packet header and notifies a callback once parsing was successful.
QuicHeaderParser(int, int) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicHeaderParser
QuicHeaderParser.QuicHeaderProcessor - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Called when a QUIC packet and its header could be parsed.
QuicPacketType - Enum in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
The type of the QUIC packet.
QuicPathEvent - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
A network path specific QuicEvent.
QuicPathEvent.Closed - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicPathEvent.FailedValidation - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicPathEvent.New - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicPathEvent.PeerMigrated - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicPathEvent.Validated - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicResetTokenGenerator - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Generate stateless reset tokens to use.
QuicServerCodecBuilder - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicCodecBuilder that configures and builds a ChannelHandler that should be added to the ChannelPipeline of a QUIC server.
QuicServerCodecBuilder() - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Creates a new instance.
QuicSslContext - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Special SslContext that can be used for QUIC.
QuicSslContext() - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContext
QuicSslContextBuilder - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Builder for configuring a new SslContext for creation.
QuicSslEngine - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
An SSLEngine that can be used for QUIC.
QuicSslEngine() - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslEngine
QuicSslSessionContext - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
SSLSessionContext which also supports advanced operations.
QuicStreamAddress - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
A SocketAddress for QUIC stream.
QuicStreamAddress(long) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamAddress
QuicStreamChannel - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
A QUIC stream.
QuicStreamChannelBootstrap - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Allows to bootstrap outgoing QuicStreamChannels.
QuicStreamChannelConfig - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
DuplexChannelConfig for QUIC streams.
QuicStreamFrame - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
QuicStreamLimitChangedEvent - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Event fired once the stream limit of a QuicChannel changes.
QuicStreamPriority - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
The priority of a QuicStreamChannel.
QuicStreamPriority(int, boolean) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamPriority
Create a new instance
QuicStreamType - Enum in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
The type of a QuicStreamChannel.
QuicTokenHandler - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Handle token related operations.
QuicTransportParameters - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Transport parameters for QUIC.


random(int) - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
Return a random generated QuicConnectionAddress of a given length that can be used to connect a QuicChannel
random() - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
Return a random generated QuicConnectionAddress of maximum size that can be used to connect a QuicChannel
randomGenerator() - Static method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionIdGenerator
Return a QuicConnectionIdGenerator which randomly generates new connection ids.
read() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
read() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
READ_FRAMES - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelOption
If set to true the QuicStreamChannel will read QuicStreamFrames and fire it through the pipeline, if false it will read ByteBuf and translate the FIN flag to events.
reason() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionCloseEvent
Returns the reason for the close, which may be empty if no reason was given as part of the close.
recv() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
recvBytes() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
remote() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent
The remote address of the network path.
remoteAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Set the remote address of the host to talk to.
remoteAddress() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
replace(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
replace(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
resetTokenGenerator(QuicResetTokenGenerator) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Set the QuicResetTokenGenerator that is used to generate stateless reset tokens or null if the default should be used.
retain() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
retain(int) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
retain() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
retain(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
retainedDuplicate() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
retainedDuplicate() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
retrans() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
ReusedSourceConnectionId(long, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
The stack observes that the Source Connection ID with the given sequence number, initially used by the peer over the first pair of addresses, is now reused over the second pair of addresses.


