Interface LongCounter

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Instrument, SynchronousInstrument<BoundLongCounter>

    public interface LongCounter
    extends SynchronousInstrument<BoundLongCounter>
    Counter is the most common synchronous instrument. This instrument supports an add(long, Labels)` function for reporting an increment, and is restricted to non-negative increments. The default aggregation is `Sum`.


     class YourClass {
       private static final Meter meter = OpenTelemetry.getMeterProvider().get("my_library_name");
       private static final LongCounter counter =
               .setDescription("Processed jobs")
       // It is recommended that the API user keep a reference to a Bound Counter.
       private static final BoundLongCounter someWorkBound =
           counter.bind("work_name", "some_work");
       void doSomeWork() {
          // Your code here.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(long increment)
      Adds the given increment to the current value.
      void add​(long increment, Labels labels)
      Adds the given increment to the current value.
      BoundLongCounter bind​(Labels labels)
      Returns a Bound Instrument associated with the specified labels.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        void add​(long increment,
                 Labels labels)
        Adds the given increment to the current value. The values cannot be negative.

        The value added is associated with the current Context and provided set of labels.

        increment - the value to add.
        labels - the set of labels to be associated to this recording.
      • add

        void add​(long increment)
        Adds the given increment to the current value. The values cannot be negative.

        The value added is associated with the current Context and empty labels.

        increment - the value to add.
      • bind

        BoundLongCounter bind​(Labels labels)
        Description copied from interface: SynchronousInstrument
        Returns a Bound Instrument associated with the specified labels. Multiples requests with the same set of labels may return the same Bound Instrument instance.

        It is recommended that callers keep a reference to the Bound Instrument instead of always calling this method for every operation.

        Specified by:
        bind in interface SynchronousInstrument<BoundLongCounter>
        labels - the set of labels, as key-value pairs.
        a Bound Instrument