Interface LongValueObserver

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AsynchronousInstrument, Instrument

    public interface LongValueObserver
    extends AsynchronousInstrument
    ValueObserver is the asynchronous instrument corresponding to ValueRecorder, used to capture values that are treated as individual observations, recorded with the observe(value) method.

    A ValueObserver is a good choice in situations where a measurement is expensive to compute, such that it would be wasteful to compute on every request.


     // class YourClass {
     //   private static final Meter meter = OpenTelemetry.getMeterProvider().get("my_library_name");
     //   private static final LongValueObserver cpuObserver =
     //       meter.
     //           .longValueObserverBuilder("cpu_fan_speed")
     //           .setDescription("System CPU fan speed")
     //           .setUnit("ms")
     //           .build();
     //   void init() {
     //     cpuObserver.setUpdater(
     //         new LongValueObserver.Callback<LongResult>() {
     //          @Override
     //           public void update(LongResult result) {
     //             // Get system cpu fan speed
     //             result.observe(cpuFanSpeed);
     //           }
     //         });
     //   }
     // }