SEGMENTED_DATAGRAM_PACKET_ALLOCATOR - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelOption
Use GSO for QUIC packets if possible.
SegmentedDatagramPacketAllocator - Interface in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Used to allocate datagram packets that use UDP_SEGMENT (GSO).
self() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Returns itself.
sent() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
sentBytes() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats
seq() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
Source connection id sequence number.
sessionCacheSize(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Set the size of the cache used for storing SSL session objects.
sessionContext() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContext
sessionTimeout(long) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Set the timeout for the cached SSL session objects, in seconds.
setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setAllowHalfClosure(boolean) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setAutoClose(boolean) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setAutoClose(boolean) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setAutoRead(boolean) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setAutoRead(boolean) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setConnectTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setConnectTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setMaxMessagesPerRead(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setMaxMessagesPerRead(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setMessageSizeEstimator(MessageSizeEstimator) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setMessageSizeEstimator(MessageSizeEstimator) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setReadFrames(boolean) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
Set this to true if the QuicStreamChannel should read QuicStreamFrames and fire these through the ChannelPipeline, false if it uses ByteBuf.
setRecvByteBufAllocator(RecvByteBufAllocator) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setRecvByteBufAllocator(RecvByteBufAllocator) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setTicketKeys(SslSessionTicketKey...) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslSessionContext
Sets the SslSessionTicketKeys that should be used.
setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
setWriteSpinCount(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelConfig
setWriteSpinCount(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelConfig
shouldFlushNow(int, int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.FlushStrategy
Returns true if a flush should happen now, false otherwise.
shutdown() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
shutdown(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
shutdown(int, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
SHUTDOWN_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Should be added to a ChannelFuture when the output should be cleanly shutdown via a FIN.
shutdownInput() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
shutdownInput(ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
shutdownInput(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Shutdown the input of the stream with the given error code.
shutdownInput(int, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Shutdown the input of the stream with the given error code.
shutdownOutput() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
shutdownOutput(int) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Shutdown the output of the stream with the given error code.
shutdownOutput(int, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Shutdown the output of the stream with the given error code.
sign(SSLEngine, int, byte[]) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
Signs the input with the given key and notifies the returned Future with the signed bytes.
signGenerator() - Static method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionIdGenerator
Return a QuicConnectionIdGenerator which generates new connection ids by signing the given input.
signGenerator() - Static method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicResetTokenGenerator
Return a QuicResetTokenGenerator which generates new reset tokens by signing the given input.
SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP384R1_SHA384 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SHA1 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_ED25519 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA256 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA384 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA512 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA384 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA512 - Static variable in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.BoringSSLAsyncPrivateKeyMethod
sslContext(QuicSslContext) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
The QuicSslContext that will be used to create QuicSslEngines for QuicChannels.
SslEarlyDataReadyEvent - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Event which is fired once it's possible to send early data on the client-side.
sslEngine() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
Returns the used SSLEngine or null if none is used (yet).
sslEngineProvider(Function<QuicChannel, ? extends QuicSslEngine>) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
The Function that will return the QuicSslEngine that should be used for the QuicChannel.
SslSessionTicketKey - Class in io.netty.incubator.codec.quic
Session Ticket Key
SslSessionTicketKey(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Construct SessionTicketKey.
sslTaskExecutor(Executor) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Allow to configure a Executor that will be used to run expensive SSL operations.
statelessResetToken(byte[]) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Allows to configure the active connect id limit that should be used.
streamAttr(AttributeKey<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Allow to specify an initial attribute of the newly created QuicStreamChannel.
streamAttr(AttributeKey<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Allow to specify an initial attribute of the newly created QuicStreamChannel.
streamHandler(ChannelHandler) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Set the ChannelHandler that is added to the ChannelPipeline of the QuicStreamChannel once created.
streamHandler(ChannelHandler) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Set the ChannelHandler that is added to the ChannelPipeline of the QuicStreamChannel once created.
streamId() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamAddress
Return the id of the stream.
streamId() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
The id of the stream.
streamOption(ChannelOption<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannelBootstrap
Allow to specify a ChannelOption which is used for the QuicStreamChannel instances once they got created.
streamOption(ChannelOption<T>, T) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Allow to specify a ChannelOption which is used for the QuicStreamChannel instances once they got created.
streamRetransBytes() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionStats


TICKET_KEY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
Size of session ticket key
tokenHandler(QuicTokenHandler) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Set the QuicTokenHandler that is used to generate and validate tokens or null if no tokens should be used at all.
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionAddress
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicConnectionCloseEvent
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicDatagramExtensionEvent
toString() - Method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicError
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.Closed
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.FailedValidation
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.New
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.PeerMigrated
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.ReusedSourceConnectionId
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.Validated
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamAddress
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamPriority
toString() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.SslSessionTicketKey
touch() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
touch(Object) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.DefaultQuicStreamFrame
touch() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
touch(Object) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamFrame
trustManager(File) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Trusted certificates for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate.
trustManager(X509Certificate...) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Trusted certificates for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate.
trustManager(TrustManagerFactory) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
Trusted manager for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate.
trustManager(TrustManager) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicSslContextBuilder
A single trusted manager for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate.
type() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Returns the QuicStreamType of the stream.
type(QuicStreamType) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannelBootstrap
Set the QuicStreamType to use for the QuicStreamChannel, default is BIDIRECTIONAL.


unavailabilityCause() - Static method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.Quic
Returns the cause of unavailability.
updatePriority(QuicStreamPriority) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Update the priority of the stream.
updatePriority(QuicStreamPriority, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
Update the priority of the stream.
urgency() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamPriority
The urgency of the stream.


validate() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Validate the configuration before building the codec.
validate() - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicServerCodecBuilder
Validated(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPathEvent.Validated
The related network path between local and remote has been validated.
validateToken(ByteBuf, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.InsecureQuicTokenHandler
validateToken(ByteBuf, InetSocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTokenHandler
Validate the token and return the offset, -1 is returned if the token is not valid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCongestionControlAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPacketType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCongestionControlAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicPacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version(int) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicCodecBuilder
Allows to configure the QUIC version that should be used.
voidPromise() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
voidPromise() - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel


write(Object) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
write(Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
write(Object) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
write(Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
writeAndFlush(Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
writeAndFlush(Object) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicChannel
writeAndFlush(Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
writeAndFlush(Object) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicStreamChannel
writeToken(ByteBuf, ByteBuf, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.InsecureQuicTokenHandler
writeToken(ByteBuf, ByteBuf, InetSocketAddress) - Method in interface io.netty.incubator.codec.quic.QuicTokenHandler
Generate a new token for the given destination connection id and address.
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